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Publicações por HumanISE


Smart Meeting Rooms: A Survey and Open Issues

Freitas, CF; Barroso, J; Ramos, C;




A survey on smart meeting rooms and open issues

Freitas, CF; Barroso, J; Ramos, C;

International Journal of Smart Home

Decision Making is one of the most important activities of the human being. Nowadays decisions imply to consider many different points of view, so decisions are commonly taken by formal or informal groups of persons. Groups exchange ideas or engage in a process of argumentation and counter-argumentation, negotiate, cooperate, collaborate or even discuss techniques and/or methodologies for problem solving. Smart Meeting Rooms (SMR) are the election spaces where groups can perform these activities in a local or distributed setting. SMR definition has evolved and in this article we present its evolution side by side with several projects that have been developed during the last decade. We also present the features and evaluation methods present in literature and we make a discussion on the open issues. © 2015 SERSC.


Context aware middleware in ambient intelligent environments

Freitas, CF; Meireles, A; Figueiredo, L; Barroso, J; Silva, A; Ramos, C;


Ambient intelligence (AmI) paradigm has been the catalyst for the creation of several types of smart spaces, and the smart meeting rooms (SMR) is one of them. One of the main aims of AmI spaces is the development of middleware able to provide context aware computing specifically in SMR face-to-face, and distributed/asynchronous meeting settings are envisaged. This paper describes OLAVAmIa context aware middleware system which was tested in LAID environment, a smart meeting room. OLAVAmI allows video production focusing on the speaker, an audio-to-text conversion service, and a multimedia database of meetings produced in an autonomous way. To experiment OLAVAmI usage and functionalities, two tools present in LAID test bed were used. These AmI intelligent layer tools cover two application scenarios: a ubiquitous group decision-making and a service reposition in power systems. The results and insights are presented in this article.


Recommending Access Policies in Cross-domain Internet

Bettencourt, N; Silva, N; Barroso, J;

KMIS 2015 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, part of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015), Volume 3, Lisbon, Portugal, November 12-14, 2015

As the amount of content and the number of users in social relationships is continually growing in the Internet, resource sharing and access policy management is difficult, time-consuming and error-prone. In order to aid users in the resource-sharing process, the adoption of an entity that recommends users with access policies for their resources is proposed, by the analysis of (i) resource content, (ii) user preferences, (iii) users' social networks, (iv) semantic information, (v) user feedback about recommendation actions and (vi) provenance/ traceability information gathered from action sensors. A hybrid recommendation engine capable of performing collaborative-filtering was adopted and enhanced to use semantic information. Such recommendation engine translates user and resources' semantic information and aggregates those with other content, using a collaborative filtering technique. Recommendation of access policies over resources promotes the discovery of known-unknown and unknown-unknown resources to other users that could not even know about the existence of such resources. Evaluation to such recommender system is performed.


Adding value to the learning process by online peer review activities: towards the elaboration of a methodology to promote critical thinking in future engineers

Dominguez, C; Nascimento, MM; Payan Carreira, R; Cruz, G; Silva, H; Lopes, J; Morais, MDFA; Morai, E;


Considering the results of research on the benefits and difficulties of peer review, this paper describes how teaching faculty, interested in endorsing the acquisition of communication and critical thinking (CT) skills among engineering students, has been implementing a learning methodology throughout online peer review activities. While introducing a new methodology, it is important to weight the advantages found and the conditions that might have restrained the activity outcomes, thereby modulating its overall efficiency. Our results show that several factors are decisive for the success of the methodology: the use of specific and detailed orientation guidelines for CT skills, the students' training on how to deliver a meaningful feedback, the opportunity to counter-argument, the selection of good assignments' examples, and the constant teacher's monitoring of the activity. Results also tackle other aspects of the methodology such as the thinking skills evaluation tools (grades and tests) that most suit our reality. An improved methodology is proposed taking in account the encountered limitations, thus offering the possibility to other interested institutions to use/test and/or improve it.


Test patterns for android mobile applications

Morgado, IC; Paiva, ACR;

Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2015, Kaufbeuren, Germany, July 8-12, 2015

Mobile applications are a rapidly increasing part of our daily life, featuring more than one million applications and fifty billions downloads in the two major markets. Thus, it is important to ensure their functional correctness. The Pattern-Based GUI Testing (PBGT) project presented an approach for systematising and automating the GUI testing of web applications by modelling testing goals with User Interface Test Patterns(UITPs), i.e., test strategies for recurring behaviour of the UI. This paper extends the set of UITPs used by the PBGT project with three UITPs specific to the testing of mobile applications: Side Drawer, Orientation and Resources Dependency.

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