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Publicações por HumanISE


Hash-Chain Based Authentication for IoT Devices and REST Web-Services

Pinto, A; Costa, R;


The number of everyday interconnected devices continues to increase and constitute the Internet of Things (IoT). Things are small computers equipped with sensors and wireless communications capabilities that are driven by energy constraints, since they use batteries and may be required to operate over long periods of time. The majority of these devices perform data collection. The collected data is stored on-line using web-services that, sometimes, operate without any special considerations regarding security and privacy. The current work proposes a modified hash-chain authentication mechanism that, with the help of a smart-phone, can authenticate each interaction of the devices with a REST web-service using One Time Passwords (OTP). Moreover, the proposed authentication mechanism adheres to the stateless, HTTP-like behavior expected of REST web-services, even allowing the caching of server authentication replies within a predefined time window. No other known web-service authentication mechanism operates in such manner.


Exploring a Large News Collection Using Visualization Tools

Devezas, T; Devezas, JL; Nunes, S;

Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Recent Trends in News Information Retrieval co-located with 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2016), Padua, Italy, March 20, 2016.

The overwhelming amount of news content published online every day has made it increasingly difficult to perform macro-level analysis of the news landscape. Visual exploration tools harness both computing power and human perception to assist in making sense of large data collections. In this paper, we employed three visualization tools to explore a dataset comprising one million articles published by news organizations and blogs. The visual analysis of the dataset revealed that 1) news and blog sources evaluate very differently the importance of similar events, granting them distinct amounts of coverage, 2) there are both dissimilarities and overlaps in the publication patterns of the two source types, and 3) the content's direction and diversity behave differently over time. Copyright © 2016 for the individual papers by the paper's authors.


Index-Based Semantic Tagging for Efficient Query Interpretation

Devezas, J; Nunes, S;


Modern search engines are evolving beyond ad hoc document retrieval. Nowadays, the information needs of the users can be directly satisfied through entity-oriented search, by ranking the entities or attributes that better relate to the query, as opposed to the documents that contain the best matching terms. One of the challenges in entity-oriented search is efficient query interpretation. In particular, the task of semantic tagging, for the identification of entity types in query parts, is central to understanding user intent. We compare two approaches for semantic tagging, within a single domain, one based on a Sesame triple store and another one based on a Lucene index. This provides a segmentation and annotation of the query based on the most probable entity types, leading to query classification and its subsequent interpretation. We evaluate the run time performance for the two strategies and find that there is a statistically significant speedup, of at least four times, for the index-based strategy over the triple store strategy.


A Graph-Based Iterative Compiler Pass Selection and Phase Ordering Approach

Nobre, R; Martins, LGA; Cardoso, JMP;


Nowadays compilers include tens or hundreds of optimization passes, which makes it difficult to find sequences of optimizations that achieve compiled code more optimized than the one obtained using typical compiler options such as -O2 and -O3. The problem involves both the selection of the compiler passes to use and their ordering in the compilation pipeline. The improvement achieved by the use of custom phase orders for each function can be significant, and thus important to satisfy strict requirements such as the ones present in high-performance embedded computing systems. In this paper we present a new and fast iterative approach to the phase selection and ordering challenges resulting in compiled code with higher performance than the one achieved with the standard optimization levels of the LLVM compiler. The obtained performance improvements are comparable with the ones achieved by other iterative approaches while requiring considerably less time and resources. Our approach is based on sampling over a graph representing transitions between compiler passes. We performed a number of experiments targeting the LEON3 microarchitecture using the Clang/LLVM 3.7 compiler, considering 140 LLVM passes and a set of 42 representative signal and image processing C functions. An exhaustive cross-validation shows our new exploration method is able to achieve a geometric mean performance speedup of 1.28x over the best individually selected -OX flag when considering 100,000 iterations; versus geometric mean speedups from 1.16x to 1.25x obtained with state-of-the-art iterative methods not using the graph. From the set of exploration methods tested, our new method is the only one consistently finding compiler sequences that result in performance improvements when considering 100 or less exploration iterations. Specifically, it achieved geometric mean speedups of 1.08x and 1.16x for 10 and 100 iterations, respectively.


Clustering-Based Selection for the Exploration of Compiler Optimization Sequences

Martins, LGA; Nobre, R; Cardoso, JMP; Delbem, ACB; Marques, E;


A large number of compiler optimizations are nowadays available to users. These optimizations interact with each other and with the input code in several and complex ways. The sequence of application of optimization passes can have a significant impact on the performance achieved. The effect of the optimizations is both platform and application dependent. The exhaustive exploration of all viable sequences of compiler optimizations for a given code fragment is not feasible. As this exploration is a complex and time-consuming task, several researchers have focused on Design Space Exploration (DSE) strategies both to select optimization sequences to improve the performance of each function of the application and to reduce the exploration time. In this article, we present a DSE scheme based on a clustering approach for grouping functions with similarities and exploration of a reduced search space resulting from the combination of optimizations previously suggested for the functions in each group. The identification of similarities between functions uses a data mining method that is applied to a symbolic code representation. The data mining process combines three algorithms to generate clusters: the Normalized Compression Distance, the Neighbor Joining, and a new ambiguity-based clustering algorithm. Our experiments for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed approach address the exploration of optimization sequences in the context of the ReflectC compiler, considering 49 compilation passes while targeting a Xilinx MicroBlaze processor, and aiming at performance improvements for 51 functions and four applications. Experimental results reveal that the use of our clustering-based DSE approach achieves a significant reduction in the total exploration time of the search space (20x over a Genetic Algorithm approach) at the same time that considerable performance speedups (41% over the baseline) were obtained using the optimized codes. Additional experiments were performed considering the LLVM compiler, considering 124 compilation passes, and targeting a LEON3 processor. The results show that our approach achieved geometric mean speedups of 1.49x, 1.32x, and 1.24x for the best 10, 20, and 30 functions, respectively, and a global improvement of 7% over the performance obtained when compiling with -O2.


Performance-driven instrumentation and mapping strategies using the LARA aspect-oriented programming approach

Cardoso, JMP; Coutinho, JGF; Carvalho, T; Diniz, PC; Petrov, Z; Luk, W; Goncalves, F;


The development of applications for high-performance embedded systems is a long and error-prone process because in addition to the required functionality, developers must consider various and often conflicting nonfunctional requirements such as performance and/or energy efficiency. The complexity of this process is further exacerbated by the multitude of target architectures and mapping tools. This article describes LARA, an aspect-oriented programming language that allows programmers to convey domain-specific knowledge and nonfunctional requirements to a toolchain composed of source-to-source transformers, compiler optimizers, and mapping/synthesis tools. LARA is sufficiently flexible to target different tools and host languages while also allowing the specification of compilation strategies to enable efficient generation of software code and hardware cores (using hardware description languages) for hybrid target architectures - a unique feature to the best of our knowledge not found in any other aspect-oriented programming language. A key feature of LARA is its ability to deal with different models of join points, actions, and attributes. In this article, we describe the LARA approach and evaluate its impact on code instrumentation and analysis and on selecting critical code sections to be migrated to hardware accelerators for two embedded applications from industry. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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