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Publicações por HumanISE


Digital Twin for Monitoring Containerized Hazmat Cargo in Port Areas

Oliveira, L; Castro, M; Ramos, R; Santos, J; Silva, J; Dias, L;


The complexity of the number of stakeholders, information systems used, and port operations evoke new challenges to port security when it comes to the total knowledge and control of the overall operations of transport and parking of containerized freight, namely hazmat ones. The rising interest and the port authorities' awareness of the relevance of security concerns involved in this complex ecosystem has led to the search for new technological solutions that allow, in an integrated manner, the smart and automatic control of operations of transport and hazardous freight parking in all the areas of its jurisdiction, without third-party dependencies. Despite its importance and criticality, port authorities tend to have limited real-time knowledge of the location of hazmat containers, whether moving within the port (entering and leaving), or in its parking, having a direct impact on the port security. This article presents a Digital Twin platform for 3D and real-time georeferenced visualization of container parks and the location of hazardous containerized freight. This tool combines different modules that further allow to visualize information associated to a container, its movement, as well as its surrounding area, including a realistic and dynamic 3D representation of what is the area encircling the port.


Do Multisensory Stimuli Benefit the Virtual Reality Experience? A Systematic Review

Melo, M; Goncalves, G; Monteiro, P; Coelho, H; Vasconcelos Raposo, J; Bessa, M;


The majority of virtual reality (VR) applications rely on audiovisual stimuli and do not exploit the addition of other sensory cues that could increase the potential of VR. This systematic review surveys the existing literature on multisensory VR and the impact of haptic, olfactory, and taste cues over audiovisual VR. The goal is to identify the extent to which multisensory stimuli affect the VR experience, which stimuli are used in multisensory VR, the type of VR setups used, and the application fields covered. An analysis of the 105 studies that met the eligibility criteria revealed that 84.8 percent of the studies show a positive impact of multisensory VR experiences. Haptics is the most commonly used stimulus in multisensory VR systems (86.6 percent). Non-immersive and immersive VR setups are preferred over semi-immersive setups. Regarding the application fields, a considerable part was adopted by health professionals and science and engineering professionals. We further conclude that smell and taste are still underexplored, and they can bring significant value to VR applications. More research is recommended on how to synthesize and deliver these stimuli, which still require complex and costly apparatus be integrated into the VR experience in a controlled and straightforward manner.


Immersive multisensory virtual reality technologies for virtual tourism A study of the user's sense of presence, satisfaction, emotions, and attitudes

Melo, M; Coelho, H; Goncalves, G; Losada, N; Jorge, F; Teixeira, MS; Bessa, M;


Virtual reality (VR) technologies have been used successfully in tourism marketing. While most conventional VR applications are of an audiovisual nature, the constant evolution of these technologies allows providing enriched multisensory VR content that can further increase the potential of VR applied to the tourism field. To generate insights into the impact of such VR technologies, this manuscript investigates the impact of such multisensory VR setups and gender on the user's sense of presence, satisfaction, emotions, and attitudes. A user study with a gender-balanced sample (N = 80) was carried where two VR setups (audiovisual vs multisensory) were compared taking into account the user's gender. Results revealed that the female sample scored significantly higher spatial presence across VR setups and reported more involvement and overall presence in the audiovisual condition. In addition, correlations were found between the pairs Spatial Presence-Emotions, Spatial Presence-Enjoyment, Satisfaction-Involvement, Satisfaction-Enjoyment, and Satisfaction and Usefulness to perceive the destination. Results also suggest that multisensory stimulus can mitigate possible gender differences in passive VR scenarios. We concluded that the capability of the VR system to make users feel physically present in the virtual environment contributes significantly to the development of positive emotions and enjoyment, which can contribute positively to the user's consumer behaviour towards the touristic products and services.


What Is the Relationship between the Sense of Presence and Learning in Virtual Reality? A 24-Year Systematic Literature Review

Krassmann, AL; Melo, M; Pinto, D; Peixoto, B; Bessa, M; Bercht, M;


The sense of presence is an important aspect of experiences in Virtual Reality (VR), an emerging technology in education, leading this construct to be increasingly researched in parallel to learning purposes. However, there is not a consensus in the literature on the outcomes of this association. Aiming to outline a panorama in this regard, a systematic literature review was conducted, with a comprehensive analysis of 140 primary studies recovered from five worldwide databases. The analysis shows an overview of 24 years of areas, factors, and methodological approaches that seem to be more inclined to benefit from the sense of presence toward learning purposes. We contribute to the advancement of state of the art by providing an understanding of the relationship among these variables, identifying potential ways to benefit from the sense of presence to further leverage the use of VR for learning purposes.


Authoring tools for virtual reality experiences: a systematic review

Coelho, H; Monteiro, P; Goncalves, G; Melo, M; Bessa, M;


Virtual reality (VR) is used in different application fields like health, tourism, or training. Most VR applications for these fields have been built from the ground up without any authoring tool to help the process. This systematic review surveys the existing literature on authoring tools for immersive content and critically analyzes its features and how they are evaluated. It proposes a research agenda with key contribution opportunities for the field. An analysis of the 29 studies that met the eligibility criteria revealed that four records did not present any evaluation regarding the authoring tools' evaluation, and only five records used specialized users to evaluate their authoring tools; all the others used non-specialized users. The most evaluated metrics were usability, effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. The data collected to evaluate the metrics consisted mainly of Likert scales and reported mean opinion score (MOS). However, few records used well-established questionnaires to evaluate those metrics like System Usability Scale, Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire, After-Scenario Questionnaire and Igroup Presence Questionnaire. Additionally, five of the analyzed records included stimuli other than audiovisual. More research is recommended about the usage of ontologies in authoring tools to comprehend the full potential of its usage since none of them had ontologies.


Impact of Different Levels of Information Presentation on User Experience: A Case Study in a Virtual World

Silva, A; Sousa, C; Paulino, D; Sousa, M; Melo, M; Bessa, M; Paredes, H;


User experience can be affected by the amount and intensity of information presented. Four scenarios were developed to assess the insertion of information elements (chronometer and hint system) and tested with 37 users to find out if they affected the user's sense of presence and symptoms of cybersickness. In order to instruct users and using virtual reality using the Unity 3D game engine, we created a virtual world where the user has the role of exploring the environment and looking for mushrooms, and can consult a description about it. For tests with users, the IPQp and SSQ questionnaires were applied. The results indicate that it is possible to create a virtual world with the addition of informational components without significantly disturbing the user experience.

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