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Publicações por CTM


A reflective component-based and architecture aware framework to manage architecture composition

Moreira, RS; Blair, GS; Carrapatoso, E;

Proceedings - 3rd International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications, DOA 2001

Large scale distributed systems are typically evolving environments that have to deal with interoperability, scalability, mobility and QoS adaptability requirements. Generically, these systems need adaptation mechanisms to cope with short-term (cf. programmed reconfiguration) and long-term requirements (cf. evolutionary reconfiguration). We propose a reflective component-based framework with architecture style awareness for managing architecture composition and constraining adaptation. Specifically, this framework provides the necessary tools to generate and manipulate the programming model abstractions (i.e. components, connectors and respective properties and interfaces). The framework offers a principled way to deal with both introspection and adaptation of basic and composite components. It provides the developers with the ability to choose, extend and modify architecture style managers. These managers are responsible to represent and check architecture constraints both at development and deployment time, i.e. before any architectural reconfiguration may be committed. © 2001 IEEE.


Creation of 3(rd) generation services in the context of Virtual Home Environment

Oliveira, J; Roque, R; Sedillot, S; Carrapatoso, E;


Virtual Home Environment is a new concept that emerged in the context of the 3(rd) generation networks for mobile communications, The objective of this paper is to present the work that currently takes place in VESPER1, an IST project in the area of the VHE. The paper presents the VESPER project approach to the VHE architecture, its main components, the way they interact and the way this architecture will facilitate the creation of services embedded with the VHE concept. The paper presents also two demonstration services, their main functional features and how they use the VHE architecture defined in VESPER.


Design implementation of a biologically realistic olfactory cortex in analog VLSI

Principe, JC; Tavares, VG; Harris, JG; Freeman, WJ;

Proceedings of the IEEE

This paper reviews the problem of translating signals into symbols preserving maximally the information contained in the signal time structure. In this context, we motivate the use of nonconvergent dynamics for the signal to symbol translator. We then describe a biologically realistic model of the olfactory system proposed by Walter Freeman that has locally stable dynamics but is globally chaotic. We show how we can discretize Freemans model using digital signal processing techniques, providing an alternative to the more conventional Runge-Kutta integration. This analysis leads to a direct mixed-signal {analog amplitude/discrete time) implementation of the dynamical building block that simplifies the implementation of the interconnect. We present results of simulations and measurements obtained from a fabricated analog very large scale integration (VLSI) chip. © 2001 IEEE.


Design and implementation of biologically realistic signal to symbol translators

Principe, JC; Tavares, V;

Annual Reports of the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University

This paper reviews the problem of translating signals into symbols preserving maximally the information contained in the signal time structure. In this context, we motivate the use of nonconvergent dynamics for the signal to symbol translator. We then describe a biologically realistic model of the olfactory system proposed by Walter Freeman that has locally stable dynamics but is globally chaotic. We present results of simulations and measurements obtained from a fabricated analog VLSI chip.


Optical spatial shock waves in photorefractive media

Grandpierre, AG; Christodoulides, DN; Carvalho, MI; Segev, M;

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

We show that the evolution equations describing the two-wave mixing interaction between two co-directional optical beams in photorefractive media can allow spatial shock-wave solutions. The properties of this new family of kink-type wave fronts are described in detail. © 2001 OSA/NLGW 2001, © 2000 Optical Society of America.


Optical spatial shock waves in photorefractive media

Carvalho, MI; Grandpierre, AG; Christodoulides, DN; Segev, M;

Technical Digest - Summaries of Papers Presented at the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QELS 2001

Summary form only given. Shock waves have been extensively investigated in diverse areas of physics. However, their occurrence in optics is rather rare and thus far no such optical structures have been experimentally observed. In this paper we report a new family of kink-antikink shock waves that is possible in unbiased photorefactive media via the two wave mixing process. These waves move together as locked states, and have the interesting property of moving outside their initial ±? sector of propagation. The apparent direction of propagation and the spatial widths of these shock wave beams are directly related to their relative intensity. We provide a detailed analysis of these waves, and we illustrate their behavior with pertinent examples. © 2001 Optical Soc. Of America.

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