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Publicações por HumanISE


Beyond Post-It: Structured Multimedia Annotations for Collaborative VEs

Guerreiro, TJ; Medeiros, D; Mendes, D; Sousa, M; Jorge, JA; Raposo, A; dos Santos, IHF;

International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, ICAT-EGVE 2014, Bremen, Germany, December, 8-10, 2014.

Globalization has transformed engineering design into a world-wide endeavor pursued by geographically distributed specialist teams. Widespread adoption of VR for design and the need to act and place marks directly on the objects of discussion in design reviewing tasks led to research on annotations in virtual collaborative environments. However, conventional approaches have yet to progress beyond the yellow postit + text metaphor. Indeed, multimedia such as audio, sketches, video and animations afford greater expressiveness which could be put to good use in collaborative environments. Furthermore, individual annotations fail to capture both the rationale and flow of discussion which are key to understanding project design decisions. One exemplar instance is offshore engineering projects that normally engage geographically distributed highly-specialized engineering teams and require both improved productivity, due to project costs and the need to reducing risks when reviewing designs of deep-water oil & gas platforms. In this paper, we present an approach to rich, structured multimedia annotations to support the discussion and decision making in design reviewing tasks. Furthermore, our approach supports issue-based argumentation to reveal provenance of design decisions to better support the workflow in engineering projects. While this is an initial exploration of the solution space, examples show greater support of collaborative design review over traditional approaches. © The Eurographics Association 2014.


Verbal description of LEGO blocks

Henriques, D; Trancoso, I; Mendes, D; Ferreira, A;

INTERSPEECH 2014, 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Singapore, September 14-18, 2014

Query specification for 3D object retrieval still relies on traditional interaction paradigms. The goal of our study was to identify the most natural methods to describe 3D objects, focusing on verbal and gestural expressions. Our case study uses LEGOR blocks. We started by collecting a corpus involving ten pairs of subjects, in which one participant requests blocks for building a model from another participant. This small corpus suggests that users prefer to describe 3D objects verbally, rarely resorting to gestures, and using them only as complement. The paper describes this corpus, addressing the challenges that such verbal descriptions create for a speech understanding system, namely the long complex verbal descriptions, involving dimensions, shapes, colors, metaphors, and diminutives. The latter connote small size, endearment or insignificance, and are only very common in informal language. In this corpus, they occurred in one out of seven requests. This experiment was the first step of the development of a prototype for searching LEGOR blocks combining speech and stereoscopic 3D. Although the verbal interaction in the first version is limited to relatively simple queries, its combination with immersive visualization allows the user to explore query results in a dataset with virtual blocks.


Mid-Air Interactions Above Stereoscopic Interactive Tables

Mendes, D; Fonseca, F; Araujo, B; Ferreira, A; Jorge, J;


Stereoscopic tabletops offer unique visualization capabilities, enabling users to perceive virtual objects as if they were lying above the surface. While allowing virtual objects to coexist with user actions in the physical world, interaction with these virtual objects above the surface presents interesting challenges. In this paper, we aim to understand which approaches to 3D virtual object manipulations are suited to this scenario. To this end, we implemented five different techniques based on the literature. Four are mid-air techniques, while the remainder relies on multi-touch gestures, which act as a baseline. Our setup combines affordable non-intrusive tracking technologies with a multi-touch stereo tabletop, providing head and hands tracking, to improve both depth perception and seamless interactions above the table. We conducted a user evaluation to find out which technique appealed most to participants. Results suggest that mid-air interactions, combining direct manipulation with six degrees of freedom for the dominant hand, are both more satisfying and efficient than the alternatives tested.


Poster: Evaluation of Immersive Visualization Techniques for 3D Object Retrieval

Henriques, D; Mendes, D; Pascoal, P; Trancoso, I; Ferreira, A;


The number and size of 3D object repositories have been increasing at a considerable rate. Consequently, finding a specific 3D model in such collections is getting more difficult. Current 3D search engines do not take advantage of novel interaction technologies, usually presenting query results in grids of thumbnails. This greatly hinders objects' interpretation and allows little to none manipulation at all. Immersive environments are believed as promising solutions for displaying 3D models, allowing complete representations of the models. These environments can be enhanced with multimodal techniques for a more natural interaction. In this paper we present a prototype that uses immersive visualization and mid-air interactions to explore query results in a dataset with 3D objects, using one of four different visualization modes. We evaluated these modes with 29 users and concluded that our immersive approaches are preferred by users and, albeit novel, perform at par relatively to traditional bi-dimensional grids with thumbnails.


Distributed database system of the New Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe: the NA2RE project

Sillero, N; Oliveira, MA; Sousa, P; Sousa, F; Goncalves Seco, L;


The Societas Europaea Herpetologica (SEH) decided in 2006 through its Mapping Committee to implement the New Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Europe (NA2RE: as a chorological database system. Initially designed to be a system of distributed databases, NA2RE quickly evolved to a Spatial Data Infrastructure, a system of geographically distributed systems. Each individual system has a national focus and is implemented in an online network, accessible through standard interfaces, thus allowing for interoperable communication and sharing of spatial-temporal data amongst one another. A Web interface facilitates the access of the user to all participating data systems as if it were one single virtual integrated data-source. Upon user request, the Web interface searches all distributed data-sources for the requested data, integrating the answers in an always updated and interactive map. This infrastructure implements methods for fast actualisation of national observation records, as well as for the use of a common taxonomy and systematics. Using this approach, data duplication is avoided, national systems are maintained in their own countries, and national organisations are responsible for their own data curation and management. The database could be built with different representation levels and resolution levels of data, and filtered according to species conservation matters. We present the first prototype of NA2RE, composed of the last data compilation performed by the SEH (Sillero et al., 2014). This system is implemented using only open source software: PostgreSQL database with PostGIS extension, Geoserver, and OpenLayers.


Artificial neural networks for automatic modelling of the pectus excavatum corrective prosthesis

Rodrigues, PL; Moreire, AHJ; Rodrigues, NF; Pinho, ACM; Fonseca, JC; Correia Pinto, J; Vilaca, JL;


Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the thorax and usually comprises Computed Tomography (CT) examination for pre-operative diagnosis. Aiming at the elimination of the high amounts of CT radiation exposure, this work presents a new methodology for the replacement of CT by a laser scanner (radiation-free) in the treatment of pectus excavatum using personally modeled prosthesis. The complete elimination of CT involves the determination of ribs external outline, at the maximum sternum depression point for prosthesis placement, based on chest wall skin surface information, acquired by a laser scanner. The developed solution resorts to artificial neural networks trained with data vectors from 165 patients. Scaled Conjugate Gradient, Levenberg-Marquardt, Resilient Back propagation and One Step Secant gradient learning algorithms were used. The training procedure was performed using the soft tissue thicknesses, determined using image processing techniques that automatically segment the skin and rib cage. The developed solution was then used to determine the ribs outline in data from 20 patient scanners. Tests revealed that ribs position can be estimated with an average error of about 6.82 +/- 5.7 mm for the left and right side of the patient. Such an error range is well below current prosthesis manual modeling (11.7 +/- 4.01 mm) even without CT imagiology, indicating a considerable step forward towards CT replacement by a 3D scanner for prosthesis personalization.

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