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Publicações por HumanISE


Pattern-Based Usability Testing

Dias, F; Paiva, ACR;

2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops, ICST Workshops 2017, Tokyo, Japan, March 13-17, 2017

Usability is a critical aspect of software systems because poor user experience can lead users to choose other software. One way to improve usability is through testing. But, usability testing is a challenge because, most of the times, it can not be accomplished without the presence of real users, which is complex and requires a lot of effort. However, there are some aspects and usability guidelines that can be tested automatically. This paper presents a test approach that defines generic test strategies (test patterns) to test usability guidelines (or best practices). It is an extension to previous work on testing functional aspects of web applications through the GUI (PBGT - Pattern Based GUI Testing). The main goal of this work is to be the first step in extending PBGT's PARADIGM language with usability testing patterns, so that it is possible to build test models from which usability tests can be generated and automatically executed over a website. This paper presents a new usability test pattern, called 'Reachability Test Pattern', which is validated in a case study performed over an academic software system available on the web. © 2017 IEEE.


Multidimensional test coverage analysis: PARADIGM-COV tool

Paiva, ACR; Vilela, L;


Currently, software tends to assume increasingly critical roles in our society so assuring its quality becomes ever more crucial. There are several tools and processes of software testing to help increase quality in virtually any type of software. One example is the so calledmodel-based testing (MBT) tools, that generate test cases from models. Pattern Based Graphical User Interface Testing (PBGT) is an example of a MBT new methodology that aims at systematizing and automating the Graphical User Interface (GUI) testing process. It is supported by a Tool (PBGT Tool) which provides an integrated modeling and testing environment for crafting test models based on User Interface Test Patterns (UITP) using a GUI modeling Domain Specific Language (DSL) called PARADIGM. Most of the MBT tools have a configuration phase, where test input data is provided manually by the tester, which influences the quality of the test suite generated. By adding coverage analysis to MBT tools, it is possible to give feedback and help the tester to define the configuration data needed to achieve the most valuable test suite as possible and, ultimately, contribute for increasing the quality of the software. This paper presents a multidimensional test coverage analysis approach and tool (PARADIGM-COV), developed in the context of the PBGT project, that produces coverage information both over the PARADIGM model elements and during test case execution (to identify the parts of the model that were actually exercised). It also presents a case study illustrating the benefits of having multidimensional analysis and assessing the overall test coverage approach.


Pattern-based GUI testing: Bridging the gap between design and quality assurance

Moreira, RMLM; Paiva, AC; Nabuco, M; Memon, A;


Software systems with a graphical user interface (GUI) front end are typically designed using user interface (UI) Patterns, which describe generic solutions (with multiple possible implementations) for recurrent GUI design problems. However, existing testing techniques do not take advantage of this fact to test GUIs more efficiently. In this paper, we present a new pattern-based GUI testing (PBGT) approach that formalizes the notion of UI Test Patterns, which are generic test strategies to test UI patterns over their different implementations. The PBGT approach is evaluated via 2 case studies. The first study involves 2 fielded Web application subjects; findings show that PBGT is both practical and useful, as testing teams were able to find real bugs in a reasonable time interval. The second study allows deeper analysis by studying software subjects seeded with artificial faults; the findings show that PBGT is more effective than a manual model-based test case generation approach.


Towards understanding consumers' quality evaluation of online health information: A case study

Ye, Z; Gwizdka, J; Lopes, CT; Zhang, Y;

Diversity of Engagement: Connecting People and Information in the Physical and Virtual Worlds - Proceedings of the 80th ASIS&T Annual Meeting, ASIST 2017, Washington, DC, USA, October 27 - November 1, 2017

We present a case study of quality evaluation of online health information. Two participants were selected from a health information search (HIS) study, in which we are investigating consumers' evaluation of the quality of online health information. The selected cases offered a rare example of two almost exactly opposite eye-movement patterns on the same webpage. To better understand the differences in these patterns, we investigated participants' cognitive evaluation processes by examining their textual explanations collected in post-task questionnaires and verbal explanations collected in the retrospective think-aloud (RTA) sessions. We discuss how eHealth literacy and personality scores may be related to the behavioral differences. The findings of this case study inform the formulation of hypotheses for full data analysis of the HIS study, as well as future research addressing behavior patterns and factors affecting consumers' quality evaluation of online health information. Copyright © 2017 by Association for Information Science and Technology


Using the Characteristics of Documents, Users and Tasks to Predict the Situational Relevance of Health Web Documents

Oroszlányová, M; Lopes, CT; Nunes, S; Ribeiro, C;

Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management



Prazerosa – Interactive Reading Chair

Gaspar, RMA; Coelho, JPFdS; Bastos, GML;

International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics


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