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Publicações por HumanISE


Energy flexibility management based on predictive dispatch model of domestic energy management system

Gazafroudi A.S.; Prieto-Castrillo F.; Pinto T.; Prieto J.; Corchado J.M.; Bajo J.;


This paper proposes a predictive dispatch model to manage energy flexibility in the domestic energy system. Electric Vehicles (EV), batteries and shiftable loads are devices that provide energy flexibility in the proposed system. The proposed energy management problem consists of two stages: day-Ahead and real time. A hybrid method is defined for the first time in this paper to model the uncertainty of the PV power generation based on its power prediction. In the day-Ahead stage, the uncertainty is modeled by interval bands. On the other hand, the uncertainty of PV power generation is modeled through a stochastic scenario-based method in the real-Time stage. The performance of the proposed hybrid Interval-Stochastic (InterStoch) method is compared with the Modified Stochastic Predicted Band (MSPB) method. Moreover, the impacts of energy flexibility and the demand response program on the expected profit and transacted electrical energy of the system are assessed in the case study presented in this paper.


Big data in efficient smart grids management

Vinagre E.; Pinto T.; Vale Z.; Ramos C.;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

In recent years, we have been witnessing a real explosion of information, due in large part to the development in Information and Knowledge Technologies (ICTs). As in-formation is the raw material for the discovery of knowledge, there has been a rapid growth, both in the scientific community and in ICT itself, in the approach and study of the phenomenon called Big Data (BD) [1]. The concept of Smart Grids (SG) has emerged as a way of rethinking how to produce and consume energy imposed by economic, political and ecological issues [2]. To become a reality, SGs must be sup-ported by intelligent and autonomous IT systems, to make the right decisions in real time. Knowledge needed for real-time decision-making can only be achieved if SGs are equipped with systems capable of efficiently managing all the information sur-rounding their ecosystem. Multi-Agent systems have been increasingly used from this purpose. This work proposes a system for the management of information in the context of agent based SG to enable the monitoring, in real time, of the events that occur in the ecosystem and to predict upcoming events.


Tools control center to enable the joint simulation of multi-agent systems

Teixeira B.; Pinto T.; Santos G.; Praça I.; Vale Z.;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

The penetration of micro-generation brings complex problems to the energy field. In this way, various simulators were designed to give decision support for the stakeholders, however, they intent to solve very specific problems. The proposed tool enables the interoperability between heterogeneous simulators, to simulate more complex problems.


Ontologies for the interoperability of heterogeneous multi-agent systems in the scope of power and energy systems

Santos G.; Pinto T.; Vale Z.;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

One of the main challenges in power & energy systems is the development of decision support tools which approach the problem as a whole. In this scope, this work contributes to the increase of the interoperability between heterogeneous agent based systems through the use of ontologies, enabling semantic communications.


Decision support for agents’ participation in electricity markets

Faia R.; Pinto T.; Vale Z.;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Electricity markets are not only a new reality but also a constantly evolving sector, due to the high frequency of changes in their rules. Simulation tools combined with Artificial Intelligence techniques, particularly multi-agent simulation, can result in a sophisticated and very useful tool in this context.


Organization-based multi-agent system of local electricity market: Bottom-up approach

Gazafroudi A.S.; Prieto-Castrillo F.; Pinto T.; Corchado J.M.;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

This work proposes a organization-based Multi-Agent System that models Local Electricity Market (MASLEM). A bottom-up approach is implemented to manage energy in this work. In this context, agents are able to connect to each other and the power grid to transact electrical energy, and manage their inside electrical energy independently. A Demand Response Program (DRP) based on Indirect Load Control (ILC) method is also used. The performance of our work is evaluated through an Agent Based Modeling (ABM) implementation.

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