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Publicações por HumanISE


A rule-based DSS for transforming Automatically-generated Alignments into Information Integration Alignments

Gouveia, A; Silva, N; Martins, P;


Analysis of automatically-generated alignments shows that ambiguous situations are quite common, preventing their application in scenarios demanding high quality and completeness, such ontology mediation (e.g. data transformation and information/knowledge integration). Even the best-performing alignment needs to be manually corrected, completed and verified before application. In this paper, we propose a decision support system (DSS) based in a general-purpose rule engine that assists the expert on improving and completing the automatically-generated alignments into fully-fledged alignments, balancing the precision and recall of the system with the user participation in the process. For that, the rules capture the preconditions (existing facts) and the actions to solve each (ambiguous) alignment scenario, in which the expert decision will be adopted in further automatic decisions. The evaluation of the proposed DSS shows the gain in reducing the need for expert's decisions while increasing the accuracy of the alignments. © 2017 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).


Rule-based System Enriched with a Folksonomy-based Matcher for Generating Information Integration Alignments

Gouveia, A; Silva, N; Martins, P;

Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - (Volume 2), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, November 1-3, 2017.

Ontology matchers establish correspondences between ontologies to enable knowledge from different sources and domains to be used in ontology mediation tasks (e.g. data transformation and information/ knowledge integration) in many ways. While these processes demand great quality alignments, even the best-performing alignment needs to be corrected and completed before application. In this paper, we propose a rule-based system that improves and completes the automatically-generated alignments into fullyfledged alignments. For that, the rules capture the pre-conditions (existing facts) and the actions to solve each (ambiguous) scenario, in which automatic decisions supported by a folksonomy-based matcher are adopted. The evaluation of the proposed system shows the increasing accuracy of the alignments.


The use of sheep as a model for studying peripheral nerve regeneration following nerve injury: review of the literature

Diogo, CC; Camassa, JA; Pereira, JE; da Costa, LM; Filipe, V; Couto, PA; Geuna, S; Mauricio, AC; Varejao, AS;


Peripheral nerve injury and regeneration is a challenging scientific field with relevant clinical implications. Most peripheral nerve regeneration studies have been mainly carried out on rodents. However, it is important to note that the validity of the rodent as a model to study nerve injury and regeneration and translate these results into clinical practice has been questioned by several researchers. To overcome this problem, some investigators have used companion animals and large animal species as models for experimental peripheral nerve regeneration studies. Live sheep are often used in biomedical research because of availability, simplicity of care and housing, cost and body weight similar to humans and acceptance by society as a research animal. Despite these advantages, studies on nerve regeneration and repair in sheep have only been undertaken a few decades ago and compared to rat and mice experimental studies, there are much fewer investigations. The authors have compiled and sorted the available literature on experimental ovine nerve studies in order to guide the peripheral nerve investigator in choosing clinically relevant and interpretable models for studies on neural regeneration that are much needed in order to make progress towards new surgical and medical treatment of peripheral nerves.


Dynamic feet distance: A new functional assessment during treadmill locomotion in normal and thoracic spinal cord injured rats

Diogo, CC; da Costa, LM; Pereira, JE; Filipe, V; Couto, PA; Magalhaes, LG; Geuna, S; Armada da Silva, PA; Mauricio, AC; Varejao, AS;


Of all the detrimental effects of spinal cord injury (SCI), one of the most devastating is the disruption of the ability to perform functional movement. Very little is known on the recovery of hindlimb joint kinematics after clinically-relevant contusive thoracic lesion in experimental animal models. A new functional assessment instrument, the dynamic feet distance (DFD) was used to describe the distance between the two feet throughout the gait cycle in normal and affected rodents. The purpose of this investigation was the evaluation and characterization of the DFD during treadmill locomotion in normal and T9 contusion injured rats, using three-dimensional (3D) instrumented gait analysis. Despite that normal and injured rats showed a similar pattern in the fifth metatarsal head joints distance excursion, we found a significantly wider distance between the feet during the entire gait cycle following spinal injury. This is the first study to quantify the distance between the two feet, throughout the gait cycle, and the biomechanical adjustments made between limbs in laboratory rodents after nervous system injury.


International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Sports, Health and Wellbeing (TISHW) Vila Real, Portugal. 01-03 December 2016 Abstracts

Muñoz, I; Garatea, J; Garatea, J; Muñoz, I; Ala, S; Cardoso, F; Paredes, H; Gelautz, M; Seitner, F; Kapeller, C; Brosch, N; Frydrychova, Z; Buresova, I; Bartosova, K; Huteckova, S; Huteckova, S; Buresová, I; Bartosova, K; Frydrychova, Z; Pires, M; Santos, V; Almeida, L; Santos, V; Neiva, H; Marques, M; Travassos, B; Marinho, D; Gil, MH; Marques, MC; Neiva, HP; Sousa, AC; Marinho, DA; Sousa, AC; Travassos, BF; Gil, MH; Neiva, HP; Marinho, DA; Marques, MC; Rocha, T; Reis, A; Paredes, H; Barroso, J; Saffoury, R; Blank, P; Sessner, J; Groh, B; Martindale, C; Dorschky, E; Franke, J; Eskofier, B; Barros, G; Melo, F; Oliveira, R; Borges, J; Reis, A; Santos, V; Barroso, J; Reis, A; Paulino, D; Paredes, H; Filipe, V; Barroso, J; Reis, A; Santos, V; Paredes, H; Filipe, V; Barroso, J; Ribeiro, J; Reis, A; Justino, E; Santos, V; Reis, A; Barroso, J; Amorim, V; Filipe, V; Paulino, D; Reis, A; Paredes, H; Barroso, J;




AppVox: An Application to Assist People with Speech Impairments in Their Speech Therapy Sessions

Goncalves, C; Rocha, T; Reis, A; Barroso, J;


In this study an application to assist people with speech impairments in their speech therapy sessions is presented. AppVox simulates a vocalizer (audio stimulus feature) that can be used to train speech by repeating different words. In this paper, we aim at presenting the application as an assistive technology option and assess if this is a usable option for digital interaction for children with speech impairment. To assess the application we present a case study in which the participants were asked to perform tasks using the AppVox application. The results showed that this group of participants attained a good performance when interacting with the application.

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