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Publicações por CTM


Maximum Relevance Minimum Redundancy Dropout with Informative Kernel Determinantal Point Process

Saffari, M; Khodayar, M; Saadabadi, MSE; Sequeira, AF; Cardoso, JS;


In recent years, deep neural networks have shown significant progress in computer vision due to their large generalization capacity; however, the overfitting problem ubiquitously threatens the learning process of these highly nonlinear architectures. Dropout is a recent solution to mitigate overfitting that has witnessed significant success in various classification applications. Recently, many efforts have been made to improve the Standard dropout using an unsupervised merit-based semantic selection of neurons in the latent space. However, these studies do not consider the task-relevant information quality and quantity and the diversity of the latent kernels. To solve the challenge of dropping less informative neurons in deep learning, we propose an efficient end-to-end dropout algorithm that selects the most informative neurons with the highest correlation with the target output considering the sparsity in its selection procedure. First, to promote activation diversity, we devise an approach to select the most diverse set of neurons by making use of determinantal point process (DPP) sampling. Furthermore, to incorporate task specificity into deep latent features, a mutual information (MI)-based merit function is developed. Leveraging the proposed MI with DPP sampling, we introduce the novel DPPMI dropout that adaptively adjusts the retention rate of neurons based on their contribution to the neural network task. Empirical studies on real-world classification benchmarks including, MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR10, CIFAR100, demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over recent state-of-the-art dropout algorithms in the literature.


Mixture-Based Open World Face Recognition

Matta, A; Pinto, JR; Cardoso, JS;

Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 3, WorldCIST 2021, Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal, 30 March - 2 April, 2021.

Face Recognition (FR) is a challenging task, especially when dealing with unknown identities. While Open-Set Face Recognition (OSFR) assigns a single class to all unfamiliar subjects, Open-World Face Recognition (OWFR) employs an incremental approach, creating a new class for each unknown individual. Current OWFR approaches still present limitations, mainly regarding the accuracy gap to standard closed-set approaches and execution time. This paper proposes a fast and simple mixture-based OWFR algorithm that tackles the execution time issue while avoiding accuracy decay. The proposed method uses data curve representations and Universal Background Models based on Gaussian Mixture Models. Experimental results show that the proposed approach achieves competitive performance, considering accuracy and execution time, in both closed-set and open-world scenarios. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Epistemic and heteroscedastic uncertainty estimation in retinal blood vessel segmentation

Costa, P; Smailagic, A; Cardoso, JS; Campilho, A;

U.Porto Journal of Engineering

Current state-of-the-art medical image segmentation methods require high quality datasets to obtain good performance. However, medical specialists often disagree on diagnosis, hence, datasets contain contradictory annotations. This, in turn, leads to difficulties in the optimization process of Deep Learning models and hinder performance. We propose a method to estimate uncertainty in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) segmentation models, that makes the training of CNNs more robust to contradictory annotations. In this work, we model two types of uncertainty, heteroscedastic and epistemic, without adding any additional supervisory signal other than the ground-truth segmentation mask. As expected, the uncertainty is higher closer to vessel boundaries, and on top of thinner and less visible vessels where it is more likely for medical specialists to disagree. Therefore, our method is more suitable to learn from datasets created with heterogeneous annotators. We show that there is a correlation between the uncertainty estimated by our method and the disagreement in the segmentation provided by two different medical specialists. Furthermore, by explicitly modeling the uncertainty, the Intersection over Union of the segmentation network improves 5.7 percentage points.


Ordinal losses for classification of cervical cancer risk

Albuquerque, T; Cruz, R; Cardoso, JS;


Cervical cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women, especially in low to middle-income countries. Despite the outburst of recent scientific advances, there is no totally effective treatment, especially when diagnosed in an advanced stage. Screening tests, such as cytology or colposcopy, have been responsible for a substantial decrease in cervical cancer deaths. Cervical cancer automatic screening via Pap smear is a highly valuable cell imaging-based detection tool, where cells must be classified as being within one of a multitude of ordinal classes, ranging from abnormal to normal. Current approaches to ordinal inference for neural networks are found to not sufficiently take advantage of the ordinal problem or to be too uncompromising. A non-parametric ordinal loss for neuronal networks is proposed that promotes the output probabilities to follow a unimodal distribution. This is done by imposing a set of different constraints over all pairs of consecutive labels which allows for a more flexible decision boundary relative to approaches from the literature. Our proposed loss is contrasted against other methods from the literature by using a plethora of deep architectures. A first conclusion is the benefit of using non-parametric ordinal losses against parametric losses in cervical cancer risk prediction. Additionally, the proposed loss is found to be the top-performer in several cases. The best performing model scores an accuracy of 75.6% for seven classes and 81.3% for four classes.


User-Driven Fine-Tuning for Beat Tracking

Pinto, AS; Bock, S; Cardoso, JS; Davies, MEP;


The extraction of the beat from musical audio signals represents a foundational task in the field of music information retrieval. While great advances in performance have been achieved due the use of deep neural networks, significant shortcomings still remain. In particular, performance is generally much lower on musical content that differs from that which is contained in existing annotated datasets used for neural network training, as well as in the presence of challenging musical conditions such as rubato. In this paper, we positioned our approach to beat tracking from a real-world perspective where an end-user targets very high accuracy on specific music pieces and for which the current state of the art is not effective. To this end, we explored the use of targeted fine-tuning of a state-of-the-art deep neural network based on a very limited temporal region of annotated beat locations. We demonstrated the success of our approach via improved performance across existing annotated datasets and a new annotation-correction approach for evaluation. Furthermore, we highlighted the ability of content-specific fine-tuning to learn both what is and what is not the beat in challenging musical conditions.


Artificial Intelligence in Medicine - 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2021, Virtual Event, June 15-18, 2021, Proceedings

Tucker, A; Abreu, PH; Cardoso, JS; Rodrigues, PP; Riaño, D;



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