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Publicações por HumanISE


PLAYER - a European Project and a Game to Foster Entrepreneurship Education for Young People

Fonseca, B; Morgado, L; Paredes, H; Martins, P; Goncalves, R; Neves, P; Nunes, RR; Lima, J; Varajao, J; Pereira, A; Sanders, R; Barracho, V; Lapajne, U; Rus, M; Rahe, M; Mostert, A; Klein, T; Bojovic, V; Bosnjak, S; Bosnjak, Z; Carvalho, J; Duarte, I; Casaramona, A; Soraci, A;


Entrepreneurship is widely recognized as one of the basic skills to be acquired through a life-long learning. The European Union, under the guidance of the Oslo Agenda, promotes several initiatives to develop entrepreneurship culture in Europe. Education can make a significant contribution to entrepreneurship, encouraging the development of entrepreneurial attitudes and skills in young people. Serious Games are presently recognised as having an important role and potential in education and social networks emerged in the last years as the platform preferred by many, especially young people, to socialize, play games and even learn. This paper presents the PLAYER project, in which a game was developed and implemented as a Facebook application, to enable learning entrepreneurial skills progressively, by guiding users to develop a business idea in the form of a business plan.


An integrative approach to diagram-based collaborative brainstorming: A case study

Azevedo, D; Fonseca, B; Lukosch, S; Paredes, H; Janeiro, J; Briggs, RO;

Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments, IDEE 2012, in Conjunction with ICEIS 2012

The need for computer supported collaboration has grown over the last years and made collaboration an important factor within organizations. This trend has resulted in the development of a variety of tools and technologies to support he various forms of collaboration. Many collaborative processes, e.g. strategy building, scenario analysis, root cause analysis and requirements engineering, requires various collaboration support tools. Within these synchronous collaborative applications to create, evaluate, elaborate, discuss, and revise graphical models, e.g. data flow, fishbone and brainstorming diagrams, play an important role. Currently, the necessary tools are not integrated and flexible enough to support such processes. In this paper, we present a case study done to a synchronous collaborative brainstorming diagram editor - CLSD that is integrated in a flexible group support system. Our approach goes beyond the current state of the art as we can be seamlessly integrated with other collaboration support tools such as text-based brainstorming or voting.


Development of a mechanical maintenance training simulator in OpenSimulator for F-16 aircraft engines

Pinheiro, A; Fernandes, P; Maia, A; Cruz, G; Pedrosa, D; Fonseca, B; Paredes, H; Martins, P; Morgado, L; Rafael, J;


Mechanical maintenance of F-16 engines is carried out as a team effort involving 3 to 4 skilled engine technicians. This paper presents the development of a mechanical maintenance simulator for their training. This simulator aims to enable technician training to be enhanced with cooperation and context prior to the training phase with actual physical engines. We describe the requirements that were identified with the Portuguese Air Force, the overall software architecture of the system, the current stage of the prototype, and the outcomes of the first field tests with users. (C) 2012 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B. V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the scientific programme committee of VS-Games 2012


Towards an overarching classification model of CSCW and groupware: A socio-technical perspective

Cruz, A; Correia, A; Paredes, H; Fonseca, B; Morgado, L; Martins, P;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

The development of groupware systems can be supported by the perspectives provided by taxonomies categorizing collaboration systems and theoretical approaches from the multidisciplinary field of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). In the last decades, multiple taxonomic schemes were developed with different classification dimensions, but only a few addressed the socio-technical perspective that encompasses the interaction between groups of people and technology in work contexts. Moreover, there is an ambiguity in the use of the categories presented in the literature. Aiming to tackle this vagueness and support the development of future groupware systems aware of social phenomena, we present a comprehensive classification model to interrelate technological requirements with CSCW dimensions of communication, coordination, cooperation, time and space, regulation, awareness, group dynamics, and complementary categories obtained from a taxonomic literature review. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


PLAYER: A european challenge game to discover young entrepreneurs

Neves, P; Nunes, RR; Lima, J; Martins, P; Paredes, H; Varajao, J; Morgado, L; Goncalves, R; Fonseca, B; Sanders, R; Barracho, V; Rus, M; Rahe, M; Mostert, A; Carvalho, J; Duarte, I;

Handbook of Research on Serious Games as Educational, Business and Research Tools

Serious games are playing an increasing role as educational tools and the last decade witnessed a growing number of proposals in this field. One of the major challenges of the current European societies is to foster an entrepreneurial interest in young people, and the European Commission has been promoting projects that pursue this objective. This chapter presents one such project, PLAYER, in which an educational game was implemented in Facebook with the aim of promoting entrepreneurship by guiding young people in the definition of a business proposal. The game encompasses 4 stages that include the basic description of the business idea, the characterization of its strategies, the filling of a funding quiz, the SWOT analysis, and finally the production of a detailed business plan, for those players to be able to reach the final stage of the game. © 2012, IGI Global.


A survey on HDR visualization on mobile devices

Magalhaes, L; Bessa, M; Urbano, C; Melo, M; Peres, E; Chalmers, A;


There is a vast body of literature concerning the capture, storing, transmission and display of High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging. Nevertheless, there are few works that try to address the problem of getting HDR on mobile devices. Their hardware limitations, such as processing power, storage space, graphics capabilities and screen characteristics, transform that problem in a big challenge. However, since more and more HDR content is being produced and given that in a few years it can become a standard, it is necessary to provide the means to visualize HDR images and video on mobile devices. The main goal of this paper is to present a survey on HDR visualization approaches and techniques developed specifically for mobile devices. To understand what are the main challenges that need to be addressed in order to visualize HDR on mobile devices, an overview of their main characteristics is given. The very low dynamic range of most of mobile devices' displays implies that a tone mapping operator (TMO) must be applied in order to visualize the HDR content. The current status of the research on TMO will be presented and analyzed, a special attention will be given to the ones that were developed taking in account the limited characteristics of the mobile devices' displays. Another important issue is visualization quality assessment, meaning visualize HDR content without losing the main characteristics of the original HDR content. Thus, evaluation studies of HDR content visualization on mobile devices will be presented and their results analyzed.

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