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Publicações por HumanISE


Attention Mechanism for Classification of Melanomas

Loureiro, C; Filipe, V; Goncalves, L;


Melanoma is considered the deadliest type of skin cancer and in the last decade, the incidence rate has increased substantially. However, automatic melanoma classification has been widely used to aid the detection of lesions as well as prevent eventual death. Therefore, in this paper we decided to investigate how an attention mechanism combined with a classical backbone network would affect the classification of melanomas. This mechanism is known as triplet attention, a lightweight method that allows to capture cross-domain interactions. This characteristic helps to acquire rich discriminative feature representations. The different experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the model in five different datasets. The model was evaluated based on sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and F1-Score. Even though it is a simple method, this attention mechanism shows that its application could be beneficial in classification tasks.


An Integrated Approach Using Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence as Disruptive Technology for Digital Transformation

Araújo, A; Mamede, HS; Filipe, V; Santos, V;

Information Systems - 19th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference, EMCIS 2022, Virtual Event, December 21-22, 2022, Proceedings

Digital transformation is a phenomenon arising from social, behavioral and habitual changes due to global economic and technological development. Its main characteristic is adopting disruptive digital technologies by organizations to transform their capabilities, structures, processes and business model components. One of the disruptive digital technologies used in organizations’ digital transformation process is Robotic Process Automation. However, the use of Robotic Process Automation is limited by several constraints that affect its reliability and increase the cost. Artificial Intelligence techniques can improve some of these constraints. The use of Robotic Process Automation combined with Artificial Intelligence capabilities is called Hyperautomation. However, there is a lack of solutions that successfully integrate both technologies in the context of digital transformation. This work proposes an integrated approach using Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence as disruptive Hyperautomation technology for digital transformation. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Active learning for data efficient semantic segmentation of canine bones in radiographs

da Silva, DEM; Goncalves, L; Franco Goncalo, P; Colaco, B; Alves Pimenta, S; Ginja, M; Ferreira, M; Filipe, V;


X-ray bone semantic segmentation is one crucial task in medical imaging. Due to deep learning's emergence, it was possible to build high-precision models. However, these models require a large quantity of annotated data. Furthermore, semantic segmentation requires pixel-wise labeling, thus being a highly time-consuming task. In the case of hip joints, there is still a need for increased anatomic knowledge due to the intrinsic nature of the femur and acetabulum. Active learning aims to maximize the model's performance with the least possible amount of data. In this work, we propose and compare the use of different queries, including uncertainty and diversity-based queries. Our results show that the proposed methods permit state-of-the-art performance using only 81.02% of the data, with O(1) time complexity.


Conformity Assessment of Informative Labels in Car Engine Compartment with Deep Learning Models

Ferreira, R; Barroso, J; Filipe, V;

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Abstract Industry 4.0 has been changing and improving the manufacturing processes. To embrace these changes, factories must keep up to date with all the new emerging technologies. In the automotive industry, the growing demand for customization and constant car model changes leads to an inevitable grow of complexity of the final product quality inspection process. In the project INDTECH 4.0, smart technologies are being explored in an automotive factory assembly line to automate the vehicle quality control, which still relies on human inspection based on paper conformity checklists. This paper proposes an automated inspection process based on computer vision to assist operators in the conformity assessment of informative labels affixed inside the engine compartment of the car. Two of the most recent object detection algorithms: YOLOv5 and YOLOX are evaluated for the identification of labels in the images. Our results show high mean average precision on both algorithms (98%), which overall, tells us that both algorithms showed good performances and have potential to be implemented in the shop floor to support the vehicle quality control.


Reliability analysis based improved directional simulation using Harris Hawks optimization algorithm for engineering systems

Jafari Asl, J; Ben Seghier, ME; Ohadi, S; Correia, J; Barroso, J;


In this paper, a new framework for accurate reliability analysis is proposed based on improving the directional simulation by using metaheuristic algorithms. Usually for highly nonlinear and complex performance functions, finding the unit vector direction requires very high calculations or impossible practically. Hence, the novel improved version incorporates the Harris Hawks Optimization algorithm, where the unit vector of direction is formulated as a constrained optimization problem and estimated using metaheuristic algorithms. Given that metaheuristic algorithms have been introduced to solve unconstrained problems, the penalty function method is used to convert the constrained problem into an unconstrained problem. The applicability of the proposed framework is firstly tested on five highly nonlinear benchmark functions and then applied to solve four high-dimensional engineering problems. The performance of six simulations-based reliability analysis methods and the first-order reliability method were compared with the proposed method. Besides the feasibility of other metaheuristic algorithms were investigated. The results show high-performance abilities of the improved version of the directional simulation for solving highly nonlinear engineering problems.


My Buddy: A 3D Game for Children Based on Voice Commands

Carvalho, D; Rocha, T; Barroso, J;


Mobile devices, as smartphones and tablets, have presented an exponential growth, being part of our everyday life, particularly considering children [1]. Their daily habits are undoubtedly influenced by technology and the applications they use can affect socialization and learning processes [2]. Specifically, games are the most popular type of applications and have the potential to change attitudes and behaviours. Emphasizing the importance of this area, we decided to create a serious game that stimulates the children' responsibility for taking care of pets while they play, called My Buddy. In this paper, we present the development and assessment process of a 3D serious game, where the user is asked to interact with a pet and nurture it. The interface was developed based on the universal design philosophy, presenting itself attractive to children without disabilities, but also accessible to children with visual or motor disabilities. As such, we present a multimodal interface based on touch and speech commands. The game was tested in terms of usability, with a heuristic evaluation, and the results obtained highlight the potential of such interfaces.

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