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Publicações por CTM


Advanced delivery of sensitive multimedia content for better serving user expectations in Virtual Collaboration applications

Andrade, MT; Dogan, S; Carreras, A; Barbosa, V; Kodikara Arachchi, H; Delgado, J; Kondoz, AM;

Multimedia Tools and Applications

A major challenge when accessing protected multimedia content in heterogeneous usage environments is the ability to provide acceptable levels of quality of experience to all involving users. Additionally, different levels of protection should be possible to be addressed when manipulating the content towards the quality of experience maximization. This paper describes the use of a context-aware and Digital Rights Management (DRM)-enabled content adaptation platform towards meeting these challenges. The platform was conceived to deliver advanced content adaptation within different application scenarios, among which Virtual Collaboration (VC) was central. Descriptions of use cases implemented by the platform in heterogeneous VC environments are provided. Conducted experiments have highlighted the benefits to users when compared to an operation without the platform. Results of different adaptations suitable to sensed context conditions are also provided and analyzed. A brief description of the platform functionality is included together with pointers to additional information. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


Exploring semantic relationships across internet resources

Castro, H; Andrade, MT; Almeida, F; Chiariglione, L; Tropea, G; Melazzi, NB; Mousas, AS; Kaklamani, DI;

Proceedings of the 2011 7th International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices, NWeSP 2011

As the social character of the Web grows stronger, online multimedia resources become more tangled, exhibiting multiple and complex relationships. Often, these relationships are not easily spotted by search engines because they are not explicit. Still, when searching for content, users would certainly appreciate to receive results indicating all resources that are somehow related to their topic of interest without having to explicitly request for it. In spite of this trend, current technology for declaring and describing resources on the Internet as well as their inter-relationships is very much fragmented and the most commonly used standards, such as HTML, do not offer adequate functionality. While the goal of the MPEG-21 standard is to provide an all encompassing, universal and standard way to perform the declaration of digital resources, the work being developed in the IST CONVERGENCE project has shown that this standard, (specifically its part 3, Digital Item Identification), also has a limited ability to specify relationships between digital resources. This document presents a proposed extension to MPEG-21 Digital Item Identification, which enables it to support a uniform, semantically expressive and precise specification of the relationships between MPEG-21 digital items, rendering it a much more effective tool for a ubiquitous representation and interconnection of digital resources. © 2011 IEEE.


A content-centric, publish-subscribe architecture delivering mobile context-aware health services

Gkonis, PK; Patrikakis, CZ; Anadiotis, AC; Kaklamani, DI; Andrade, MT; Detti, A; Tropea, G; Melazzi, NB;

2011 Future Network & Mobile Summit, Warsaw, Poland, June 15-17, 2011

The goal of this paper is to report on the design of a novel content-centric future Internet platform that can support added value services incorporating mobility, context awareness and enhanced security and privacy. We present the proposed platform together with a use case study, dealing with the provision of added-value health services, consisting in the safe and accurate management of medicine prescriptions. Both the design of the platform and the use case are the results of work performed in the context of the European Research project Convergence [1]. © 2011 IIMC.


Context representation for context-aware mobile multimedia content recommendation

Otebolaku, AM; Andrade, MT;

Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, IMSA 2011

Very few of the current solutions for content recommendation take into consideration the context of usage when analyzing the preferences of the user and issuing recommendations. Nonetheless, context can be extremely useful to help identify appropriate content for the specific situation or activity the user is in, while consuming the content. In this paper, we present a solution to allow content-based recommendation systems to take full potential of contextual data, by defining a standards-based representation model which accounts for possible relationships among low-level contexts. The MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 standards are used for content description and low-level context representation. OWL/RDF ontologies are used to capture contextual concepts and, together with SWRL to establish relationships and perform reasoning to derive high-level concepts the way humans do. This knowledge is then used to drive the recommendation and content adaptation processes. As a side achievement, an extension to the MPEG-21 specification was developed to accommodate the description of user activities, which we believe have a great impact on the type of content to be recommended.


From Instruction Traces to Specialized Reconfigurable Arrays

Bispo, J; Cardanha Paulino, NM; Cardoso, JMP; Ferreira, JC;

2011 International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, ReConFig 2011, Cancun, Mexico, November 30 - December 2, 2011

This paper presents an offline tool-chain which automatically extracts loops (Mega blocks) from Micro Blaze instruction traces and creates a tailored Reconfigurable Processing Unit (RPU) for those loops. The system moves loops from the CPU to the RPU transparently, at runtime, and without changing the executable binaries. The system was implemented in an FPGA and for the tested kernels measured speedups ranged between 3.9x and 18.2x for a Micro Blaze CPU without cache. We estimate speedups from 1.03x to 2.01x, when comparing to the best estimated performance achieved with a single Micro Blaze. © 2011 IEEE.


A routing protocol for WSN based on the implementation of source routing for minimum cost forwarding method

Derogarian, F; Ferreira, JC; Tavares, VMG;

SENSORCOMM 2011 - 5th International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications and WSNSCM 2011, 1st International Workshop on Sensor Networks for Supply Chain Management

This paper presents a routing protocol for wireless sensor networks (WSN), established on the basis of fundamental concepts in source based routing (SBR) for ad hoc networks and minimum cost forwarding (MCF) methods for heterogeneous WSNs. Neither routing tables nor network topology information is maintained at sensor level, which makes the proposed protocol part of the reactive routing protocols class. Despite the lack of network information at the sensor, the packets from the sink node to sensors, and viceversa, always follow the optimal communication path with minimum cost. Simulation results have shown that the proposed protocol performs better than MCF protocol alone, and nodes always route the packets through the optimal path up to destination. In fact, according to the energy consumption and throughput found by simulation, this protocol improves on the MCF protocol for applications where the sink node, acting as a server or base station (BS), generates significant amounts of network traffic. All results are based on simulations and data treatment performed with OMNet++ 4, Matlab 7 and Microsoft Visual Studio2010(C#) platform tools.

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