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Publicações por HumanISE


E-APK: Energy Pattern Detection in Decompiled Android Applications

Gregório, N; Fernandes, JP; Bispo, J; Medeiros, S;

SBLP 2022: XXVI Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Virtual Event Brazil, October 6 - 7, 2022

Energy efficiency is a non-functional requirement that developers must consider. This requirement is particularly relevant when building software for battery-operated devices like mobile ones: a long-lasting battery is an essential requirement for an enjoyable user experience. It has been shown that many mobile applications include inefficiencies that cause battery to be drained faster than necessary. Some of these inefficiencies result from software patterns that have been catalogued in the literature. The catalogues often provide more energy-efficient alternatives. While the related literature is vast, most approaches so far assume as a fundamental requirement that one has access to the source code of an application in order to be able to analyse it. This requirement makes independent energy analysis challenging, or even impossible, e.g. for a mobile user or, most significantly, an App Store trying to provide information on how efficient an application being submitted for publication is. Our work studies the viability of looking for known energy patterns in applications by decompiling them and analysing the resulting code. For this, we decompiled and analysed 236 open-source applications. We extended an existing tool to aid in this process, making it capable of seamlessly decompiling and analysing android applications. With the collected data, we performed a comparative analysis of the presence of energy patterns between the source code and the decompiled code. While further research is required to more assertively say if this type of static analysis is viable, our results point in a promising direction with 163 applications, approximately 69%, containing the same number of detected patterns in both source code and the release APK. © 2022 ACM.


13th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-Core Architectures and 11th Workshop on Design Tools and Architectures for Multicore Embedded Computing Platforms, PARMA-DITAM 2022, June 22, 2022, Budapest, Hungary

Palumbo, F; Bispo, J; Cherubin, S;




Validation of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) in a Sample of Military br

Vasconcelos Raposo, J; Sousa, DM; Teixeira, CM;


This study aimed to validate the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) in a sample of military personnel, through the analysis of psychometric properties, reliability, and confirmatory factorial analysis. The questionnaire consists of 8 items that allow the assessment of depressive symptoms. The sample included 127 Portuguese military personnel aged between 21 and 78 years old. The results revealed a good internal consistency (alpha=.90) and good adjustment indices (chi 2/df=1.332, GFI=.956, CFI=.988, RMSEA=.051, SRMR=.30). In addition, convergent validity also showed to be good and composite reliability was .873. Thus, the PHQ-8 reveals good psychometric properties, being recommended for use in clinical practice and research with Portuguese military.


The Use of CRM in Marketing and Communication Strategies in Portuguese Non-Profit Organizations

Rodrigues, MIM; Fonseca, MJSd; Garcia, JE;

Navigating Digital Communication and Challenges for Organizations - Advances in E-Business Research

The truth is that competitivity has gained a strong growth in business, and it is important that companies pay attention to the practice of their relational marketing strategies. Technology, innovation, and digital have been transforming the way society operates in the market. Organizations must look for current opportunities in order to add value of their business and negotiation process and of course in the way they act and interact with the target. This way, the current research demonstrates the importance of CRM in relational marketing practices, particularly in non-profit organizations. Regarding the methodology, a case study was developed using a qualitative methodology through semi-structured interviews in a convenience sample, with the aim of retaining the opinion fundraising and marketing responsible department between the different organizations under study. The main result of this exploratory study appears to prove the importance of using CRM for the good practice of relational marketing strategies in order to attract, retain, and build trust with their stakeholders.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for a Company Website: A Case Study

Garcia, JE; Lima, R; da Fonseca, MJS;


Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, helps to improve the inbound user traffic of a website. Optimizing a website for search engines is now crucial to its success and ultimately to the company's ability to increase the business. Many companies websites on the Internet fail to use any SEO technique or strategy to improve their positioning in search engine results. Therefore, if other digital marketing strategies are not used to promote the website, its traffic will be very restricted. In this study several different SEO techniques were used to improve a website's overall indexing on the Google search engine. Through the implemented strategy it was possible to improve the positioning in search results of the company's website used in the case study, allowing several searches with different keywords to show the website on the first page of results. With the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that it is very important to find the perfect balance between SEO keyword competition and monthly search volume. To help select the best keywords for this particular website, the use of SEO tools are of the utmost importance.


Tracking Method for Aircraft on Ground (AOG) Service and the Challenges for E-commerce

Monteiro, C; de Oliveira, LC; Garcia, JE;


With the increasing use of air transport (cargo and passengers), the evolution of safety standards to an increasingly demanding level, markets have seen the development of business structures and strategies in the sector. Since 2009, revenues in the sector have been increasing, but it is necessary to optimize the operations that compose it. One of the critical areas is the management of maintenance schedules and consequently the stock management. In addition, the increase in e-commerce has led to cargoes having increasingly diverse specificity, value, and levels of urgency of delivery. The requirement for reliable and timely service is considered to be the main requirement and is matched by the price requirement. The high cost of stopping a plane outweighs the cost of transporting the required part, overriding the requirements of time and reliability, particularly in Aircraft on Ground (AOG) shipments. It has found that one of the problems is the small size of a large percentage of the components being transported. This feature encourages losses during transport and is blamed on various intermediaries in the supply chain. The need to track and trace product in real time is therefore crucial, particularly with the current demands of e-commerce customers. In this sense, the opportunity arose to the development of a package for the transport of small items allowing their traceability and monitoring. Through a questionnaire addressed to elements that intervene directly in the management of AOG shipments, 100% of respondents affirm that the use of an easy-to-identify box would avoid delays or losses and 91.7% of respondents affirm that a GPS device would improve the level of service.

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