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Publicações por Nuno Cruz


Altitude control of an underwater vehicle based on computer vision

Rodrigues, PM; Cruz, NA; Pinto, AM;

OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston, OCEAN 2018

It is common the use of the sonar technology in order acquire and posteriorly control the distance of an underwater vehicle towards an obstacle. Although this solution simplifies the problem and is effective in most cases, it might carry some disadvantages in certain underwater vehicles or conditions. In this work it is presented a system capable of controlling the altitude of an underwater vehicle using computer vision. The sensor capable of computing the distance is composed of a CCD camera and 2 green pointer lasers. Regarding the control of the vehicle, the solution used was based on the switching of two controllers, a velocity controller (based on a PI controller), and a position controller (based on a PD controller). The vehicle chosen to test the developed system was a profiler, which main task is the vertical navigation. The mathematical model was obtained and used in order to validate the controllers designed using the Simulink toolbox from Matlab. It was used a Kalman filter in order to have a better estimation of the state variables (altitude, depth, and velocity). The tests relative to the sensor developed responsible for the acquisition of the altitude showed an average relative error equal to 1 % in the range from 0 to 2.5 m. The UWsim underwater simulation environment was used in order to validate the integration of the system and its performance. © 2018 IEEE.


DART - A portable deep water hovering AUV

Cruz, NA; Matos, AC; Almeida, RM; Ferreira, BM;

OCEANS 2017 - Anchorage

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles are remarkable machines that revolutionized the collection of data at sea. There are many examples of highly operational man-portable vehicles for shallow waters, but there was no similar solution for deep water operations. This paper describes the development of a portable, modular, hovering AUV for deep water operations. The vehicle has little over 50kg, 2.4m of length, and a depth rating of 4000m. The first version of the vehicle has been assembled, it has gone through the initial tests in water tanks, and it is being prepared for the first operations at sea. © 2017 Marine Technology Society.


Development of an autonomous underwater profiler for coastal areas

Monteiro, JM; Cruz, NA;

OCEANS 2017 - Anchorage

One of the most common ways of collecting ocean data is to deploy sensors from the surface, allowing to understand the variation of water properties with depth. Autonomous vertical profilers are robotic vehicles that replace human operators in this task. They form a particular class of autonomous underwater vehicles that move predominantly along the vertical axis, typically with reduced control on the horizontal axis. This paper describes a propeller driven autonomous underwater profiler, optimized for shallow waters. The vehicle has no fins or other control surfaces, and uses four independent thrusters to provide both vertical and horizontal motion, including hovering in the water column. The paper describes the main subsystems, including the hardware implementation, the software structure, and the motion controllers, with experimental data from the first trials. © 2017 Marine Technology Society.


Guidance of an Autonomous Surface Vehicle for Underwater Navigation Aid

Sousa, JP; Ferreira, BM; Cruz, NA;


Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs), such as Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) are versatile tools, suitable for many activities in different fields, and have seen an increase in usage, making them an area of interest in the study of robotics. The performance of any underwater vehicle in any given task is deeply affected by the precision of its localization system. The main challenge in underwater localization is the significant attenuation of any Radio Frequency (RF) signal underwater, which prevents the use of many common location methods such as the Global Positioning System (GPS). Many methods have been studied for the localization of UUVs, including the use of acoustic beacons. One of these methods is the use of a single moving beacon to obtain acoustic ranges, as opposed to a stationary single beacon, which restricts the UUV's trajectory or multiple beacons, involving more hardware, complicating missions' logistics and increasing costs. In this paper, a guidance algorithm based on the Fisher Information Matrix is proposed for an Autonomous Surface Vehicle to serve as a beacon vehicle and aid in the navigation of a UUV. The approach performances are assessed by means of simulations of the complete system under realistic conditions.


Optimizing the Power Budget of Hovering AUVs

Cruz, NA;


The maximum mission duration and range of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle are governed by the amount of energy carried on board and the way it is spent during the mission. While an increase in battery capacity and a decrease in electronics demand yield a direct increase in vehicle range, the impact of velocity variation is not so obvious. With slower velocities, most of the energy will be spent in electronics, not in motion, while for faster velocities a lot of energy will be needed to balance drag. Flying-type AUVs have a minimum velocity for the control surfaces to be effective, reducing the range of values for optimization. Hovering type AUVs, on the other hand, are typically slower moving platforms, able to travel at arbitrarily slow velocities. This paper addresses the analysis of the power consumption of hovering type AUVs, providing guidelines and analytical expressions to compute the optimal velocity when the vehicle travels in a single direction, and also when the trajectory is a combination of horizontal and vertical motion.


Pushing for Higher Autonomy and Cooperative Behaviors in Maritime Robotics

Djapic, V; Curtin, TB; Kirkwood, WJ; Potter, JR; Cruz, NA;



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