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Publicações por CTM


UWB radio over perfluorinated GI-POF for low-cost in-building networks

Oliveira, JMB; Silva, S; Pessoa, LM; Coelho, D; Salgado, HM; Castro, JCS;

Proceedings - 2010 IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, MWP 2010

This paper presents a performance evaluation of a multiband-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MBOFDM) ultra-wideband (UWB) signal transmission over two types of perfluorinated graded-index polymer optical fibers (PFGI-POFs) with diameters of 62.5 µm and 120 µm, using a lowcost optical transceiver. Experimental measurements of packet error rate (PER) and minimum transmitted powers to achieve the maximum allowed PER show that it is possible to have a viable transmission at data rates of 480 Mbps, 200 Mbps and 53.3Mbps over 100, 150 and 200 meters of PF-GI-POF, respectively, preceded by a 1 meter wireless link. ©2010 IEEE.


Printed fractal monopole antenna array for WLAN

Luo, Q; Salgado, HM; R.Pereira, J;

Final Program and Book of Abstracts - iWAT 2010: 2010 International Workshop on Antenna Technology: Small Antennas, Innovative Structures and Materials

This paper presents the design of a single feed multiband printed monopole antenna array using the 2nd generation of the Minkowski fractal geometry. The multiband operation is achieved by a suitable chosen of the size and iteration of the fractal geometry, which is optimized using the EM simulation tool Ansoft HFSS. During this work, it is found that adding a rectangular stub on the ground plane, the impedance match of the antenna can be improved with little influence on the original resonant frequencies. This finding has been confirmed by both simulation and measurement results. Meanwhile, the antenna array on a PDA size substrate was also designed and fabricated. The experimental results show that it can operate from 2.32 to 2.49 and from 5.1 to 5.88 GHz, which covers the required bands for IEEE 802.11a/b/g (2.41-2.48 GHz, 5.15-5.35 GHz and 5.725-5.875 GHz) applications. Measurements indicate that the maximum gain of this printed monopole array can reach 2.3 dBi at lower band and 5.6 dBi at upper band. The simulation results show that the radiation efficiency of this antenna array is 86% at 2.4 GHz, 82% at 5.2 GHz and 89% at 5.8 GHz. ©2010 IEEE.


Synthesis of microstrip filters with arbitrary reflective group delay response

Pereira, MR; Salgado, HM; Pereira, JR;

Proceedings - 2010 12th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA'10

We propose the use of inverse scattering for the design of filters, in microstrip technology, with a specified reflective group delay response. The inverse scattering is performed using the layer peeling algorithm. The method is simple and easily implemented numerically . To validate the method, filters with a reflective linear group delay were designed and implemented. The simulation and measurement results are shown to agree well the target response. ©2010 IEEE.


Printed C-Shaped Monopole Antenna Array with High Isolation for MIMO Applications

Luo, Q; Salgado, HM; Pereira, JR;


In this paper, a printed two C-shaped monopoles array for WLAN MIMO application has been proposed. By using the neutralization technique, high isolation between the two antenna elements has been achieved while the distance between them is only 0.09(lambda 2.4GHz). The experiment results indicate that the proposed antenna array has -10dB bandwidth from 2.34 to 2.55 GHz and has an isolation less than -12 dB over the entire required operation band. The proposed antenna has a compact size of 30x14 mm(2) and can be easily integrated into wireless devices.


Performance evaluation of zero-biased VCSEL for high speed data transmission

Silva, S; Pessoa, L; Oliveira, J; Coelho, D; Castro, JCS; Salgado, HM;


In an optical transceiver, the power consumption related to the operation of the laser device takes a significant parcel of the total consumed power. Thus, in optical networks where a large number of transceiver devices are interconnected, e.g. large distributed sensor networks, it is of great importance to reduce this power consumption. In this work an analysis and simulation results are presented regarding the operation of a bias-free vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) device, which is based on a previously developed model. The impact on bit-error rate (BER) of the increased turn-on jitter due to the bit-pattern and spontaneous emission is considered. A method for mitigating the eye-diagram distortion penalty based on the received signal equalization is also illustrated.


Reconfigurable dual-band C-shaped monopole antenna array with high isolation

Luo, Q; Pereira, JR; Salgado, HM;


A reconfigurable dual-band monopole array with high isolation for WLAN MIMO application is proposed. This antenna array contains two C-shaped monopoles with a shorting line, on which two RF switches were integrated, connecting the two antenna elements that are separated by a distance of 0.09 lambda(2.4GHz). High isolation at 2.4 or 5.2 GHz bands can be achieved by changing the states of the RF switches. Experiment results indicate that the proposed antenna array has a - 10 dB bandwidth that covers the required frequencies for dual-band WLAN applications with an isolation higher than 20 dB over the lower operation bands when the RF switches are 'ON', and an isolation higher than 17 dB at the higher operation band when the switches are 'OFF'.

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