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Publicações por CTM


Técnicas de Aprendizado de Máquina Aplicadas na Previsão de Produtividade de Operadores de Centros de Teleatendimento

OLIVEIRA, E; Manuel Torres, J; Silva Moreira, R; França Lima, R;

Anais do 14º Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente



Intelligent sensing and ubiquitous systems (ISUS) for smarter and safer home healthcare

Moreira, RS; Torres, J; Sobral, P; Soares, C;

Intelligent Pervasive Computing Systems for Smarter Healthcare

Abstract The world population is facing several difficulties related to an aging society. In particular, the widespread increase of chronic and incapacitating diseases is overwhelming for traditional healthcare services. Ambient assisted living (AAL) systems can greatly improve healthcare scalability and scope while keeping people in the comfort of their home environments. This chapter focuses precisely on presenting the fundamental key aspects (cf. processing and sensing, integration and management, communication and coordination, intelligence and reasoning) to promote safety and support for outpatients living autonomously in AAL settings. Furthermore, for each key issue, a set of practical technological solutions are reported and detailed, showing real applicability of ubicomp technology to the integration and management of AAL systems specially designed for supporting daily living activities of people with progressive loss of capacities. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Assessing the Performance of Hierarchical Forecasting Methods on the Retail Sector

Oliveira, JM; Ramos, P;


Retailers need demand forecasts at different levels of aggregation in order to support a variety of decisions along the supply chain. To ensure aligned decision-making across the hierarchy, it is essential that forecasts at the most disaggregated level add up to forecasts at the aggregate levels above. It is not clear if these aggregate forecasts should be generated independently or by using an hierarchical forecasting method that ensures coherent decision-making at the different levels but does not guarantee, at least, the same accuracy. To give guidelines on this issue, our empirical study investigates the relative performance of independent and reconciled forecasting approaches, using real data from a Portuguese retailer. We consider two alternative forecasting model families for generating the base forecasts; namely, state space models and ARIMA. Appropriate models from both families are chosen for each time-series by minimising the bias-corrected Akaike information criteria. The results show significant improvements in forecast accuracy, providing valuable information to support management decisions. It is clear that reconciled forecasts using the Minimum Trace Shrinkage estimator (MinT-Shrink) generally improve on the accuracy of the ARIMA base forecasts for all levels and for the complete hierarchy, across all forecast horizons. The accuracy gains generally increase with the horizon, varying between 1.7% and 3.7% for the complete hierarchy. It is also evident that the gains in forecast accuracy are more substantial at the higher levels of aggregation, which means that the information about the individual dynamics of the series, which was lost due to aggregation, is brought back again from the lower levels of aggregation to the higher levels by the reconciliation process, substantially improving the forecast accuracy over the base forecasts.


IC Protection Against JTAG-Based Attacks

Ren, XL; Torres, FP; Blanton, RD; Tavares, VG;


Security is now becoming a well-established challenge for integrated circuits (ICs). Various types of IC attacks have been reported, including reverse engineering IPs, dumping on-chip data, and controlling/modifying IC operation. IEEE 1149.1, commonly known as Joint Test Action Group (JTAG), is a standard for providing test access to an IC. JTAG is primarily used for IC manufacturing test, but also for in-field debugging and failure analysis since it gives access to internal subsystems of the IC. Because the JTAG needs to be left intact and operational after fabrication, it inevitably provides a "backdoor" that can be exploited outside its intended use. This paper proposes machine learning-based approaches to detect illegitimate use of the JTAG. Specifically, JTAG operation is characterized using various features that are then classified as either legitimate or attack. Experiments using the OpenSPARC T2 platform demonstrate that the proposed approaches can classify legitimate JTAG operation and known attacks with significantly high accuracy. Experiments also demonstrate that unknown and disguised attacks can be detected with high accuracy as well (99% and 94%, respectively).


System-level study on impulse-radio integration-and-fire (IRIF) transceiver

Kianpour, I; Hussain, B; Mendonca, HS; Tavares, VG;


Integrate-and-fire (IFN) model of a biological neuron is an amplitude-to-time conversion technique that encodes information in the time-spacing between action potentials (spikes). In principle, this encoding scheme can be used to modulate signals in an impulse radio ultra wide-band (IR-UWB) transmitter, making it suitable for low-power applications, such as in wireless sensor networks (WSN) and biomedical monitoring. This paper then proposes an architecture based on IFN encoding method applied to a UWB transceiver scenario, referred to herein as impulse-radio integrate-and-fire (IRIF) transceiver, followed by a system-level study to attest its effectiveness. The transmitter is composed of an integrate-and-fire modulator, a digital controller and memory block, followed by a UWB pulse generator and filter. At the receiver side, a low-noise amplifier, a squarer, a low-pass filter and a comparator form an energy-detection receiver. A processor reconstructs the original signal at the receiver, and the quality of the synthesized signal is then verified in terms of effective number of bits (ENOB). Finally, a link budget is performed. (C) 2019 Published by Elsevier GmbH.


Importance of subject-dependent classification and imbalanced distributions in driver sleepiness detection in realistic conditions

Silveira, CS; Cardoso, JS; Lourenco, AL; Ahlstrom, C;


The first in-depth study on the use of electrocardiogram and electrooculogram for subject-dependent classification in driver sleepiness/fatigue under realistic driving conditions is presented in this work. Since acquisitions in simulated environments may be misleading for sleepiness assessment, performing studies on road are required. For that purpose, the authors present a database resulting from a field driving study performed in the SleepEye project. Based on previous research, supervised machine learning methods are implemented and applied to 16 heart- and 25 eye-based extracted features, mostly related to heart rate variability and blink events, respectively, in order to study the influence of subject dependency in sleepiness classification, using different classifiers and dealing with imbalanced class distributions. Results showed a significantly worse performance in subject-independent classification: a decrease of similar to 40 and 20% in the detection rate of the 'sleepy' class for two and three classes, respectively. Since physiological signals are the ones that present the most individual characteristics, a subject-independent classification can be even harder to perform. Transfer learning techniques and methods for imbalanced distributions are promising approaches and need further investigation.

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