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Publicações por CTM


Height Optimization in Aerial Networks for Enhanced Broadband Communications at Sea

Teixeira, FB; Campos, R; Ricardo, M;


The Blue Economy has been growing in sectors such as offshore renewable energy, aquaculture, marine biotechnology, and deep sea mining. However, suitable wireless and mobile communications are lacking offshore. On the one hand, there is no coverage from terrestrial networks; on the other hand, satellite communications are still narrowband and expensive. Recently, the use of multi-hop airborne communications has been proposed to extend the coverage from terrestrial networks offshore but the communications range of these solutions is highly dependent on the height of the communications nodes. In this paper, we study the RF signal propagation in the maritime environment when the height of the receiver is changed and propose a position control approach for airborne multi-hop networks that maximizes the network capacity by taking full advantage of the signal reflections on the sea surface. The results obtained show that the proposed approach can provide lower propagation losses and higher network throughputs than random or fixed height approaches.


Proactive Queue Management for Flying Networks

Coelho, A; Campos, R; Ricardo, M;


Besides the large amount of traffic that radio access and backhaul networks need to accommodate, the interest in low-latency communications is emerging. The goal is to reliably transmit high bitrates through the network under controlled delays, thus enabling human and machine-oriented communications. A critical aspect that must be addressed is the latency introduced by network queues. The literature has been focused on studying the queue size in wired networks, but wireless networks bring up additional challenges due to their dynamic characteristics. The problem is exacerbated in high dynamic networks, such as Flying Networks (FNs) composed of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), which have emerged to provide communications anywhere, anytime. The main contribution of this paper is a Proactive Queue Management (PQM) solution for FNs with controlled topology. PQM takes advantage of the knowledge of the future FN topologies and the offered traffic to define in advance the queue size of the communications nodes over time, in order to maximize the throughput with stochastic delay guarantees. The FN performance achieved using PQM is evaluated by means of ns-3 simulations, showing gains regarding aggregate throughput and average delay.


UDMSim: A Simulation Platform for Underwater Data Muling Communications

Teixeira, FB; Moreira, N; Abreu, N; Ferreira, B; Ricardo, M; Campos, R;


The use of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) is increasingly seen as a cost-effective way to carry out underwater missions. Due to their long endurance and set of sensors onboard, AUVs may collect large amounts of data, in the order of Gbytes, which need to be transferred to shore. State of the art wireless technologies suffer either from low bitrates or limited range. Since surfacing may be unpractical, especially for deep sea operations, long-range underwater data transfer is limited to the use of low bitrate acoustic communications, precluding the timely transmission of large amounts of data. The use of data mules combined with short-range, high bitrate RF or optical communications has been proposed as a solution to overcome the problem. In this paper we describe the implementation and validation of UDMSim, a simulation platform for underwater data muling oriented systems that combines an AUV simulator and the Network Simulator 3 (ns-3). The results presented in this paper show a good match between UDMSim, a theoretical model, and the experimental results obtained by using an underwater testbed when no localization errors exist. When these errors are present, the simulator is able to reproduce the navigation of AUVs that act as data mules, adjust the throughput, and simulate the signal and connection losses that the theoretical model can not predict, but that will occur in reality. UDMSim is made available to the community to support easy and faster evaluation of data muling oriented underwater communications solutions, and enable offline replication of real world experiments.


Consumer Attitudes toward News Delivering: An Experimental Evaluation of the Use and Efficacy of Personalized Recommendations

Viana, P; Soares, M; Gaio, R; Correia, A;


This paper presents an experiment on newsreaders' behavior and preferences on the interaction with online personalized news. Different recommendation approaches, based on consumption profiles and user location, and the impact of personalized news on several aspects of consumer decision-making are examined on a group of volunteers. Results show a significant preference for reading recommended news over other news presented on the screen, regardless of the chosen editorial layout. In addition, the study also provides support for the creation of profiles taking into consideration the evolution of user's interests. The proposed solution is valid for users with different reading habits and can be successfully applied even to users with small consumption history. Our findings can be used by news providers to improve online services, thus increasing readers' perceived satisfaction.


Learning Physics Through Online Video Annotations

Marcal, J; Borges, MM; Viana, P; Carvalho, P;


The support of video in the learning environment is nowadays used to many ends, for either for demonstration, research or share. It is intended to reinforce the space before and after class and introduce a new dynamic and interaction in the classroom itself. Pedagogical Innovation may be achieved by different approaches to motivate students and obtain better results. The Audiovisual didactic content has been in recent years disseminated, in the Physics domain, mainly through YouTube platform. Many aspects of video production activities can increase students' self-esteem, increase their satisfaction with the learning experience, promote a positive attitude towards the subject, provide students with lower level of understanding with a broad individual tutoring, encouraging students to discuss with each other, exchange their opinions, and compare the results of lab activities. On the other hand, video can support research activities, offering the researcher access to a rich data aggregation to investigate the learning processes. This paper presents a revision of the literature about the potential of using video annotation in the education context and, perspectives of teachers' use of collaborative annotation systems, to promote reflection, specifically in the domain of Physics, using an open source annotation tool. The creation of audiovisual references, either for quick access to parts of organized video annotated content by the teacher, knowledge building or revision by and for other students is analyzed. This study is complemented with a testbed, showing the potential of using audiovisual annotated content, within a k-12 context. Students were invited to select video content, annotate, organize and publish the annotations, which could support the learning process in the domain of Physics. Results show that most of the aspects under analysis received a positive evaluation, and students expressed a gain from oral lectures and access to new sources of learning. The only exception relates to the capacity of the approach to motivated students to the study of Physics, as most of the students did not see this methodology too much motivating. The impact of this research relates to alternative teaching / learning methods, within the Physics' domain, using online video annotation, in the support of traditional exposition and memorization methodologies.


Biot-Granier Sensor: A Novel Strategy to Measuring Sap Flow in Trees

Siqueira, JM; Paco, TA; da Silva, JM; Silvestre, JC;


The Biot-Granier (Gbt) is a new thermal dissipation-based sap flow measurement methodology, comprising sensors, data management and automatic data processing. It relies on the conventional Granier (Gcv) methodology upgraded with a modified Granier sensor set, as well as on an algorithm to measure the absolute temperatures in the two observation points and perform the Biot number approach. The work described herein addresses the construction details of the Gbt sensors and the characterization of the overall performance of the Gbt method after comparison with a commercial sap flow sensor and independent data (i.e., volumetric water content, vapor pressure deficit and eddy covariance technique). Its performance was evaluated in three trials: potted olive trees in a greenhouse and two vineyards. The trial with olive trees in a greenhouse showed that the transpiration measures provided by the Gbt sensors showed better agreement with the gravimetric approach, compared to those provided by the Gcv sensors. These tended to overestimate sap flow rates as much as 4 times, while Gbt sensors overestimated gravimetric values 1.5 times. The adjustments based on the Biot equations obtained with Gbt sensors contribute to reduce the overestimates yielded by the conventional approach. On the other hand, the heating capacity of the Gbt sensor provided a minimum of around 7 degrees C and maximum about 9 degrees C, contrasting with a minimum around 6 degrees C and a maximum of 12 degrees C given by the Gcv sensors. The positioning of the temperature sensor on the tip of the sap flow needle proposed in the Gbt sensors, closer to the sap measurement spot, allow to capture sap induced temperature variations more accurately. This explains the higher resolution and sensitivity of the Gbt sensor. Overall, the alternative Biot approach showed a significant improvement in sap flow estimations, contributing to adjust the Granier sap flow index, a vulnerability of that methodology.

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