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Publicações por HumanISE


Artificial intelligence methods for applied superconductivity: material, design, manufacturing, testing, operation, and condition monitoring

Yazdani Asrami, M; Sadeghi, A; Song, WJ; Madureira, A; Murta Pina, J; Morandi, A; Parizh, M;


More than a century after the discovery of superconductors (SCs), numerous studies have been accomplished to take advantage of SCs in physics, power engineering, quantum computing, electronics, communications, aviation, healthcare, and defence-related applications. However, there are still challenges that hinder the full-scale commercialization of SCs, such as the high cost of superconducting wires/tapes, technical issues related to AC losses, the structure of superconducting devices, the complexity and high cost of the cooling systems, the critical temperature, and manufacturing-related issues. In the current century, massive advancements have been achieved in artificial intelligence (AI) techniques by offering disruptive solutions to handle engineering problems. Consequently, AI techniques can be implemented to tackle those challenges facing superconductivity and act as a shortcut towards the full commercialization of SCs and their applications. AI approaches are capable of providing fast, efficient, and accurate solutions for technical, manufacturing, and economic problems with a high level of complexity and nonlinearity in the field of superconductivity. In this paper, the concept of AI and the widely used algorithms are first given. Then a critical topical review is presented for those conducted studies that used AI methods for improvement, design, condition monitoring, fault detection and location of superconducting apparatuses in large-scale power applications, as well as the prediction of critical temperature and the structure of new SCs, and any other related applications. This topical review is presented in three main categories: AI for large-scale superconducting applications, AI for superconducting materials, and AI for the physics of SCs. In addition, the challenges of applying AI techniques to the superconductivity and its applications are given. Finally, future trends on how to integrate AI techniques with superconductivity towards commercialization are discussed.



Abraham, A; Madureira, AM; Kaklauskas, A; Kriksciuniene, D; Ferreira, JC; Bettencourt, N; Muda, AK;

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems



Diagnostics of electrochemically exfoliated nanographite by infrared and Raman spectroscopy

Khan, YA; Bakunin, ES; Obraztsova, EY; Dyachkova, TP; Rukhov, AV; Morais, S; Madureira, A;

Materials Science



Deep Learning for Big Data

Correia, F; Madureira, A; Bernardino, J;

Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems



Deep Learning for Big Data

Correia, F; Madureira, A; Bernardino, J;

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

We live in a world where data is becoming increasingly valuable and increasingly abundant in volume. All companies produce data from sales, sensors, and various other sources. The main challenges are how can we extract insights from such a rich data environment and if Deep Learning is capable of circumventing Big Data’s challenges. To reach a conclusion, Social Network data is used as a case study for predicting sentiment changes in the Stock Market. The main objective of this paper is to develop a computational study and analyze its performance. Deep Learning was able to handle some challenges of Big Data, allowing results to be obtained and compared with real world situations. The outputs contribute to understand Deep Learning’s usage with Big Data and how it acts in Sentiment Analysis. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


A Self-Parametrization Framework for Meta-Heuristics

Santos, AS; Madureira, AM; Varela, LR;


Even while the scientific community has shown great interest in the analysis of meta-heuristics, the analysis of their parameterization has received little attention. It is the parameterization that will adapt a meta-heuristic to a problem, but it is still performed, mostly, empirically. There are multiple parameterization techniques; however, they are time-consuming, requiring considerable computational effort and they do not take advantage of the meta-heuristics that they parameterize. In order to approach the parameterization of meta-heuristics, in this paper, a self-parameterization framework is proposed. It will automatize the parameterization as an optimization problem, precluding the user from spending too much time on parameterization. The model will automate the parameterization through two meta-heuristics: A meta-heuristic of the solution space and one of the parameter space. To analyze the performance of the framework, a self-parameterization prototype was implemented. The prototype was compared and analyzed in a SP (scheduling problem) and in the TSP (traveling salesman problem). In the SP, the prototype found better solutions than those of the manually parameterized meta-heuristics, although the differences were not statistically significant. In the TSP, the self-parameterization prototype was more effective than the manually parameterized meta-heuristics, this time with statistically significant differences.

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