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Publicações por HumanISE


Rule-Based System for Intelligent Energy Management in Buildings

Jozi, A; Pinto, T; Gomes, L; Marreiros, G; Vale, Z;


The widespread of distributed renewable energy is leading to an increased need for advanced energy management solutions in buildings. The variability of generation needs to be balanced by consumer flexibility, which needs to be accomplished by keeping the consumption cost as low as possible, while guaranteeing consumer comfort. This paper proposes a rule-based system with the aim of generating recommendations for actions regarding the energy management of different energy consumption devices, namely lights and air conditioning. The proposed set of rules considers the forecasted values of building generation, consumption, user presence in different rooms and energy prices. In this way, building energy management systems are endowed with increased adaptability and reliability considering the lowering of energy costs and maintenance of user comfort. Results, using real data from an office building, demonstrate the appropriateness of the proposed model in generating recommendations that are in line with current context.


Intelligent Energy Systems Ontology: Local flexibility market and power system co-simulation demonstration

Santos, G; Morais, H; Pinto, T; Corchado, JM; Vale, Z;




Review of Platforms and Frameworks for Building Virtual Assistants

Pereira, R; Lima, C; Reis, A; Pinto, T; Barroso, J;

Information Systems and Technologies - WorldCIST 2023, Volume 3, Pisa, Italy, April 4-6, 2023.



Dynamic Parameterization of Metaheuristics Using a Multi-agent System for the Optimization of Electricity Market Participation

Carvalho, J; Pinto, T; Home Ortiz, M; Teixeira, B; Vale, Z; Romero, R;

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

Metaheuristic optimization algorithms are increasingly used to reach near-optimal solutions for complex and large-scale problems that cannot be solved in due time by exact methods. Metaheuristics’ performance is, however, deeply dependent on their effective configuration and fine-tuning to align the algorithm’s search process with the specific characteristics of the problem that is being solved. Although the literature already offers some solutions for automatic algorithm configuration, these are usually either algorithm-specific or problem-specific, thus lacking the capability of being used for diverse metaheuristic models or diverse optimization problems. This work proposes a new approach for the automatic optimization of metaheuristic algorithms’ parameters based on a multi-agent system approach. The proposed model includes an automated fine-tuning process, which is used to optimize a given function in an algorithm- and problem-agnostic manner. Results show that the proposed model is able to achieve better optimization results than standard metaheuristic algorithms, with a negligible increase in the required execution time. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Simulation tools for electricity markets considering power flow analysis

Veiga, B; Santos, G; Pinto, T; Faia, R; Ramos, C; Vale, Z;


The share of renewable generation is growing worldwide, increasing the complexity of the grids operation to maintain its stability and balance. This leads to an increased need for designing new electricity markets (EMs) suited to this new reality. Simulation tools are widely used to experiment and analyze the potential impacts of new solutions, such as novel EM designs and power flow analysis and validation. This work introduces two web services for EMs' simulation and study, in addition to power flow evaluation and validation, namely the Elec-tricity Market Service (EMS) and Power Flow Service (PFS). EMS enables the simulation of two auction-based algorithms and the execution of three wholesale EMs. PFS creates and evaluates electrical grids from the transmission to distribution grids. Being published as web services facilitates their integration with other ser-vices, systems, or software agents. Combining them allows for the simulation of EMs from wholesale to local markets and testing if the results are compatible with a specific grid. This article presents a detailed description of each service and a case study of an electricity trading community participating in the MIBEL day-ahead market through an aggregator to reduce their energy bills. The results demonstrate the accuracy and usefulness of the proposed services.


A Simulation of Market-based Non-frequency Ancillary Service Procurement Based on Demand Flexibility

Faia, R; Lezama, F; Pinto, T; Faria, P; Vale, Z; Terras, JM; Albuquerque, S;


This paper proposes a novel approach for the provision of non-frequency ancillary service (AS) by consumers connected to low-voltage distribution networks. The proposed approach considers an asymmetric pool-based local market for AS negotiation, allowing consumers to set a flexibility quantity and desired price to trade. A case study with 98 consumers illustrates the proposed market-based non-frequency AS provision approach. Also, three different strategies of consumers' participation are implemented and tested in a real low-voltage distribution network with radial topology. It is shown that consumers can make a profit from the sale of their flexibility while contributing to keeping the network power losses, voltage, and current within pre-defined limits. Ultimately, the results demonstrate the value of AS coming directly from end-users.

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