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Publicações por CTM


QoS-based management of biomedical wireless sensor networks for patient monitoring

Abreu, C; Miranda, F; Ricardo, M; Mendes, PM;


Biomedical wireless sensor networks are a key technology to support the development of new applications and services targeting patient monitoring, in particular, regarding data collection for medical diagnosis and continuous health assessment. However, due to the critical nature of medical applications, such networks have to satisfy demanding quality of service requirements, while guaranteeing high levels of confidence and reliability. Such goals are influenced by several factors, where the network topology, the limited throughput, and the characteristics and dynamics of the surrounding environment are of major importance. Harsh environments, as hospital facilities, can compromise the radio frequency communications and, consequently, the network's ability to provide the quality of service required by medical applications. Furthermore, the impact of such environments on the network's performance is hard to manage due to its random and unpredictable nature. Consequently, network planning and management, in general or step-down hospital units, is a very hard task. In such context, this work presents a quality of service based management tool to help healthcare professionals supervising the network's performance and to assist them managing the admission of new sensor nodes (i.e., patients to be monitored) to the biomedical wireless sensor network. The proposed solution proves to be a valuable tool both, to detect and classify potential harmful variations in the quality of service provided by the network, avoiding its degradation to levels where the biomedical signs would be useless; and to manage the admission of new patients to the network.


Improving the Energy Efficiency of WSN by Using Application-Layer Topologies to Constrain RPL-defined Routing Trees

Marques, BF; Ricardo, MP;


The deployment of thousands of tiny devices inter-networked together and accessible through the Internet is the result of the increasing trend towards enabling the concepts of Internet-of-Things. As these devices may be scattered in a unplanned way, a routing protocol is needed. The RPL protocol is the IETF proposed standard protocol for IPv6-based multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). RPL requires that communication paths go through a central router which may provide suboptimal paths, making no distinction of the applications the nodes run. To address these issues, an Application-Driven extension to RPL is proposed which enables the increase of the WSN lifetime by limiting the routing and forwarding functions of the network mainly to nodes running the same application. This paper evaluates the proposed solution coded in ContikiOS by means of Cooja simulations, and compares it against regular RPL. Simulation results confirm that the proposed solution provides lower energy consumption, lower end-to-end delays, and lower total number of packets transmitted and received.


Characterization of the impact of network topology on the performance of single-radio wireless mesh networks

Calcada, T; Ricardo, M;


Stub Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are used to extend Internet access. The use of multiple channels improves the capacity of WMN but significant challenges arise when nodes are limited to a single-radio interface to form the WMN. In particular, the assignment of mesh nodes to channels results on the creation of multiple sub-networks, one per channel, where individual capacity may depend on the sub-network topologies This paper identifies the relevant topological characteristics of the sub-networks resultant from the channel assignment process and studies, through simulation, the impact and relative importance of those characteristics on the maximal throughput enabled by the stub WMN. The number of nodes in the gateways neighborhood and the hidden node problem in the gateways neighborhood were identified as the characteristics having the highest impact on the WMN throughput.


A ns-3 based Simulator of TCP/IP Wireless Underground Networks

Conceicao, S; Ribeiro, F; Campos, R; Ricardo, M;

2014 IFIP Wireless Days (WD)

Wireless Underground Networks (WUNs) include communications links between buried nodes and between buried and aboveground nodes. WUNs have many applications, such as border surveillance, agriculture monitoring, and infrastructure monitoring. Recent studies have shown that they are feasible and have deployment advantages over wired networks. Yet, so far WUNs evaluations have been done using testbeds only, and a tool enabling simulations on TCP/IP WUNs is lacking. We propose a simulator of TCP/IP wireless underground networks based on ns-3. The simulator was validated against experimental results for 433 MHz and 2.4 GHz frequency bands. The results show its accuracy for most of the communications scenarios.


TV Recommendation and Personalization Systems: Integrating Broadcast and Video On-demand Services

Soares, M; Viana, P;


The expansion of Digital Television and the convergence between conventional broadcasting and television over IP contributed to the gradual increase of the number of available channels and on demand video content. Moreover, the dissemination of the use of mobile devices like laptops, smartphones and tablets on everyday activities resulted in a shift of the traditional television viewing paradigm from the couch to everywhere, anytime from any device. Although this new scenario enables a great improvement in viewing experiences, it also brings new challenges given the overload of information that the viewer faces. Recommendation systems stand out as a possible solution to help a watcher on the selection of the content that best fits his/her preferences. This paper describes a web based system that helps the user navigating on broadcasted and online television content by implementing recommendations based on collaborative and content based filtering. The algorithms developed estimate the similarity between items and users and predict the rating that a user would assign to a particular item (television program, movie, etc.). To enable interoperability between different systems, programs' characteristics (title, genre, actors, etc.) are stored according to the TV-Anytime standard. The set of recommendations produced are presented through a Web Application that allows the user to interact with the system based on the obtained recommendations.



Chambel, T; Viana, P; Bove, VM; Strover, S; Thomas, G;

Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia - MM '14


  • 188
  • 324