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Publicações por CTM


Wi-Fi Broadband Maritime Communications Using 5.8 GHz Band

Lopes, MJ; Teixeira, F; Mamede, JB; Campos, R;


Current maritime communications rely on expensive or proprietary technology, such as satellite, WiMAX, and narrowband HF radios. Broadband communications are limited to the near shore 3G/4G coverage provided by mobile operators. The usage of unlicensed and IEEE 802.11 networks may provide ship owners a low-cost broadband access to the Internet offshore, enabling real-time navigation applications and voice/video communications, while increasing safety onboard. Also, they can support underwater communications by acting as a bridge between shore and devices operating underwater. In this paper we present a performance evaluation of IEEE 802.11n networks in the 5.8 GHz band in a maritime environment. A point-to-point link was established between a fishing ship and shore. From our tests, communication links up to 7 km at 1 Mbit/s are possible, showing the advantage of using long range IEEE 802.11 links for broadband maritime communications.


Real-time manipulation of syncopation in audio loops

Cocharro, D; Sioros, G; Caetano, M; Davies, MEP;

Proceedings - 40th International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2014 and 11th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2014 - Music Technology Meets Philosophy: From Digital Echos to Virtual Ethos

In this work we present a system that estimates and manipulates rhythmic structures from audio loops in realtime to perform syncopation transformations. The core of our system is a technique for the manipulation of syncopation in symbolic representations of rhythm. In order to apply this technique to audio signals we must first segment the audio loop into musical events using onset detection. Then, we use the symbolic syncopation transformation method to determine how to modify the rhythmic structure in order to change the syncopation. Finally we present two alternative methods to reconstruct the audio loop, one based on time scaling and the other on resampling. Our system, Loopalooza, is implemented as a freely available MaxForLive device to allow musicians and DJs to manipulate syncopation in audio loops in realtime. Copyright:


Considering roughness to describe and generate vertical musical structure in content-based algorithmic-assisted audio composition

Bernardes, G; Davies, MEP; Guedes, C; Pennycook, B;

Proceedings - 40th International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2014 and 11th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2014 - Music Technology Meets Philosophy: From Digital Echos to Virtual Ethos

This paper examines the correlation between musical dissonance and auditory roughness-the most significant factor of psychoacoustic dissonance- and the contribution of the latter to algorithmic composition. We designed an empirical study to assess how auditory roughness correlates with human judgments of dissonance in natural musical stimuli on the sound object time scale. The results showed a statistically significant correlation between roughness and listeners' judgments of dissonance for quasi-harmonic sounds. This paper concludes by presenting two musical applications of auditory roughness in algorithmic composition, in particular to supervise the vertical recombination of sound objects in the software earGram. Copyright:


Improvasher: A Real-Time Mashup System for Live Musical Input

Davies, MEP; Stark, AM; Gouyon, F; Goto, M;

14th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME 2014, London, United Kingdom, June 30 - July 4, 2014



Evaluating the Evaluation Measures for Beat Tracking

Davies, MEP; Böck, S;

Proceedings of the 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2014, Taipei, Taiwan, October 27-31, 2014



Syncopation creates the sensation of groove in synthesized music examples

Sioros, G; Miron, M; Davies, M; Gouyon, F; Madison, G;


In order to better understand the musical properties which elicit an increased sensation of wanting to move when listening to music groove we investigate the effect of adding syncopation to simple piano melodies, under the hypothesis that syncopation is correlated to groove. Across two experiments we examine listeners' experience of groove to synthesized musical stimuli covering a range of syncopation levels and densities of musical events, according to formal rules implemented by a computer algorithm that shifts musical events from strong to weak metrical positions. Results indicate that moderate levels of syncopation lead to significantly higher groove ratings than melodies without any syncopation or with maximum possible syncopation. A comparison between the various transformations and the way they were rated shows that there is no simple relation between syncopation magnitude and groove.

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