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Publicações por CTM


GANS: A Signalling Framework for Dynamic Interworking between Heterogeneous Networks

Akhtar, N; Campos, R; Kappler, C; Paakkonen, P; Poyhonen, P; Zhou, D;


There is a growing trend towards convergence of telecommunication and data networks in order to support a richer set of services and applications. At the same time, increasing diversity and density of network access technologies has made the goal of providing connectivity anytime and anywhere a real possibility. Another important development is the emergence of small, low-complexity user owned networks, such as Personal Area Networks and Body Area Networks. Dynamic interworking, also known as network composition, between networks of different types and sizes is essential in the push towards convergence, as well as to realize truly seamless connectivity between heterogeneous access networks. Dynamic interworking requires signalling between different elements of the control planes of the different networks in order to coordinate the control functions and resources of the networks concerned. In this paper, we present the Generic Ambient Network Signalling protocol suite to address the diverse signalling requirements for dynamic interworking of networks.


Scalability of name resolution for ambient networks

Paakkonen, P; Akhtar, N; Campos, R; Kappler, C; Poyhonen, P; Zhou, D;


The convergence of mobile domain and data networks has been under focus in the standardization forums. However, dynamic interworking of wired infrastructure, wireless access systems and small scale Personal Area Networks has been challenging due to their heterogeneous nature. One of the most important problems to be solved is name resolution between different terminals and networks. This paper presents a new mechanism for name resolution, which relies on existing naming mechanisms. In particular the focus is on the scalability of the solution from signaling load and latency point of view.


Implementation of a dominance protocol for wireless medium access

Pereira, N; Andersson, B; Tovar, E;

12th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, Proceedings

Consider the problem of scheduling sporadic message transmission requests with deadlines. For wired channels, this has been achieved successfully using the CAN bus. For wireless channels, researchers have recently proposed a similar solution; a collision-free medium access control (AMC) protocol that implements static-priority scheduling. Unfortunately no implementation has been reported, yet. We implement and evaluate it to find that the implementation indeed is collision-free and prioritized. This allows us to develop schedulability analysis for, the implementation. We measure the response times of messages in our implementation and find that our new response-time analysis indeed offers an upper bound on the response times. This enables a new class of wireless real-time systems with timeliness guarantees for sporadic messages and it opens-up a new research area: schedulability analysis for wireless networks.


A processor for testing mixed-signal cores in System-on-Chip

Duarte, F; da Silva, JM; Alves, JC; Pinho, GA; Matos, JS;

DSD 2005: 8th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, Proceedings

This paper describes the design of a processor specific for testing cores embedded in system-on-chip. This processor which can be implemented within a system's reconfigurable area, shall be responsible for scheduling and control test operations and perform preliminary data processing, as well as to provide the interface with an external tester Building these test operations on-chip allows for simplifying external tester interface and to reduce testing time. The testing procedure and the infrastructure required to test an AID converter is described as an example.


MPLS - Multiprotocol Label Switching

Ruela, J; Ricardo, M;

The Industrial Information Technology Handbook



Dynamic and automatic interworking between personal area networks using composition

Campos, R; Pinho, C; Ricardo, M; Ruela, J; Pöyhönen, P; Kappler, C;

Proceedings of the IEEE 16th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Berlin, Germany, September 11-14, 2005

Next generation communication networks will be characterized by the coexistence of multiple technologies and user devices in an integrated fashion. The increasing number of devices owned by a single user will lead to a new communication paradigm: users owning multiple devices that form cooperative networks, and networks of different users that communicate with each other, e.g., acquiring Internet access through each other. In this communication scenario no user intervention should be required and technology should seamlessly adapt to the user's context, preferences, and needs. In this paper we address one of those scenarios, interworking between Personal Area Networks, using legacy technologies and the Ambient Network and Network Composition concepts, herein explained. We argue that new functionalities should be introduced to enable effortless use of legacy technologies in such dynamic and heterogeneous environments. © 2005 IEEE.

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