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Publicações por CTM


Smart Gateways for IOT-Factory Integration

Rubio, EM; Torres, PMB; Dionísio, RP;

Technological Developments in Industry 4.0 for Business Applications - Advances in Logistics, Operations, and Management Science

This book chapter proposes a description of smart gateways and cyber-physical systems (CPS) for the industrial internet of things (I-IOT). It also presents a case study where a smart gateway is developed to be used in different types of industrial equipment for the shop floor. The case study is developed under the specifications of different industries in the region of Castelo Branco. It is a proof that the 4th industrial revolution will be the engine for SME innovation, independence of the regions and their financial strength. It is also proof that the cooperation between universities, industries and startups can evolve to break barriers and add value in the improvement of regional industries competitiveness. Topics that will be addressed on the chapter can be used for developers, students, researchers and enthusiasts to learn topics related to I-IOT, such as data acquisitions systems, wired and wireless communication devices and protocols, OPC servers and LabVIEW programming.


Key Distribution Protocol for Industrial Internet of Things Without Implicit Certificates

Eldefrawy, MH; Pereira, N; Gidlund, M;


The deployment of the Internet of Things (IoT) in industry, called the Industrial IoT (IIoT), is supporting the introduction of very desirable improvements, such as increasing production flexibility, self-organization, and real-time and quick response to events. However, security and privacy challenges are still to be well addressed. The IIoT requires different properties to achieve secure and reliable systems and these requirements create extra challenges considering the limited processing and communication power available to IIoT field devices. In this research article, we present a key distribution protocol for IIoT that is computationally and communicationally lightweight (requires a single message exchange) and handles node addition and revocation, as well as fast rekeying. The scheme can also resist the consequences of node capture attacks (we assume that captured nodes can be detected by the gateway and previous works have shown this assumption to be acceptable in practice), server impersonation attacks and provides forward/backward secrecy. We show formally the correctness of our protocol and evaluate its energy consumption under realistic scenarios using a real embedded platform compared to previous state-of-theart key-exchange protocols, to show our protocol reliability for IIoT.


Security Risk Analysis of LoRaWAN and Future Directions

Butun, I; Pereira, N; Gidlund, M;


LoRa (along with its upper layers definition-LoRaWAN) is one of the most promising Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies for implementing Internet of Things (IoT)-based applications. Although being a popular technology, several works in the literature have revealed vulnerabilities and risks regarding the security of LoRaWAN v1.0 (the official 1st specification draft). The LoRa-Alliance has built upon these findings and introduced several improvements in the security and architecture of LoRa. The result of these efforts resulted in LoRaWAN v1.1, released on 11 October 2017. This work aims at reviewing and clarifying the security aspects of LoRaWAN v1.1. By following ETSI guidelines, we provide a comprehensive Security Risk Analysis of the protocol and discuss several remedies to the security risks described. A threat catalog is presented, along with discussions and analysis in view of the scale, impact, and likelihood of each threat. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this work is one of the first of its kind, by providing a detailed security risk analysis related to the latest version of LoRaWAN. Our analysis highlights important practical threats, such as end-device physical capture, rogue gateway and self-replay, which require particular attention by developers and organizations implementing LoRa networks.


Formal security analysis of LoRaWAN

Eldefrawy, M; Butun, I; Pereira, N; Gidlund, M;


