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Publicações por HumanISE


Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - 15th International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2020 Valletta, Malta, February 27-29, 2020, Revised Selected Papers

Bouatouch, K; de Sousa, AA; Chessa, M; Paljic, A; Kerren, A; Hurter, C; Farinella, GM; Radeva, P; Braz, J;

VISIGRAPP (Revised Selected Papers)



Influence of the underwater environment in the procedural generation of marine alga Asparagopsis Armata

Rodrigues, N; Sousa, AA; Rodrigues, R; Coelho, A;

Journal of WSCG

Content generation is a heavy task in virtual worlds design. Procedural content generation techniques aim to agile this process by automating the 3D modelling with some degree of parametrisation. The novelty of this work is the procedural generation of the marine alga (Asparagopsis armata), taking into consideration the underwater environmental factors. The depth and the occlusion were the two parameters in this study to simulate how the alga growth is influenced by the environment where the alga grows. Starting by building a prototype to explore different L-systems categories to model the alga, the stochastic L-systems with parametric features were selected to generate different alga plasticities. Qualitative methods were used to evaluate the designed grammar and alga’s animation results by comparing videos and images of the Asparagopsis armata with the computer-generated versions. © 2022, Vaclav Skala Union Agency. All rights reserved.


Influence of the underwater environment in the procedural generation of marine alga Asparagopsis Armata

Rodrigues, N; Sousa, AA; Rodrigues, R; Coelho, A;

Computer Science Research Notes

Content generation is a heavy task in virtual worlds design. Procedural content generation techniques aim to agile this process by automating the 3D modelling with some degree of parametrisation. The novelty of this work is the procedural generation of the marine alga (Asparagopsis armata), taking into consideration the underwater environmental factors. The depth and the occlusion were the two parameters in this study to simulate how the alga growth is influenced by the environment where the alga grows. Starting by building a prototype to explore different L-systems categories to model the alga, the stochastic L-systems with parametric features were selected to generate different alga plasticities. Qualitative methods were used to evaluate the designed grammar and alga's animation results by comparing videos and images of the Asparagopsis armata with the computer-generated versions. © 2022 University of West Bohemia. All rights reserved.


Linked Archives 2022 International Workshop - Preface

Lopes, CT; Ribeiro, C; Niccolucci, F; Villalón, MP; Freire, N;

Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries - Workshops and Doctoral Consortium, Padua, Italy, September 20, 2022.

[No abstract available]


Fostering the Adoption of DMP in Small Research Projects through a Collaborative Approach

Maciel, A; Castro, JA; Ribeiro, C; Almada, M; Midão, L;

Int. J. Digit. Curation

In order to promote sound management of research data the European Commission, under the Horizon 2020 framework program, is promoting the adoption of a Data Management Plan (DMP) in research projects. Despite the value of a DMP to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) through time, the development and implementation of DMPs is not yet a common practice in health research. Raising the awareness of researchers in small projects to the benefits of early adoption of a DMP is, therefore, a motivator for others to follow suit. In this paper we describe an approach to engage researchers in the writing of a DMP, in an ongoing project, FrailSurvey, in which researchers are collecting data through a mobile application for self-assessment of fragility. The case study is supported by interviews, a metadata creation session, as well as the validation of recommendations by researchers. With the outline of our process we also outline tools and services that supported the development of the DMP in this small project, particularly since there were no institutional services available to researchers


Report on the 2nd Linked Archives International Workshop (LinkedArchives 2022) at TPDL 2022

Lopes, CT; Ribeiro, C; Niccolucci, F; Villalón, MP; Freire, N;



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