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Publicações por HumanISE


A Computer Vision Approach for Level Measurement of Refilling Stations in Industrial Scenarios

Ribeiro, J; Pinheiro, R; Nogueira, P; Reis, A; Filipe, V;

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

In industrial environments, the measurement and monitoring of filling levels (FL) in refilling stations (RS) are critical for quality control processes. Traditional methods used for this purpose, such as manual inspection and sensor-based techniques, have proven to be costly and time-consuming. As an alternative, this paper proposes a novel approach that leverages computer vision (CV) and advanced image processing techniques. This approach provides a more efficient and accurate method for monitoring filling levels in refilling stations, thereby reducing operational costs. The system operates through a comprehensive five-stage pipeline, including pre-processing, perspective transformation, thresholding and edge detection, post-processing and filling level calculation. The performance evaluation of this approach demonstrated promising results in accurately determining filling levels in most scenarios. However, we also identified challenges such as overlapping columns and occlusions in the camera’s field of view that require further improvements. By addressing these challenges, our research aims to develop a streamlined and automated method for filling level measurement in refilling stations, thereby enhancing productivity in industrial environments. Ultimately, this proposed approach holds potential to significantly improve the efficiency of refilling stations across multiple sectors. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Context-Aware Applications in Industry 4.0: A Systematic Literature Review

Monteiro, P; Lima, C; Pinto, T; Nogueira, P; Reis, A; Filipe, V;

Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Sessions I, 20th International Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal, 12-14 July 2023.

Industry 4.0 was publicly introduced in Germany in 2011 and is known as the fourth industrial revolution, whose goal is to improve manufacturing processes and increase the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. Industry 4.0 uses technological concepts such as Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing to create services, reduce costs and increase productivity in industry. This paper aims to explore the use of context-aware applications in Industry 4.0 in order to assist workers in decision making and thus improve the performance of factory production lines. This literature review is part of the project “Continental AA’s Factory of the Future” (Continental FoF) and will integrate a context-aware system in Industry 4.0 of the mentioned company, which is a manufacturer of radio frequency devices for the automotive industry. This systematic literature review identifies, from the researched solutions, the concept of context and context-awareness, the main technologies used in context-aware systems, how context management is performed, as well as the most used integration and communication protocols. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.



Teixeira, AC; Carneiro, G; Filipe, V; Cunha, A; Sousa, JJ;


Public lighting plays a very important role for society's safety and quality of life. The identification of faults in public lighting is essential for the maintenance and prevention of safety. Traditionally, this task depends on human action, through checking during the day, representing expenditure and waste of energy. Automatic detection with deep learning is an innovative solution that can be explored for locating and identifying of this kind of problem. In this study, we present a first approach, composed of several steps, intending to obtain the segmentation of public lighting, using Seville (Spain) as case study. A dataset called NLight was created from a nighttime image taken by the JL1-3B satellite, and four U-Net and FPN architectures were trained with different backbones to segment part of the NLight. The U-Net with InceptionResNetv2 proved to be the model with the best performance, obtained 761 of 815, correct locations (93.4%). This model was used to predict the segmentation of the remaining dataset. This study provides the location of lamps so that we can identify patterns and possible lighting failures in the future.


Deep Learning-Based Tree Stem Segmentation for Robotic Eucalyptus Selective Thinning Operations

da Silva, DQ; Rodrigues, TF; Sousa, AJ; dos Santos, FN; Filipe, V;


Selective thinning is a crucial operation to reduce forest ignitable material, to control the eucalyptus species and maximise its profitability. The selection and removal of less vigorous stems allows the remaining stems to grow healthier and without competition for water, sunlight and nutrients. This operation is traditionally performed by a human operator and is time-intensive. This work simplifies selective thinning by removing the stem selection part from the human operator's side using a computer vision algorithm. For this, two distinct datasets of eucalyptus stems (with and without foliage) were built and manually annotated, and three Deep Learning object detectors (YOLOv5, YOLOv7 and YOLOv8) were tested on real context images to perform instance segmentation. YOLOv8 was the best at this task, achieving an Average Precision of 74% and 66% on non-leafy and leafy test datasets, respectively. A computer vision algorithm for automatic stem selection was developed based on the YOLOv8 segmentation output. The algorithm managed to get a Precision above 97% and a 81% Recall. The findings of this work can have a positive impact in future developments for automatising selective thinning in forested contexts.



