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Publicações por Pedro Brito


Retail promotion objectives: Evidence from New Zealand, Portugal and Hungary

Fam, KS; Merrilees, B; Brito, P; Jozsa, L;

Journal of Euromarketing

Very little is known about the promotion objectives of small firms. In particular, do differences in promotional campaigns warrant a different set of promotion objectives, and how effective were these objectives? Are there differences in the use of promotion objectives amongst retailers with different national background, but within the same retail category? To address these questions, we questioned 287 clothing and shoe retailers in New Zealand, 161 in Portugal and 328 in Hungary. Retailers were asked questions about the following: (a) what was their most recent promotion campaign; (b) what were the objectives of their recent promotion campaign; (c) how successful was their recent promotion campaign; (d) how has their particular market share changed in the past 12 months; and (e) what fraction of their stock was markdown and what was the average percentage markdown. We then extended the analysis by contrasting the promotion objectives, market share and stock markdown of successful with unsuccessful campaigns. Again the results indicated some significant variations. These results have ramifications for the small firms' advertising strategies across countries, with an emphasis on the objectives of stock clearance and attracting new customers. A major finding was the cross-cultural differences across the three countries studied, mainly reflecting the different stages of economic development.


Teen conceptualization of digital technologies

Brito, PQ;


This research explores teenagers' knowledge representation of six digital technologies - email, IM, internet, digital photos, sms and games. Instead of pre-imposing a specific structure, teens freely express everything they consider relevant by identifying the meanings associated with each digital technology. Drawing on cognitive psychology theories and teenagers' social development theories, the data from thirteen focus groups were analyzed. The nature of attributes comprising technical features, personal and socially relevant activities/experiences, feelings and attitudes towards these instruments only partially matched other IT conceptualizations. However, those studies applied different methodological approaches. Among the 133 attributes suggested, 30 were shared by at least two digital technologies. The Multiple Correspondence Analysis showed that games were psychologically and functionally (physical attributes) more integrated with IM and internet whereas digital photos were segregated. The communicational and product design implications of assessing attributes are discussed.


Shopping centre image dynamics of a new entrant

Brito, PQ;

International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how and to what extent the attributes of a new shopping centre entrant evolve during the first seven months of operation, and the implications this has for the incumbents. To capture the strategic relevance of those changes a consumer image tracking analytical tool is developed and applied. Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative research followed by a longitudinal survey. Hypothesis testing approach and descriptive analysis. Findings: The correlates between the magnitudes of shopping centre attribute perception variations, the level of self-confidence in image evaluation, shopping centre frequency of visits, degree of the "halo effect", shopping centre and store consumer's preferences are analysed. Only the self-confidence and store preference did not evolve with the image magnitude changes as hypothesised. Research limitations/implications: The assessment of shopping centre image changes over time, as well as the factors underlying those changes help managers to plan strategy. Some monitoring procedures are proposed and their implications for both marketing and shopping centre operations are discussed. Originality/value: By incorporating the time dimension, the true nature of image variation can only be captured if the identification of attributes, and the amount, intensity and direction of changes are obtained, measured and analysed together. The magnitude of image variation is more associated with a shopping centre than with its stores. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


Strategic versus tactical nature of sales promotions

Brito, PQ; Hammond, K;

Journal of Marketing Communications

Sales promotions (SP) are short-term instruments usually designed to yield an immediate sales effect. Previous research has suggested that SP can be seen as detrimental to a brand's consumer franchise/equity as, in the long term, SP deteriorates brand value. In this paper, we theoretically broaden the scope of SP research relation to the following topics: strategy concept, marketing strategy, the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) concept, the specific nature of each SP instruments and the underlying processes associated with consumer uptake of SP. We present findings that illustrate managers' perceptions of the positioning of SP instruments. We argue that the strategic nature of SP needs to be incorporated into marketers' research agendas.


Do open day events develop art museum audiences?

Barbosa, B; Brito, PQ;

Museum Management and Curatorship

For museums, developing audiences means both attracting non-visitors to their venues, and improving repeat visitors' attendance patterns and experience. Audience development strategies encourage museums to create open door events in order to deal with barriers preventing a wider audience from becoming their visitors, and to build stronger relationships with their current visitors. Satisfaction is expected to influence future buying decisions - i.e., intention to return and to recommend. Will a satisfying experience at a museum event improve event goers' visiting patterns? This research aims to ascertain the effects of attending open day events on the development of art museum audiences. We present the findings of exploratory quantitative research using the personal interview survey method. Our results indicate that open day events have potential to develop audiences, as such events eliminate attendance barriers, attract first time visitors and provide trial experiences for potential museum visitors. However, the positive association between event experience and intention to return to the museum on an ordinary day was not statistically supported by this study. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


Tweens' characterization of digital technologies

Brito, PQ;


The tweens are a transitional age group undergoing deep physical and psychological transformations. Based on a thirteen-focus group research design involving 103 students, and applying a tweens-centered approach, the characteristics of SMS, IM, Internet, digital photos, electronic games, and email were analyzed. Categories such as moral issues, psychological and social consequences, problems/drawbacks, general benefits, and technical attributes synthesized the main characteristics attached to each form of digital technology. Their relative relevance was not gender dependent. Furthermore, tweens exhibited both metacognitive knowledge and personal epistemological observations associated with most of the digital technologies.

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