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Publicações por HumanISE


Identifying Concerns On Automatic Tools For Accessibility Assessment: A Comparative Case Study On Two Portuguese Universities' Websites

Dias, J; Carvalho, D; Reis, A; Barroso, J; Rocha, T;

Proceedings - 2022 5th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies, ICICT 2022

The main purpose for conducting this research is to analyze the core advantages and disadvantages of automatic assessment tools. With this in mind, we considered two different web sites of two distinct Portuguese Universities and compare the accessibility and usability issues found, aiming at identifying core problems through errors / warnings. This outcome will help us understand the weaknesses of such automatic tools and, thus, suggest features that could be added to improve their analysis. These findings will serve as a basis for a proposal of a new type of platform capable of making any web or mobile application accessible to all types of users, regardless of their impairments (e.g., blindness, deafness, motor or intellectual disabilities). © 2022 IEEE.


Automated Evaluation Tools for Web and Mobile Accessibility: Proposal of a new adaptive interface tool

Dias, J; Carvalho, D; Rocha, T; Barroso, J;

Procedia Computer Science

This work focuses on the issues encountered when using current evaluation tools to assess the accessibility and usability of web and mobile applications. Therefore, we present a case study, where we tested three accessibility assessment tools against the official website of Portuguese Institute for Employment and Vocational (IEFP), used by millions of users nationwide. Indeed, we found that individual tools still provide limited coverage of success criteria and, thus, user verification is consistently needed. In this regard, we also aim at proposing a new tool called IncWeb, that can automatically alter any web or mobile application into a usable and fully accessible one, in a way that is transparent to the user and adapted to his type of disability. As such, this work emphasizes the importance of having appropriate tools to facilitate the lives of people with disabilities and/or special needs, presenting not only the problems of other assessment tools, but also proposing a new paradigm-changing solution to overcome those known challenges. © 2022 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


Research Data Management in the Image Lifecycle: A Study of Current Behaviors

Rodrigues, J; Lopes, CT;


Research data management (RDM) practices are critical for ensuring research success. Data can assume diverse formats and data in image format have been understudied in RDM. To understand image management habits in research, we have conducted semi-structured interviews with researchers from four research domains. Most researchers do not formally manage their images, nor do they develop RDM plans. They assume that image management is not a topic discussed at project meetings. In turn, they tend to perform some individual practices, depending on the context and their own opinion, such as creating captions to describe the images and organizing and storing the images in specific locations. However, they see these habits as necessary and admit that they will start to do so in a formal and collaborative way with the working group. These results provide valuable information on practical aspects of the use and production of images in research.


Proposal of a lightweight, offline, full-text search engine for an mHealth app

Lopes, CT; Azevedo, D; Monteiro, JM;


- A patient's ability to recall and retrieve health information contributes to a better health management. HealthTalks was developed to address these issues by recording a summary of a medical appointment, uttered by the physician, and transcribing it. For each appointment, the user can also take free-text notes. Nowadays, search engines have become a ubiquitous part of everyone's life and are expected on most applications. Here, we describe the development of a search engine for HealthTalks. The app's characteristics demand a lightweight and offline engine, which requires a specific solution rather than an existing library or service. Our approach combines SQLite's Full-Text Search 4 module, which includes ngram indexing, with traditional information retrieval techniques to rank the documents. We created a test collection with summaries of clinical appointments (our documents), information needs, search queries, and relevance assessments for an initial search engine evaluation. Using this test collection, we assessed performance using NDCG@10, the first rank position of a totally relevant result, and query latency. Results are promising, with an average NDCG of 0.97. The median rank position of the first relevant result varies between 1.9 and 1.95, depending on the use of 4-gram character tokenization, an aspect that did not significantly affect the results. We expect this work to be useful for future developments of full-text search engines in mobile environments.


Solutions for Data Sharing and Storage: A Comparative Analysis of Data Repositories

Rodrigues, J; Lopes, CT;


Research data management is an essential process in scientific research activities. It includes monitoring data from the moment it is created until it is deposited in a repository so that later it can be accessed and reused by others. Sharing and reuse are the last steps in this process. It is essential to ensure that the data stored in digital repositories is well preserved in the long term and that its adequate interpretation and future reuse is guaranteed. Following this debate, questions arise related to the interoperability of systems and the suitability of platforms. In this study, we study how data management platforms can solve the problems associated with description, preservation, and access in digital media, making their usefulness evident. We identify some of the most relevant repository platforms in the scope of research data management, offering the scientific community an aggregating view of the various solutions and their main characteristics, thus aiming at a better understanding of them for their appropriate choice.


Mining Typewritten Digital Representations to Support Archival Description

Dias, M; Lopes, CT;

Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries - Workshops and Doctoral Consortium, Padua, Italy, September 20, 2022.

Linked Data is used in various fields as a new way of structuring and connecting data. Cultural heritage institutions have been using linked data to improve archival descriptions and promote findability. The required detail in manual descriptions of cultural heritage objects can be taxing and time-consuming. Given this, in EPISA, a research project on this topic, we propose to use the contents of the digital representations associated with the objects to assist archivists in their description tasks. More specifically, to extract information from the digital representations useful for an initial ontology population that should be validated or edited by the archivist. We apply optical character recognition in an initial stage to convert the digital representation to a machine-readable format. We then use ontology-oriented programming to identify and instantiate ontology concepts using neural networks and contextual embeddings. © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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