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Publicações por CTM


Double Probe Based in Piezoelectric Sensors for Local Pulse Wave Velocity Assessment

Pereira Lopes, TMP; Correia, C;


Local pulse-wave velocity (PWV) is recognized as the simplest and most reproducible process of non-invasively assessing the vascular marker of arterial stiffness that allowing the risk of cardiovascular diseases to be determinate. Devices currently available for local PWV measurement have not yet been generalized to clinical practice since they require high technical expertise and most of them are limited in precision, due to the lack of reliable signal processing methods. This work describes a new type of probes, based on a piezoelectric sensor in different configurations, single probe and double probe. The principle of PWV measurement involves determination of the pulse transit time between the signals acquired simultaneously by both piezoelectric placed 23 mm apart in the same probe. The double probe characterization is accomplished in different studies, carried out in a dedicated test bench system, capable of reproducing a range of clinically relevant properties of the cardiovascular system.


Validation of a waveform delineator device for cardiac studies: repeatability and data mining analysis

Almeida, VG; Borba, J; Pereira, T; Pereira, HC; Cardoso, JMR; Correia, C;


This paper envisages showing the potential of innovative non-invasive techniques based on affordable and easily operated instrumentation as well as user-friendly computer aided algorithms in the screening of cardiovascular (CV) diseases. These techniques are based on the assumption that arterial stiffness is currently an important predicator of the CV diseases development and can be assessed by analyzing the arterial pressure waveform (APW). A previously developed PZ based device for non-invasive APW capture is currently under test in clinical environment, using a heterogeneous population constituted by healthy and unhealthy subjects. A dedicated Matlab analysis tool was designed and developed to extract relevant information and further APW analysis. Several recordings of the APW in the same day and in consecutive months are being performed by trained observers, to evaluate its reproducibility. Data mining analysis is subsequently the last task where the Weka 3-6-5 package software is used. The usefulness of developing data mining algorithms for cardiovascular applications can benefit the CV screenings contributing for the early identification of arterial stiffness related patterns.


Cross-platform demonstrator combining spectrum sensing and a geo-location database

Dionisio, R; Ribeiro, J; Ribeiro, J; Marques, P; Rodriguez, J;

2012 Future Network and Mobile Summit, FutureNetw 2012

After the digital switchover, a secondary access of the so-called TV White Spaces should not interfere with primary users, such as DVB-T systems and local wireless microphone devices. One consensual method for secondary spectrum users to avoid interference is to combine geo-location database with spectrum sensing. This paper describes an experimental platform that combines wireless microphone sensors with a web-based geo-location database access. Software defined radios and Internet technologies are the enabling tools in use. From test trials in a real scenario, the platform was capable to update a list of vacant channel from the geo-location database, using reliable information from blind sensing algorithms. © 2012 IIMC Ltd.


2 10 Gbit/s nonreturn-to-zero-ook to 10 Gbaud quasicontinuous phase modulation all-optical conversion using cascaded mach-zehnder interferometer-semiconductor optical amplifiers

Dionisio, RP; Parca, G; Reis, C; Nogueira, R; Teixeira, AL;


An optical format conversion from nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) to quasicontinuous phase modulation (Qu-CPM) using two MachZehnder interferometer-semiconductor optical amplifiers in serial is presented, and its feasibility is demonstrated in a 2 x 10 Gb/s NRZ-OOK to one 10 Gbaud Qu-CPM conversion experiment. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 54:12401242, 2012; View this article online at DOI 10.1002/mop.26783


Evaluation of sensing techniques for wireless microphone signals in the TV white spaces

Dionisio, R; Marques, P; Rodriguez, J;

Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics

This work focuses on the evaluation of different sensing techniques for the detection of wireless microphones in the UHF band, by means of simulation. The metrics used for the comparisons include probability of detection, probability of false alarm and minimum SNR detected for a given observation time. The energy detector is used as a benchmark against blind detection techniques. As an example, simulation results showed that blind detection algorithms can sense a wireless microphone signal with SNR = -17 dB in a Rayleigh channel, considering 100 ms sensing time, 90 % probability of detection and 10 % probability of false alarm.


Testbed for combination of local sensing with geolocation database in real environments

Ribeiro, JC; Ribeiro, J; Rodriguez, J; Dionisio, R; Esteves, H; Duarte, P; Marques, P;

IEEE Wireless Communications

This article describes an experimental testbed that combines wireless microphone sensors with a web-based terrestrial digital video broadcasting geolocation database and a program making and special events spectrumbooking platform. Software defined radio and Internet technologies are the enabling tools in use. The key sensing techniques are identified and implemented. Test trials in a real scenario have shown that the platform was able to receive information from a DVB-T geolocation database and a PMSE spectrum-booking platform, updating the list of vacant channels with blind sensing techniques. The proposed method has shown capabilities to protect primary users of interferences from secondary users of the spectrum. © 2012 IEEE.

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