Recent Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) protocols are receiving increased attention from industry and academia to offer accessibility for Internet of Things (IoT) connected remote sensors and actuators. In this work, we present a formal study of LoRaWAN security, an increasingly popular technology, which defines the structure and operation of LPWAN networks based on the LoRa physical layer. There are previously known security vulnerabilities in LoRaWAN that lead to the proposal of several improvements, some already incorporated into the latest protocol specification. Our analysis of LoRaWAN security uses Scyther, a formal security analysis tool and focuses on the key exchange portion of versions 1.0 (released in 2015) and 1.1 (the latest, released in 2017). For version 1.0, which is still the most widely deployed version of LoRaWAN, we show that our formal model allowed to uncover weaknesses that can be related to previously reported vulnerabilities. Our model did not find weaknesses in the latest version of the protocol (v1.1), and we discuss what this means in practice for the security of LoRaWAN as well as important aspects of our model and tools employed that should be considered. The Scyther model developed provides realistic models for LoRaWAN v1.0 and v1.1 that can be used and extended to formally analyze, inspect, and explore the security features of the protocols. This, in turn, can clarify the methodology for achieving secrecy, integrity, and authentication for designers and developers interested in these LPWAN standards. We believe that our model and discussion of the protocols security properties are beneficial for both researchers and practitioners. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that presents a formal security analysis of LoRaWAN.


Improving Quality-of-Service in LoRa Low-Power Wide-Area Networks through Optimized Radio Resource Management

Sallum, E; Pereira, N; Alves, M; Santos, MM;


Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) enable a growing number of Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications with large geographical coverage, low bit-rate, and long lifetime requirements. LoRa (Long Range) is a well-known LPWAN technology that uses a proprietary Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) physical layer, while the upper layers are defined by an open standard - LoRaWAN. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method to improve the Quality-of-Service (QoS) of LoRa networks by fine-tuning specific radio parameters. Through a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problem formulation, we find optimal settings for the Spreading Factor (SF) and Carrier Frequency (CF) radio parameters, considering the network traffic specifications as a whole, to improve the Data Extraction Rate (DER) and to reduce the packet collision rate and the energy consumption in LoRa networks. The effectiveness of the optimization procedure is demonstrated by simulations, using LoRaSim for different network scales. In relation to the traditional LoRa radio parameter assignment policies, our solution leads to an average increase of 6% in DER, and a number of collisions 13 times smaller. In comparison to networks with dynamic radio parameter assignment policies, there is an increase of 5%, 2.8%, and 2% of DER, and a number of collisions 11, 7.8 and 2.5 times smaller than equal-distribution, Tiurlikova's (SoTa), and random distribution, respectively. Regarding the network energy consumption metric, the proposed optimization obtained an average consumption similar to Tiurlikova's, and 2.8 times lower than the equal-distribution and random dynamic allocation policies. Furthermore, we approach the practical aspects of how to implement and integrate the optimization mechanism proposed in LoRa, guaranteeing backward compatibility with the standard protocol.


Improving Quality-of-Service in LoRa Low-Power Wide-Area Networks through Optimized Radio Resource Management

Sallum, E; Pereira, N; Alves, M; Santos, M;


Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) enable a growing number of Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications with large geographical coverage, low bit-rate and long lifetime requirements. LoRa (Long Range) is a well-known LPWAN technology which uses a proprietary Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) physical layer, while the upper layers are defined by an open standard - LoRaWAN. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method to improve the Quality-of-Service (QoS) of LoRa networks by fine-tuning specific radio parameters. Through a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problem formulation, we find optimal settings for the Spreading Factor (SF) and Carrier Frequency (CF) radio parameters, considering the network traffic specifications as a whole, to improve the Data Extraction Rate (DER) and to reduce the packet collision rate and the energy consumption in LoRa networks. The effectiveness of the optimization procedure is demonstrated by simulations, considering realistic scenarios. In relation to the traditional LoRa radio parameter assignment policies, our solution leads to an average increase of 30% in DER, and a number of collisions 17 times smaller. In comparison to networks with dynamic radio parameter assignment policies, there is an increase of 10.5% and 4% of DER, and a number of collisions 13.5 and 7.5 times smaller than equal-distribution and random distribution, respectively. Regarding the network energy consumption metric, the proposed optimization obtained an average consumption 3.6 and 2.74 times lower than the equal-distribution and random dynamic allocation policies, respectively. Furthermore, we approach the practical aspects on how to implement and integrate the optimization mechanism proposed in LoRa, guaranteeing backward compatibility with the standard protocol.

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