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Publicações por HumanISE


Decision support system for the negotiation of bilateral contracts in electricity markets

Silva F.; Pinto T.; Praça I.; Vale Z.;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Currently, it is possible to find various tools to deal with the unpredictability of electricity markets. However, they mainly focus on spot markets, disfavouring bilateral negotiations. A multi-agent decision support tool is proposed that addresses the identified gap, supporting players in the pre-negotiation and actual negotiation phases.


Organization-based Multi-Agent structure of the Smart Home Electricity System

Gazafroudi A.S.; Pinto T.; Prieto-Castrillo F.; Prieto J.; Corchado J.M.; Jozi A.; Vale Z.; Venayagamoorthy G.K.;

2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2017 - Proceedings

This paper proposes a Building Energy Management System (BEMS) as part of an organization-based Multi-Agent system that models the Smart Home Electricity System (MASHES). The proposed BEMS consists of an Energy Management System (EMS) and a Prediction Engine (PE). The considered Smart Home Electricity System (SHES) consists of different agents, each with different tasks in the system. In this context, smart homes are able to connect to the power grid to sell/buy electrical energy to/from the Local Electricity Market (LEM), and manage electrical energy inside of the smart home. Moreover, a Modified Stochastic Predicted Bands (MSPB) interval optimization method is used to model the uncertainty in the Building Energy Management (BEM) problem. A demand response program (DRP) based on time of use (TOU) rate is also used. The performance of the proposed BEMS is evaluated using a JADE implementation of the proposed organization-based MASHES.


Economic evaluation of predictive dispatch model in MAS-based smart home

Gazafroudi A.S.; Prieto-Castrillo F.; Pinto T.; Jozi A.; Vale Z.;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

This paper proposes a Predictive Dispatch System (PDS) as part of a Multi-Agent system that models the Smart Home Electricity System (MASHES). The proposed PDS consists of a Decision-Making System (DMS) and a Prediction Engine (PE). The considered Smart Home Electricity System (SHES) consists of different agents, each with different tasks in the system. A Modified Stochastic Predicted Bands (MSPB) interval optimization method is used to model the uncertainty in the Home Energy Management (HEM) problem. Moreover, the proposed method to solve HEM problem is based on the Moving Window Algorithm (MWA). The performance of the proposed Home Energy Management System (HEMS) is evaluated using a JADE implementation of the MASHES.


Smart city: A GECAD-BISITE energy management case study

Canizes B.; Pinto T.; Soares J.; Vale Z.; Chamoso P.; Santos D.;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

This paper presents the demonstration of an energy resources management approach using a physical smart city model environment. Several factors from the industry, governments and society are creating the demand for smart cities. In this scope, smart grids focus on the intelligent management of energy resources in a way that the use of energy from renewable sources can be maximized, and that the final consumers can feel the positive effects of less expensive (and pollutant) energy sources, namely in their energy bills. A large amount of work is being developed in the energy resources management domain, but an effective and realistic experimentation are still missing. This work thus presents an innovative means to enable a realistic, physical, experimentation of the impacts of novel energy resource management models, without affecting consumers. This is done by using a physical smart city model, which includes several consumers, generation units, and electric vehicles.


An Ad-Hoc Initial Solution Heuristic for Metaheuristic Optimization of Energy Market Participation Portfolios

Faia, R; Pinto, T; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;


The deregulation of the electricity sector has culminated in the introduction of competitive markets. In addition, the emergence of new forms of electric energy production, namely the production of renewable energy, has brought additional changes in electricity market operation. Renewable energy has significant advantages, but at the cost of an intermittent character. The generation variability adds new challenges for negotiating players, as they have to deal with a new level of uncertainty. In order to assist players in their decisions, decision support tools enabling assisting players in their negotiations are crucial. Artificial intelligence techniques play an important role in this decision support, as they can provide valuable results in rather small execution times, namely regarding the problem of optimizing the electricity markets participation portfolio. This paper proposes a heuristic method that provides an initial solution that allows metaheuristic techniques to improve their results through a good initialization of the optimization process. Results show that by using the proposed heuristic, multiple metaheuristic optimization methods are able to improve their solutions in a faster execution time, thus providing a valuable contribution for players support in energy markets negotiations.


Initial solution heuristic for portfolio optimization of electricity markets participation

Faia R.; Pinto T.; Vale Z.;

Communications in Computer and Information Science

Meta-heuristic search methods are used to find near optimal global solutions for difficult optimization problems. These meta-heuristic processes usually require some kind of knowledge to overcome the local optimum locations. One way to achieve diversification is to start the search procedure from a solution already obtained through another method. Since this solution is already validated the algorithm will converge easily to a greater global solution. In this work, several well-known meta-heuristics are used to solve the problem of electricity markets participation portfolio optimization. Their search performance is compared to the performance of a proposed hybrid method (ad-hoc heuristic to generate the initial solution, which is combined with the search method). The addressed problem is the portfolio optimization for energy markets participation, where there are different markets where it is possible to negotiate. In this way the result will be the optimal allocation of electricity in the different markets in order to obtain the maximum return quantified through the objective function.

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