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Publicações por CTM


Computer Aided Detection of Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforators in Computed Tomography Angiography scans

Araújo, RJ; Garrido, V; Baraças, CA; Vasconcelos, MA; Mavioso, C; Anacleto, JC; Cardoso, MJ; Oliveira, HP;




Estimation of atmospheric turbulence parameters from Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor measurements

Andrade, PP; Garcia, PJV; Correia, CM; Kolb, J; Carvalho, MI;


The estimation of atmospheric turbulence parameters is of relevance for the following: (a) site evaluation and characterization; (b) prediction of the point spread function; (c) live assessment of error budgets and optimization of adaptive optics performance; (d) optimization of fringe trackers for long baseline optical interferometry. The ubiquitous deployment of Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors in large telescopes makes them central for atmospheric turbulence parameter estimation via adaptive optics telemetry. Several methods for the estimation of the Fried parameter and outer scale have been developed, most of which are based on the fitting of Zernike polynomial coefficient variances reconstructed from the telemetry. The non-orthogonality of Zernike polynomial derivatives introduces modal cross coupling, which affects the variances. Furthermore, the finite resolution of the sensor introduces aliasing. In this article the impact of these effects on atmospheric turbulence parameter estimation is addressed with simulations. It is found that cross-coupling is the dominant bias. An iterative algorithm to overcome it is presented. Simulations are conducted for typical ranges of the outer scale (4-32 m), Fried parameter (10 cm) and noise in the variances (signal-to-noise ratio of 10 and above). It is found that, using the algorithm, both parameters are recovered with sub-per cent accuracy.


Dissipative solitons for generalizations of the cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation

Carvalho, MI; Facao, M;


We found stable soliton solutions for two generalizations of the cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, namely, one that includes the term that, in optics, represents a delayed response of the nonlinear gain and the other including the self-steepening term, also in the optical context. These solutions do not require the presence of the delayed response of the nonlinear refractive index, such that, they exist regardless of the term previously considered essential for stabilization. The existence of these solitons was predicted by a perturbation approach, and then confirmed by solving the ordinary differential equations, resulting from a similarity reduction, and also by applying a linear stability analysis. We found that these solitons exist for a large region of the parameter space and possess very asymmetric amplitude profiles as well as a complicated chirp characteristic.


OSSEC IDS Extension to Improve Log Analysis and Override False Positive or Negative Detections

Teixeira, D; Assuncao, L; Pereira, T; Malta, S; Pinto, P;


Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are used to prevent attacks by detecting potential harmful intrusion attempts. Currently, there are a set of available Open Source IDS with different characteristics. The Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System (OSSEC) supports multiple features and its implementation consists of Agents that collect and send event logs to a Manager that analyzes and tests them against specific rules. In the Manager, if certain events match a specific rule, predefined actions are triggered in the Agents such as to block or unblock a particular IP address. However, once an action is triggered, the systems administrator is not able to centrally check and obtain detailed information of the past event logs. In addition, OSSEC may assume false positive or negative detections and their triggered actions: previously harmless but blocked IP addresses by OSSEC have to be unblocked in order to reestablish normal operation or potential harmful IP addresses not previously blocked by OSSEC should be blocked in order to increase protection levels. These operations to override OSSEC actions must be manually performed in every Agent, thus requiring time and human resources. Both these limitations have a higher impact on large scale OSSEC deployments assuming tens or hundreds of Agents. This paper proposes an extension to OSSEC that improves the administrator analysis capability by maintaining, organizing and presenting Agent logs in a central point, and it allows for blocking or unblocking IP addresses in order to override actions triggered by false detections. The proposed extension aims to increase efficiency of time and human resources management, mainly considering large scale OSSEC deployments.


The Security Challenges Emerging from the Technological Developments A Practical Case Study of Organizational Awareness to the Security Risks

Costa, P; Montenegro, R; Pereira, T; Pinto, P;


An increase number of cyberattacks on public and private organizations have been performed by exploiting their social and technological vulnerabilities. Mainly, these attacks aim to obtain illegal profits by extorting organizations, affecting their reputation and normal operation. In order to minimize the impact of these attacks, it is essential that these organizations not only implement preventive actions and efficient security mechanisms, but also continually evaluate the security risks their staff are exposed to when performing their job tasks. This paper presents a case study to assess the private and public Portuguese organizations security related practices followed by their staff. The results obtained by a conducted survey allow the analysis of behaviours and practices followed by the staff of these organizations and also allow to draw conclusions about their security procedures and risk awareness.


Improving the performance evaluation of wireless networks: towards a simulation-experimentation synergy using ns-3

Fontes, H;



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