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Publicações por CTM


Literature on Wearable Technology for Connected Health: Scoping Review of Research Trends, Advances, and Barriers

Loncar Turukalo, T; Zdravevski, E; da Silva, JM; Chouvarda, I; Trajkovik, V;


Background: Wearable sensing and information and communication technologies are key enablers driving the transformation of health care delivery toward a new model of connected health (CH) care. The advances in wearable technologies in the last decade are evidenced in a plethora of original articles, patent documentation, and focused systematic reviews. Although technological innovations continuously respond to emerging challenges and technology availability further supports the evolution of CH solutions, the widespread adoption of wearables remains hindered. Objective: This study aimed to scope the scientific literature in the field of pervasive wearable health monitoring in the time interval from January 2010 to February 2019 with respect to four important pillars: technology, safety and security, prescriptive insight, and user-related concerns. The purpose of this study was multifold: identification of (1) trends and milestones that have driven research in wearable technology in the last decade, (2) concerns and barriers from technology and user perspective, and (3) trends in the research literature addressing these issues. Methods: This study followed the scoping review methodology to identify and process the available literature. As the scope surpasses the possibilities of manual search, we relied on the natural language processing tool kit to ensure an efficient and exhaustive search of the literature corpus in three large digital libraries: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, PubMed, and Springer. The search was based on the keywords and properties to be found in articles using the search engines of the digital libraries. Results: The annual number of publications in all segments of research on wearable technology shows an increasing trend from 2010 to February 2019. The technology-related topics dominated in the number of contributions, followed by research on information delivery, safety, and security, whereas user-related concerns were the topic least addressed. The literature corpus evidences milestones in sensor technology (miniaturization and placement), communication architectures and fifth generation (5G) cellular network technology, data analytics, and evolution of cloud and edge computing architectures. The research lag in battery technology makes energy efficiency a relevant consideration in the design of both sensors and network architectures with computational offloading. The most addressed user-related concerns were (technology) acceptance and privacy, whereas research gaps indicate that more efforts should be invested into formalizing clear use cases with timely and valuable feedback and prescriptive recommendations. Conclusions: This study confirms that applications of wearable technology in the CH domain are becoming mature and established as a scientific domain The current research should bring progress to sustainable delivery of valuable recommendations, enforcement of privacy by design, energy-efficient pervasive sensing, seamless monitoring, and low-latency 5G communications. To complement technology achievements, future work involving all stakeholders providing research evidence on improved care pathways and cost-effectiveness of the CH model is needed.


An Alternative SNR Computation Method for ADC Testing

Machado da Silva, JM; Carlos Alves, JC;


An alternative approach to compute the signal to noise ratio of analogue to digital converters based on the computation of the cross-correlation coefficient of the captured response is proposed here. It is shown, after simulation and experimental results, that this approach allows obtaining good accuracy results with the added advantages of not requiring coherent sampling and high purity sine wave stimuli.


Literature on Wearable Technology for Connected Health: scoping review on research trends, advances and barriers (Preprint)

Loncar-Turukalo, T; Zdravevski, E; Machado Da Silva, J; Chouvarda, I; Trajkovik, V;



In the last decade the advances in wearable technology have driven and transformed performance monitoring in fitness and wellness applications, surveillance in extreme (working) conditions, and management of chronic diseases. These innovations have opened a whole new perspective on health and social care, challenged by vast expenditures in ageing societies.


The aim of this study is to scope the scientific literature in the field of pervasive wearable health monitoring in the time interval 2010-2019, identify chronological research trends and milestones, enabling technology innovations, and spot the gaps and barriers from technology and user perspectives.


This study follows the scoping review methodology and PRISMA guidelines to identify and process the available literature. As the scope surpasses the possibilities of manual search, we rely on Natural Language Processing (NLP) to ensure efficient and exhaustive search of the literature corpus in three large digital libraries: IEEE, PubMed and Springer. The search is based on keywords and properties to be found in the articles using the search engines of the digital libraries.


