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Publicações por SEM


Production scheduling in the context of Industry 4.0: review and trends

Parente, M; Figueira, G; Amorim, P; Marques, A;


Notwithstanding its disruptive potential, which has been the object of considerable debate, Industry4.0 (I4.0) operationalisation still needs significant study. Specifically, scheduling is a key process that should be explored from this perspective. The purpose of this study is to shed light on the issues regarding scheduling that need to be considered in the new I4.0 framework. To achieve this, a two-stage cascade literature review is performed. The review begins with an analysis regarding the opportunities and challenges brought by I4.0 to the scheduling field, outputting a set of critical scheduling areas (CSA) in which development is essential. The second-stage literature review is performed to understand which steps have been taken so far by previous research in the scheduling field to address those challenges. Thus, a first contribution of this work is to provide insight on the influence and expected changes brought by I4.0 to scheduling, while showcasing relevant research. Another contribution is to identify the most promising future lines of research in this field, in which relevant challenges such as holistic scheduling, or increased flexibility requirements are highlighted. Concurrently, CSA such as decentralised decision-making, and human-robot collaboration display large gaps between current practice and the required technological level of development.


Exploring the Linkages Between the Internet of Things and Planning and Control Systems in Industrial Applications

Soares, R; Marques, A; Gomes, R; Guardão, L; Hernández, E; Rebelo, R;

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

The potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) and other technologies in the realm of Industry 4.0 to generate valuable data for monitoring the performance of the production processes and the whole supply chain is well established. However, these large volumes of data can be used within planning and control systems (PCSs) to enhance real-time planning and decision-making. This paper conducts a literature review to envisage an overall system architecture that combines IoT and PCS for planning, monitoring and control of operations at the level of an industrial production process or at the level of its supply chain. Despite the extensive literature on IoT implementations, few studies explain the interactions between IoT and the components of PCS. It is expected that, with the increasing digitization of business processes, approaches with PCS and IoT become ubiquitous in the near future. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


A temporal progressive analysis of the social performance of mining firms based on a Malmquist index estimated with a Benefit -of -the-Doubt directional model

Oliveira, R; Zanella, A; Camanho, AS;


This study presents an innovative procedure to assess the evolution of the social performance of firms over time using a Benefit-of-the-Doubt Composite indicator specified with a Directional Distance Function and the Malmquist index. In recent years, the social indicators of large corporations are increasingly being used to evaluate corporate performance. Reputation issues associated with the firms’ impact on society, including local employment and contribution to local economic development are considered critical. This paper develops a composite indicator of social performance that can be used both for benchmarking comparisons among firms within an industry and to monitor the evolution of performance over time. Both desirable and undesirable factors can be taken into account in the performance evaluation. An illustrative application involving the assessment of 24 large mining firms in the years 2011 and 2012 is discussed. The specification of indicators reflecting social burdens and benefits of mining firms is based on international standards and guidelines for large corporations. The managerial implications of the results obtained are discussed. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd


The Social Impact of the Use of Cyber-Physical Systems in Manufacturing: An Initial Approach

Pimenta, D; Rodrigues, JC; Oliveira, JF;


The beginning of the 21st century brought a new Industrial Revolution - the 4th Industrial Revolution which assumes that each physical object is equipped with an integrated technology that allows its connection with other objects. Therefore, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are becoming essential elements to be implemented in the companies' workspace in order to improve their production efficiency and flexibility by bringing digitalisation to the production processes. The implementation of these CPSs creates several changes for companies' operations that are expected to have a deep impact in human workers. A lack of studies on the social impact of the use of CPSs has been identified and, through a comprehensive literature review, this work aims at contributing for this discussion by defining a questionnaire about the topic. In the future, this questionnaire is intended to be sent to companies to collect data from their C-level managers about the use of CPSs applied to manufacturing.


Tactical sales and operations planning: A holistic framework and a literature review of decision-making models

Pereira, DF; Oliveira, JF; Carravilla, MA;


Tactical Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) has emerged as an extension of the aggregate production planning, integrating mid-term decisions from procurement, production, distribution, and sales in a single plan. Despite the growing interest in the subject, past synthesizing research has focused more on the qualitative and procedural aspects of the topic rather than on modeling approaches to the problem. This paper conducts a review of the existing decision-making, i.e., optimization, models supporting S&OP. A holistic framework comprising the decisions involved in this planning activity is presented. The reviewed literature is arranged within the framework and grouped around different streams of literature which have been extending the aggregate production planning. Afterwards, the papers are classified according to the modeling approaches employed by past researchers. Finally, based on the characterization of the level of integration of different business functions provided by existing models, the review demonstrates that there are no synthesizing models characterizing the overall S&OP problem and that, even in the more comprehensive approaches, there is potential to include additional decisions that would be the basis for more sophisticated and proactive S&OP programs. We do expect this paper contributes to set the ground for more oriented and structured research in the field.


Benchmarking the Metabolism of European Union Countries to Promote the Continuous Improvement of Service Ecosystems

Camanho, A; Silva, MC; Horta, IM; Barbosa, F;


In recent decades, the concept of urban metabolism has been widely applied at different scales. This paper proposes an optimization model, based on Data Envelopment Analysis, for the evaluation and benchmarking of countries' metabolism. The EU-28 countries are analyzed based on economic and environmental indicators, including the resources consumed (energy and materials) and environmental pressures (GHG emissions and waste) associated with the value-added from the economic activities. The empirical results produced a ranking of countries' based on their metabolic performance underlying the creation of wealth, along with the targets for the countries with lower metabolic performance. This new metabolic approach is a contribution to the design of policies for the promotion of sustainable and resilient services.

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