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Publicações por HumanISE


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) adoption: a systematic literature review

da Silva Costa, DA; Mamede, HS; da Silva, MM;

Engineering Management in Production and Services

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a recent technology that has recently become increasingly adopted by companies as a solution for employees to focus on higher complexity and more valuable tasks while delegating routine, monotonous and rule-based tasks to their digital colleagues. The increased interest, reflected in the increasing number of articles regarding approaches and test cases, has triggered the necessity for a summary that could extract the more generalisable ideas and concepts about these software robots. This paper used a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach to find and synthesise information from articles obtained on this subject. This research identified the most general implementation approaches of successful RPA adoption cases, observed benefits, challenges commonly faced by organisations, characteristics that make processes more suitable for RPA, and research gaps in the current literature. The findings presented in this paper have two purposes. The first is to provide a way for companies and organisations to become more familiar with good practices regarding the adoption of robotic process automation. The second is to foster further research on the subject by complementing the current knowledge and proposing new paths for research. © 2022 D. A. da Silva Costa et al.


Phishing and Advanced Persistent Threats

Brandao, PR; S Mamede, H;

Journal of Mathematical & Computer Applications

The paper addresses one of the techniques mor used by Advanced Persistent Threats attacks, phishing. The paper demonstrates the complexity of the technique, explains how attacks can be carried out, and presents defense techniques, and strategies against phishing attacks. The article also presents a summary description of what an Advanced Persistent Threat attack is. This description characterizes this type of attack.


Advanced Persistent Threatscampaigns and Attribution(Literature Review)

Brandao, P; São Mamede, H; Correia, M;

SSRN Electronic Journal



Assessment of organizational readiness for digital transformation in SMEs

Silva, RP; Saraiva, C; Mamede, HS;

Procedia Computer Science

Finding the right strategy enabled by a solid digital transformation is a key challenge that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) face. With a high number of transformations that fail, there is a significant investment in research to identify critical factors that ultimately drive a more successful journey, and at the same time, quite a few different models to assess the digital transformation maturity. There is, however, a gap in assessing how ready a SME is to successfully embrace the transformation and an even more significant gap in assessing it from an employee's perspective. This work proposes a model to assess that readiness. The organizational readiness assessment aims to enable SMEs to better understand the foundations that need to be set to successfully deliver the transformation. From the employee's perspective, a user-friendly model assesses the non-technological aspects of an organization, indicating the clear gaps that ultimately might negatively impact the organization's future when digitally transforming. © 2022 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


Digital Transformation for SMES in the Retail Industry

Gouveia, FD; Mamede, HS;

Procedia Computer Science

Digital transformation is a challenge that many SMEs find difficult to embrace. This difficulty is not due to a lack of will or resources but to the lack of the right strategies for the specific type of organization. It is a common and accepted opinion that many of the digital transformation projects fail or do not achieve the proposed objectives because of the chosen strategy. Digital transformation cannot be seen as a mere evolution of technologies but as a need to shape the entire business of the organization. The increase in e-commerce has forced SMEs to embark on this disruptive process based on globalization and digital business. In this work, we seek to understand which kind of strategy an SME in the retail industry should follow for a correct transformation of its business model. In this work, is proposed a conceptual model for the digital transformation of retail SMEs and explained how to create a prototype script to support the choice of the best digital strategy for retail SMEs. To prove the validity of the prototype, it has been applied in a practical case of a business process in a retail SME. © 2022 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


FAMMOCN - Demonstration and evaluation of a framework for the multidisciplinary assessment of organisational maturity on business continuity

Russo, N; Mamede, HS; Reis, L; Silveira, C;


Business Continuity Management (BCM) encompasses effective planning to respond to business interruptions and relaunch business in the short term. This study follows the Design Science Research methodology and proposes a framework to systematise Business Continuity Management and streamline the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) design and implementation. The framework defines metrics providing strategical guidance and assessment of the Business Continuity Management initiatives. The framework provides a Business Continuity Management Model, an Implementation Guide, a Self-Assessment System, and a Measurement System. The model was developed based on a systematic literature review and guidelines from Business Continuity Management frameworks and standards. In the first iteration, we demonstrated and evaluated the framework through a Focus Group with experts in Business Continuity Management. In the second iteration, it was used and evaluated by professionals with responsibilities in Business Continuity Plan implementation, representing various business sectors. As a result, the framework is useful and complete, effective and enhances governance and is scalable and adaptable to organisations. This study concludes that the framework adds value to Business Continuity Management monitoring, gaps identification, and practitioner's guidance on what needs to be planned, done, checked and acted to manage continuity.

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