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Publicações por CTM


SpaMHMM: Sparse Mixture of Hidden Markov Models for Graph Connected Entities

Pernes, D; Cardoso, JS;

International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2019 Budapest, Hungary, July 14-19, 2019



Sparse Multi-Bending Snakes

Araújo, RJ; Fernandes, K; Cardoso, JS;

IEEE Trans. Image Process.



SpaMHMM: Sparse Mixture of Hidden Markov Models for Graph Connected Entities

Pernes, D; Cardoso, JS;




Adversarial learning for a robust iris presentation attack detection method against unseen attack presentations

Ferreira, PM; Sequeira, AF; Pernes, D; Rebelo, A; Cardoso, JS;

2019 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, BIOSIG 2019 - Proceedings

Despite the high performance of current presentation attack detection (PAD) methods, the robustness to unseen attacks is still an under addressed challenge. This work approaches the problem by enforcing the learning of the bona fide presentations while making the model less dependent on the presentation attack instrument species (PAIS). The proposed model comprises an encoder, mapping from input features to latent representations, and two classifiers operating on these underlying representations: (i) the task-classifier, for predicting the class labels (as bona fide or attack); and (ii) the species-classifier, for predicting the PAIS. In the learning stage, the encoder is trained to help the task-classifier while trying to fool the species-classifier. Plus, an additional training objective enforcing the similarity of the latent distributions of different species is added leading to a 'PAI-species'-independent model. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed regularisation strategies equipped the neural network with increased PAD robustness. The adversarial model obtained better loss and accuracy as well as improved error rates in the detection of attack and bona fide presentations. © 2019 Gesellschaft fuer Informatik.


Towards a Joint Approach to Produce Decisions and Explanations Using CNNs

Torto, IR; Fernandes, K; Teixeira, LF;

Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis - 9th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2019, Madrid, Spain, July 1-4, 2019, Proceedings, Part I

Convolutional Neural Networks, as well as other deep learning methods, have shown remarkable performance on tasks like classification and detection. However, these models largely remain black-boxes. With the widespread use of such networks in real-world scenarios and with the growing demand of the right to explanation, especially in highly-regulated areas like medicine and criminal justice, generating accurate predictions is no longer enough. Machine learning models have to be explainable, i.e., understandable to humans, which entails being able to present the reasons behind their decisions. While most of the literature focuses on post-model methods, we propose an in-model CNN architecture, composed by an explainer and a classifier. The model is trained end-to-end, with the classifier taking as input not only images from the dataset but also the explainer’s resulting explanation, thus allowing for the classifier to focus on the relevant areas of such explanation. We also developed a synthetic dataset generation framework, that allows for automatic annotation and creation of easy-to-understand images that do not require the knowledge of an expert to be explained. Promising results were obtained, especially when using L1 regularisation, validating the potential of the proposed architecture and further encouraging research to improve the proposed architecture’s explainability and performance. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


GarmNet: Improving Global with Local Perception for Robotic Laundry Folding

Gomes, DF; Luo, S; Teixeira, LF;

Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems - 20th Annual Conference, TAROS 2019, London, UK, July 3-5, 2019, Proceedings, Part II

Developing autonomous assistants to help with domestic tasks is a vital topic in robotics research. Among these tasks, garment folding is one of them that is still far from being achieved mainly due to the large number of possible configurations that a crumpled piece of clothing may exhibit. Research has been done on either estimating the pose of the garment as a whole or detecting the landmarks for grasping separately. However, such works constrain the capability of the robots to perceive the states of the garment by limiting the representations for one single task. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end deep learning model named GarmNet that is able to simultaneously localize the garment and detect landmarks for grasping. The localization of the garment represents the global information for recognising the category of the garment, whereas the detection of landmarks can facilitate subsequent grasping actions. We train and evaluate our proposed GarmNet model using the CloPeMa Garment dataset that contains 3,330 images of different garment types in different poses. The experiments show that the inclusion of landmark detection (GarmNet-B) can largely improve the garment localization, with an error rate of 24.7% lower. Solutions as ours are important for robotics applications, as these offer scalable to many classes, memory and processing efficient solutions.

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