Domingues, JM; Filipe, V; Luz, F; Carita, A;

Proceedings of the International Conferences on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2023, IHCI 2023; Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2023, CGVCVIP 2023; and Game and Entertainment Technologies 2023, GET 2023

The challenge is a fundamental aspect of almost every gameplay, and immersion is one of the most widely recognized concepts in the video game industry. Since this is currently a work in progress, this study aims to preliminary research how player's perceived level of challenge affects narrative immersion during gameplay in the role-playing game (RPG) genre. This study will outline the procedures that will be undertaken, including the utilization of the Challenge Originating from Recent Gameplay Interaction Scale (CORGIS) instrument and a questionnaire to measure player immersion. These instruments will enable the assessment of the impact of the perceived challenge on narrative immersion in each use case. © 2023 Proceedings of the International Conferences on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2023, IHCI 2023; Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2023, CGVCVIP 2023; and Game and Entertainment Technologies 2023, GET 2023. All rights reserved.


The research context of artificial intelligence and gamification to improve student engagement and attendance in higher education

Limonova, Viktoriya; Santos, Arnaldo; São Mamede, Henrique; Filipe, Vítor;

RE@D – Revista de Educação a Distância e eLearning

A significant concern that is widely discussed in the field of Higher Education is declining student participation. In several institutions, attendance is optional, allowing students to attend lectures at their convenience. This study proposes the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Gamification to improve student engagement and attendance rates. The initiative combines advanced technological strategies with conventional educational methodologies to enhance the lecture experience. The initiative is significant as formal lectures often witness dwindling student interest and frequent absenteeism, undermining the educational process and student's future career prospects. This combination has the potential to revolutionise Higher Education by providing a more interactive and engaging learning experience. While gamification has positively impacted learning in various contexts, integration with Artificial Intelligence is a game-changer, paving the way for a modernised educational experience. This innovative exploration of the AI-gamification blend sets the stage for future research and the implementation of updated academic strategies, ultimately addressing student engagement and attendance. This position paper presents the bases and foundations for understanding the problem of student attendance and engagement and the role of AI and gamification in Higher Education in alleviating it.;Uma inquietação relevante e extensamente discutida no domínio do Ensino Superior é a diminuição da participação dos estudantes. Em diversas instituições, a assiduidade é facultativa, permitindo aos estudantes a frequência às aulas segundo a sua disponibilidade. Este estudo propõe a integração da Inteligência Artificial e da Gamification como meios para melhorar o envolvimento e as taxas de assiduidade dos estudantes. A iniciativa em causa articula estratégias tecnologicamente avançadas com metodologias educativas convencionais no intuito de enriquecer a experiência de ensino. Tal iniciativa assume importância dada à constante diminuição do interesse dos estudantes e a assiduidade irregular nas aulas formais, fatores que afetam negativamente o processo de ensino e as perspetivas de carreira dos estudantes. Esta combinação ostenta o potencial de revolucionar o Ensino Superior, proporcionando uma experiência de aprendizagem mais interativa e envolvente. Embora a Gamification já tenha impactado positivamente o processo de aprendizagem em diversos contextos, a sua integração com a Inteligência Artificial surge como um elemento transformador, abrindo caminho para uma experiência educacional modernizada. Esta investigação inovadora que combina a IA e Gamification prepara as bases para investigações futuras e a implementação de estratégias académicas aprimoradas, concentrando-se principalmente no envolvimento e na assiduidade dos estudantes. Este artigo de posicionamento apresenta as bases e os fundamentos necessários para a compreensão do problema da frequência e envolvimento dos estudantes no Ensino Superior, assim como o papel da IA e da Gamification na sua mitigação.

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