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Publicações por HumanISE


Architecture for Transparent Binary Acceleration of Loops with Memory Accesses

Paulino, N; Ferreira, JC; Cardoso, JMP;


This paper presents an extension to a hardware/software system architecture in which repetitive instruction traces, called Megablocks, are accelerated by a Reconfigurable Processing Unit (RPU). This scheme is supported by a custom toolchain able to automatically generate a RPU tailored for the execution of one or more Megablocks detected offline. Switching between hardware and software execution is done transparently, without modifications to source code or executable binaries. Our approach has been evaluated using an architecture with a MicroBlaze General Purpose Processor (GPP) softcore. By using a memory sharing mechanism, the RPU can access the GPP's data memory, allowing the acceleration of Megablocks with load/store operations. For a set of 21 embedded benchmarks, an average speedup of 1.43x is achieved, and a potential speedup of 2.09x is predicted for an implementation using a low overhead interface for communication between GPP and RPU.



Diniz, PC; Cardoso, JMP; de F. Coutinho, JG; Petrov, Z;

Compilation and Synthesis for Embedded Reconfigurable Systems



Deriving Resource Efficient Designs Using the REFLECT Aspect-Oriented Approach

Coutinho, JGF; Cardoso, JMP; Carvalho, T; Nobre, R; Bhattacharya, S; Diniz, PC; Fitzpatrick, L; Nane, R;


In the context of the REFLECT project[1] we have developed an aspect-oriented compilation and synthesis toolchain that aims at facilitating the mapping of applications described in high-level imperative programming languages, such as C, to heterogeneous and configurable computing systems. More specifically, we have designed an aspect-oriented domain-specific language, called LARA[2], that allows programmers to convey application-specific and domain-specific knowledge as a way to capture non-functional concerns. The LARA specifications and the subsequent control of the tools via a code weaver allows a seamless exploration of alternative designs and run-time adaptive strategies, in effect enabling designspace exploration (DSE). © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


Enriching MATLAB with aspect-oriented features for developing embedded systems

Cardoso, JMP; Fernandes, JM; Monteiro, MP; Carvalho, T; Nobre, R;


This article presents an approach to enrich the MATLAB(1) language with aspect-oriented modularity features, enabling developers to experiment different implementation characteristics and to acquire runtime data and traces without polluting their base MATLAB code. We propose a language through which programmers configure the low-level data representation of variables and expressions. Examples include specifically-tailored fixed-point data representations leading to more efficient support for the underlying hardware, e.g., digital signal processors and application-specific architectures, without built-in floating point units. This approach assists developers in adding handlers and monitoring features in a non-invasive way as well as configuring MATLAB functions with optimized implementations. Different aspect modules can be used to retarget common MATLAB code bases for different purposes and implementations. We validate the proposed approach with a set of representative examples where we attain a simple way to explore a number of properties. Experiment results and collected aspect-oriented software metrics lend support to the claims on its usefulness.


Hardware pipelining of repetitive patterns in processor instruction traces

Bispo, J; Cardoso, JMP; Monteiro, J;

Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems

Dynamic partitioning is a promising technique where computations are transparently moved from a General Purpose Processor (GPP) to a coprocessor during application execution. To be effective, the mapping of computations to the coprocessor needs to consider aggressive optimizations. One of the mapping optimizations is loop pipelining, a technique extensively studied and known to allow substantial performance improvements. This paper describes a technique for pipelining Megablocks, a type of runtime loop developed for dynamic partitioning. The technique transforms the body of Mega-blocks into an acyclic dataflow graph which can be fully pipe-lined and is based on the atomic execution of loop iterations. For a set of 9 benchmarks without memory operations, we generated pipelined hardware versions of the loops and esti-mate that the presented loop pipelining technique increases the average speedup of non-pipelined coprocessor accelerated designs from 1.6× to 2.2×. For a larger set of 61 benchmarks which include memory operations, we estimate through simulation a speedup increase from 2.5× to 5.6× with this technique.


LARA experiments

Goncalves, F; Petrov, Z; De F. Coutinho, JG; Nane, R; Sima, VM; Cardoso, JMP; Werner, S; Bhattacharya, S; Carvalho, T; Nobre, R; De Sa, J; Teixeira, J; Diniz, PC; Bertels, K; Constantinides, G; Luk, W; Becker, J; Alves, JC; Ferreira, JC; Almeida, GM;

Compilation and Synthesis for Embedded Reconfigurable Systems: An Aspect-Oriented Approach

This chapter describes a series of experiments aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the REFLECT design-flow in terms of ease of use and quality of the generated designs. In these experiments, we exercised the use of LARA to control and guide the REFLECT design-flow components, such as the Harmonic weaver, the CoSy-based compilers, and the back-end Molen/ML510 toolchain. Various research results have been presented in previous publications focusing on specific aspects of the REFLECT design-flow [1], including strategies for optimizing hardware/software systems [2], strategies for optimizing hardware synthesis [3], strategies for hardware/software specialization [4], strategies for resource efficiency [5], and strategies addressing safety requirements [6, 7]. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013. All rights are reserved.

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