The chronological analysis highlights the increasing numbers of publications that address health-related wearable technologies resulting from collaborative work on a global scale. The identified articles indicate the research focus on technology, delivery of prescriptive information, and user (data) safety and security. The literature corpus evidences major research progress in sensor technology (with regard to miniaturization and placement), communication protocols, data analytics, and evolution of cloud and edge computing powered architectures. The most addressed user related concerns are (technology)acceptance and privacy. The research lag in battery technology puts energy-efficiency as relevant consideration both in the design of sensor and network architectures with computational offloading. User-related gaps indicate more efforts should be invested into formalizing clear use-cases with timely and valuable feedback and prescriptive recommendations.


There is no doubt that wearable technology is a key enabler of a new model of healthcare delivery. While technology is driving the transformation, there is ongoing research resolving the user concerns related to reliability, privacy, comfort, and delivered feedback. The current research focus is on sustainable delivery of valuable recommendations, the enforcement of privacy by design, and technological solutions for energy-efficient pervasive sensing, seamless monitoring, and low-latency 5G communications.


Absenteeism Prediction in Call Center Using Machine Learning Algorithms

de Oliveira, EL; Torres, JM; Moreira, RS; de Lima, RAF;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Absenteeism is a major problem faced particularly by companies with a large number of employees. Therefore, the existence of absenteeism prediction tools is essential for such companies depending on intensive human-resources. This paper focuses on using machine learning technologies for predicting the absences of employees from work. More precisely, a few prediction models were tuned and tested with 241 features extracted from a population of 13.805 employees. This target population was sampled from the help desk work force of a major Brazilian phone company. The features were extracted from the profile of the help desk agents and then filtered by processes of correlation and feature selection. The selected features were then used to compare absenteeism prediction given by different classification algorithm (cf. Random Forest, Multilayer Perceptron, Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes, XGBoost and Long Short Term Memory). The parameterization of these ML models was also studied to reach the classifier best suited for the prediction problem. Such parameterizations were tuned through the use of evolutionary algorithms, from which considerable precision was reached, the best being 72% (XGBoost) and 71% (Random Forest). © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Automatic Forest Fire Detection Based on a Machine Learning and Image Analysis Pipeline

Alves, J; Soares, C; Torres, JM; Sobral, P; Moreira, RS;

New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 2, World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, WorldCIST 2019, Galicia, Spain, 16-19 April

Forest fires can have devastating consequences if not detected and fought before they spread. This paper presents an automatic fire detection system designed to identify forest fires, preferably, in their early stages. The system pipeline processes images of the forest environment and is able to detect the presence of smoke or flames. Additionally, the system is able to produce an estimation of the area under ignition so that its size can be evaluated. In the process of classification of a fire image, one Deep Convolutional Neural Network was used to extract, from the images, the descriptors which are then applied to a Logistic Regression classifier. At a later stage of the pipeline, image analysis and processing techniques at color level were applied to assess the area under ignition. In order to better understand the influence of specific image features in the classification task, the organized dataset, composed by 882 images, was associated with relevant image metadata (eg presence of flames, smoke, fog, clouds, human elements). In the tests, the system obtained a classification accuracy of 94.1% in 695 images of daytime scenarios and 94.8% in 187 images of nighttime scenarios. It presents good accuracy in estimating the flame area when compared with other approaches in the literature, substantially reducing the number of false positives and nearly keeping the same false negatives stats. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.


Improving Ambient Assisted Living Through Artificial Intelligence

Miguez, A; Soares, C; Torres, JM; Sobral, P; Moreira, RS;

New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 2, World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, WorldCIST 2019, Galicia, Spain, 16-19 April

The longevity of the population is the result of important scientific breakthroughs in recent years. However, living longer with quality, also brings new challenges to governments, and to the society as a whole. One of the most significant consequences will be the increasing pressure on the healthcare services. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) systems can greatly improve healthcare scalability and reach while keeping the user in their home environment. The work presented in this paper specifies, implements, and validates a smart environment system that aggregates Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The specification includes a reference architecture, composed by three modules, whose tasks are to automate and standardize the collection of data, to relate and give meaning to that data and to learn from it. The system is able to identify daily living activities with different levels of complexity using a temporal logic. It enables a real time response to emergency situations and also a long term analysis of the user daily routine useful to induce healthier lifestyles. The implementation addresses the applications and techniques used in the development of a functional prototype. To demonstrate the system operation three use cases with increasing levels of complexity are proposed and validated. A discussion on related projects is also included, specifically on automation applications, Knowledge Representation (KR) and Machine Learning (ML). © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.

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