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Publicações por HumanISE


A full scope web accessibility evaluation procedure proposal based on Iberian eHealth accessibility compliance

Martins, Jose; Gonçalves, Ramiro; Branco, Frederico;

Computers in Human Behavior

Internet is becoming one of the most adopted technologies of all times and one of its particular uses concerns the public health issues. The search for health related information and the exchange of experiences and opinions on symptoms and treatments is one of the main activities associated with eHealth websites, hence the need for these websites to be accessible to everybody, including those with some sort of disability. Nevertheless, when assessing the level of the WCAG 2.0 compliance of Iberian eHealth websites, the results achieved during a two stage, one year apart, evaluation indicated that these websites were definitely not accessible. By adding this finding to other similar results achieved by means of similar researches we believe that a new full scope Web accessibility and usability evaluation procedure was needed and is now presented. The referred proposal aims at creating a basis for both organisations and Web developers to understand how to perform an adequate assessment of their websites. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd.


Hybrid Tourism Recommendation System Based on Functionality/Accessibility Levels

Santos, F; Almeida, Ad; Martins, C; de Oliveira, PM; Gonçalves, R;

Trends in Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Systems. The PAAMS Collection - 15th International Conference, PAAMS 2017, Porto, Portugal, June 21-23, 2017, Special Sessions.

This paper describes a proposal to develop a Tourism Recommendation System based in Users and Points-of-Interest (POI) functionality/accessibility levels. The focus is to evaluate if user’s physical and psychological functionality levels can perform an important role in recommendation results accuracy. This work also aims to show the importance of POI classification (accessibility levels are related with each POI ability to receive tourists with certain levels of physical and psychological issues), through the definition of a different model regarding their accessibility and other characteristics. © Springer International Publishing AG 2018.


Making Software Accessible, but not Assistive: A Proposal for a First Insight for Students

de Sousa e Silva, JDE; Goncalves, R; Martins, J; Pereira, A;


The academy can and should have a major role in the promotion of software accessibility. To try to clarify a number of empirical arguments and certainties regarding the usage of accessible, but not assistive, software, the answers to a survey given to 15 blind or low vision people are depicted. To demonstrate how under addressed this topic is by the academy an experiment was made, and its results are portrayed. The novel contribution that this paper offers is the relation between relevant accessibility documentation to its appropriate type of user interface, which is intended to encourage the introduction of the topic of software accessibility implementation. Also, a proposal for a first slide, regarding accessibility implementation in software meant to be shown to software engineering students, who should produce accessible software in their future, is presented. As a conclusion, some insights are given and new possible research avenues are depicted.


A multi-perspective theoretical analysis to web accessibility

Peixoto, C; Branco, F; Martins, J; Gonçalves, R;

Research Paradigms and Contemporary Perspectives on Human-Technology Interaction

Accessibility has become increasingly important in information technology, particularly due to legislation pressure to make affordable public services to all. Being end-users and software companies those who have direct contact with accessibility problems, other stakeholders are committed to defining methods and change mentalities in Web accessibility implementation. In addition to a conceptual definition, this chapter presents entities views with responsibilities in the area, taking into account their work done in the past and the prospects for future. The understanding of the interaction between all these perspectives will help to realize the way it will go, which carries with it great challenges and opportunities, widely explored in this work.


An Initial Proposal for a Web 2.0 Information System that Supports a 360 degrees Customer Loyalty Assurance Process in Private Healthcare Organizations

Magalhaes, D; Martins, J; Goncalves, R; Branco, F; Oliveira, M; Moreira, F;


This study translates how the potential exists for ICT and Web 2.0 to promote and improve the quality and efficiency of the supply of health services. The segmented and personalized access to individual clinical records is considered in the context of basic support information which simultaneously facilitates an initial screening by a health professional, to all those who fit in a universe of clients and patients of Private Healthcare Organizations - PHO. The context is of excellent customized health care which builds trusting relationships with the target market. The project does however recognize barriers to this change namely by making the health system more transparent clinicians who hitherto have gone mainly unquestioned and unnoticed will subsequently possibly be subject to more scrutiny and possible judicial action in case of mal practice. Nonetheless, with this work we aim to present an initial position relative to the need for the existence of information systems which support the process of creation of customer loyalty in private organizations delivering health care services.


A global perspective on an emotional learning model proposal

Faria, AR; Almeida, A; Martins, C; Goncalves, R; Martins, J; Branco, F;


Existing literature argues that emotions have a significant impact on the majority of human activities and functions. The learning process is one of the activities on which emotions have a direct influence. Thus, understanding the manner in which emotions change the students' learning process is not only very important but it can also allow to improve the existing learning models. Currently, in the majority of situations, the teacher serves as a facilitator between the student and the learning course, and through a constant analysis of the student's behaviour, emotions and achievements, he constantly performs adjustments to the teaching process in order to meet the students' needs and goals. Thus far, in online learning environments there is no easy way for teachers to analyse students' behaviour and emotions. A possible solution to this problem can be the development of mechanisms that enable computers to automatically detect students' emotions and adapt the learning process in order to meet students' real needs. An emotional learning model was described and a software prototype was developed and tested, in order to find out whether it performs live identification of the students' emotions, by using affective computing techniques, and whether it automatically performs adjustments to their individual learning process. Through a deeper analysis and multi-disciplinary discussion of the achieved results it is possible to acknowledge that not only emotions impact students' learning, but also that an application that performs live emotion recognition and which integrates this feature with adjustable online learning environments will trigger improvements in students' learning.

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