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Publicações por HumanISE


House management system with real and virtual resources: Energy efficiency in residential microgrid

Santos G.; Femandes F.; Pinto T.; Silva M.; Abrishambaf O.; Morais H.; Vale Z.;

2016 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium, GIIS 2016

The reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions is a priority all around the globe. The investment on renewable energy sources is contributing for new opportunities in the context of the smart grids and microgrids. Recent advances are transforming the consumer into a prosumer, being able to adapt the consumption depending on its own generated power, and selling the surplus or buying the missing power. In this context, home management systems are emerging as an effective means to support the management of energy resources in the context of communication between functions/devices of a smart home. This paper presents a new agent-based home energy management approach, using ontologies to enable semantic communications between heterogeneous multi-agent entities. The main goal is to support an efficient energy management of end consumers in the context of microgrids, obtaining a scheduling for both real and virtual resources. A case study is presented, which simulates a 25-bus microgrid that includes a laboratorial controlled house (with real and simulated resources), which is managed by the proposed energy management system.


Wang and Mendel's fuzzy rule learning method for energy consumption forecasting considering the influence of environmental temperature

Jozi A.; Pinto T.; Praça I.; Silva F.; Teixeira B.; Vale Z.;

2016 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium, GIIS 2016

Reliable consumption forecasts are crucial in several aspects of power and energy systems, e.g. to take advantage of the full potential of flexibility from consumers and to support the management from operators. With this need, several methodologies for electricity forecasting have emerged. However, the study of correlated external variables, such as temperature or luminosity, is still far from adequate. This paper presents the application of the Wang and Mendel's Fuzzy Rule Learning Method (WM) to forecast electricity consumption. The proposed approach includes two distinct strategies, the first one uses only the electricity consumption as the input of the method, and the second strategy considers a combination of the electricity consumption and the environmental temperature as the input, in order to extract value from the correlation between the two variables. A case study that considers the forecast of the energy consumption of a real office building is also presented. Results show that the WM method using the combination of energy consumption data and environmental temperature is able to provide more reliable forecasts for the energy consumption than several other methods experimented before, namely based on artificial neural networks and support vector machines. Additionally, the WM approach that considers the combination of input values achieves better results than the strategy that considers only the consumption history, hence concluding that WM is appropriate to incorporate different information sources.


Decision Support System for the Negotiation of Bilateral Contracts in Electricity Markets

Silva, F; Teixeira, B; Pinto, T; Praça, I; Marreiros, G; Vale, ZA;

Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications - 8th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, ISAmI 2017, Porto, Portugal, June 21-23, 2017



Decision Support System for the Negotiation of Bilateral Contracts in Electricity Markets

Silva, F; Teixeira, B; Pinto, T; Praca, I; Marreiros, G; Vale, Z;


The use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) in the field of Electricity Markets (EM) is essential to provide strategic support to its players. EM are constantly changing, dynamic environments, with many entities which give them a particularly complex nature. There are several simulators for this purpose, including Bilateral Contracting. However, a gap is noticeable in the pre-negotiation phase of energy transactions, particularly in gathering information on opposing negotiators. This paper presents an overview of existing tools for decision support to the Bilateral Contracting in EM, and proposes a new tool that addresses the identified gap, using concepts related to automated negotiation, game theory and data mining.


11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, PACBB 2017, Porto, Portugal, 21-23 June, 2017

Riverola, FF; Mohamad, MS; Rocha, MP; De Paz, JF; Pinto, T;




Electrical Energy Consumption Forecast Using Support Vector Machines

Vinagre, E; Pinto, T; Ramos, S; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;

Proceedings - International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA

Smart Grid (SG) concept is defined as an electricity network operated intelligently to integrate the behavior and actions of all energy resources connected to the network to ensure efficient, sustainable, economic and secure supply of electricity. This concept emerged in recent decades not only for economic reasons but also ecological and even political. SG have been the subject of major studies and investments and continues to represent an area of enormous challenges. Some of the problems of intelligent systems connected to the managed SG are: the real-time processing optimization algorithms and demand response programs; and more accurate predictions in the management of production and consumption. This paper presents a case study for evaluating the performance and accuracy of energy consumption forecast with use of SVM (Support Vector Machines) in different frameworks. © 2016 IEEE.

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