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Publicações por Manuel Au-Yong Oliveira


The Role of Technologies: Creating a New Labour Market

Vieira, AI; Oliveira, E; Silva, F; Oliveira, M; Gonçalves, R; Yong Oliveira, MA;

New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 1, World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, WorldCIST 2019, Galicia, Spain, 16-19 April, 2019

Nowadays, workers and students preparing for a career are aware that they must constantly update their skills in order to fulfil both the market’s and companies’ demands. The environment is packed with technologies that help us by optimizing our tasks on a daily basis. However, the majority of opinions can agree that these tools may have a bigger impact on the labour market than it was ever expected. What is the future of jobs as we know them, and what impact will future technology innovations have on society? Lots of factors enter the picture when this particular topic is discussed – including the economy in general, productivity rates, salaries and expenses, people’s stress and satisfaction levels, among others. To achieve this study’s main purpose, questionnaires were distributed, which were the basis for the creation of a hypothetical model that represents our understanding of the subject considering the sample’s feedback. This study also advances our view concerning the literature review and the opinions of those surveyed, aiming to provide a strong and consistent theory of what the market labour will be; that is, which jobs are likely to lose practice, which ones may subsist, and which activities might grow with the circumstances’ influence. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


The strategy of josefinas: Building a well-known brand through social media

Inês, A; Pires, P; Carvalho, A; Santos, L; Branco, F; Au Yong Oliveira, M;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

The Internet has changed the way people and businesses communicate. Social media is now seen as a marketing tool, as it influences the promotion of products and helps to raise brand awareness and recognition. Indeed, companies now want to build long-term relationships with clients through online channels, as they are more convenient, faster and reach a greater public. Our article emphasizes the role of social media as a driving force to promote online businesses and build a well-known brand. However, to build and manage customers’ relationships and loyalty, brands need to develop an online communication strategy that will help to promote the brand. Our case study focuses on the success story of Josefinas, a Portuguese luxury shoe brand. It was created exclusively online and became a well-known brand due to social media and digital influencers. However, is it enough for businesses to be online? To answer this question and to analyse the major role social media played in building Josefinas, our study involved two interviews and the analysis of secondary data. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.


The Use of LinkedIn for ICT Recruitment

Pinho, G; Arantes, J; Marques, T; Branco, F; Au Yong Oliveira, M;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

LinkedIn is undoubtedly a market leader when it comes to social networks that are aimed for professional use, demonstrating over time that it is a highly valued instrument used by recruiters, as well as a successful way to complement/replace organic recruitment. One of the areas with the most current demand and specific requirements/skills is Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and, as in all scientific fields, there is a huge focus on recruiting the best candidate in the shortest time possible. The key goals of this article are to understand the relevance of LinkedIn use by an ICT recruiter taking into account the specific requirements/skills often desired by companies, to perceive if ICT students and workers with an updated LinkedIn profile are contacted by recruiters, and comprehend if it is true to say that recruitment via a social network is faster and does not detract from the quality of the hired candidate, compared with organic recruitment. A survey was performed focusing on students and workers in the ICT field and two semi-structured interviews were conducted in a consulting firm as well as in a software house. The results obtained suggest that LinkedIn is an essential recruitment tool for the ICT companies/consulting firms, but it is important to emphasize that most companies combine organic recruitment with LinkedIn recruitment. In our study, 89% of the respondents with an updated LinkedIn account have already been contacted by recruiters, proving that LinkedIn can certainly increase the probability of being hired. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Visionando um futuro melhor - Ideias de responsabilidade social para melhorar a comunidade

Au-Yong-Oliveira, M;




What Is the Effect of New Technologies on People with Ages Between 45 and 75?

Fontoura, A; Fonseca, F; Mar Piñuel, MD; Canelas, MJ; Gonçalves, R; Yong Oliveira, MA;

New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 3

When we look around us, we see people of all ages using all kinds of technology, more specifically, devices like cellphones are used by younglings, adults and older people. There is no escaping it. Consequently, we decided to analyse how technologies affect the lives of these men and women, focusing on an older age group, mainly because of the lack of studies that focus on people over 65. If most of them are able to speak, focus, and learn, how many of them have given in to the new waves of evolution that have feasted on the world for the past few years? That is exactly what we are trying to find out: How older people react to new technology (more specifically to information and communication technologies or ICT), how often and how they use it. For this study, we decided to focus on the littoral north of Portugal, given that the author-group’s members live along the coast line. A survey was performed (with 56 valid responses) as were eight interviews. Regarding the view that the older people we have interviewed have of millennials, most of our respondents show some concern. Notably, they see the Internet as an addiction of the younger elements in society, contributing to them getting into trouble, losing interest in school, meeting up with strangers and only being concerned with being popular on social media. As concerns ICT usage by elders, the psychological component of the “I can’t" does not help them. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.


Adoption of a smart parking solution: Parking information at your fingertips

Lima, F; Au Yong Oliveira, M; Martins, J; Gonçalves, R;

Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE

The knowledge of the Portuguese public regarding smart cities is still limited, such knowledge being more present in the technological and business environments. Portuguese cities are starting to invest in smart issues as a response to their complexity and challenges. The ENABLE Consortium's INTELPARK Solution (fictitious names given for anonymity purposes) described herein is an example of a smart parking solution that, through the combination of hardware and software, provides key information about the parking area being managed (for example, occupancy or vehicle infraction information). This technological solution, focused on optimizing and making the management of parking areas more efficient, will serve everyone involved: from the driver to the manager. This article aims to focus on the prospective user (in this case, the driver who will park his or her vehicle in the parking area), since the consumer/traveller driving a vehicle is the main reason for the success or failure of any product and service, such as this one, in the marketplace. In addition, we are living in times of profound digital transformation in which access to information, oftentimes down to the second, becomes increasingly important for the user as well as the search for solutions that increase well-being, quality of life and comfort. Thus, 209 valid online survey answers were received, with structured questions, responses which were gathered from drivers or end users and in a non-probabilistic sampling research process. The main goal was to know how the mobile application INTELPARK, associated with this smart solution, was perceived by the end user, and to understand the potential interest in it and how frequently it would be used. The data collected was analysed through descriptive statistics and via the chi-squared test, in order to find associations between variables. The research concludes that future end users of this mobile intelligent parking application will have the following profile: they will be older, highly literate and with a higher gross monthly income. Moreover, these results also show that parking is seen to be an issue of citizenship and which promotes quality of life rather than simply being a source of revenue.

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