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Publicações por SEM


Solving the grocery backroom sizing problem

Pires, M; Camanho, A; Amorim, P;


Backrooms are an important echelon of the retail supply chain. However, research focus has been mostly targeted to optimise both distribution centres and stores' sales area. In this paper, we propose two mathematical programming formulations to solve the grocery backroom sizing problem. This problem consists of determining the dimension of each storage department in the backroom area to optimise its overall efficiency. The first formulation is a bottom-up approach that aims to reduce the backroom life-cycle costs by determining the optimum floor space and storage height for each department. The second is a top-down approach based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), which determines the efficient level of storage floor space for each backroom department, based on a comparison with the benchmarks observed among existing stores. Each approach has distinct characteristics that turn the models suitable for different retail contexts. We also describe the application of the proposed approaches to a case study of a European retailer. The application of this methodology in the design process demonstrated substantial potential for space savings (6% for the bottom-up model and 16% for the top-down model). This space reduction should either allow higher revenues in the sales area and/or lower backroom-related costs.


Benchmarking of secondary schools based on Students' results in higher education

Silva, MCA; Camanho, AS; Barbosa, F;


The performance of secondary schools is usually assessed based on students' results on national exams at the end of secondary education. This research uses data on academic achievements by first-year university students to benchmark secondary schools on their ability to lead students to success in higher education. The analysis is conducted using data of University of Porto and Catholic University of Porto, Portugal, for a three-year period, corresponding to more than 10.000 students from 65 degrees, for which the school of origin is known. A number of variables representing students' success in Higher education were constructed for each school in our sample and aggregated through a Benefit of the Doubt indicator. Results suggest that the schools' ranking based on schools' ability to prepare students for university success is quite different from the ranking based on results on national exams. Given these findings, we propose complementing schools' performance assessments (traditionally based on national exam results or indicators of value added) with indicators that account for the preparation of students for success in future challenges, which is indisputably a key objective of secondary education. We propose a composite indicator for the analysis of these complementary aims as well, and results show that frontier units indeed exhibit trade offs between traditional measures of performance and our new measure of performance.


Internet das Coisas e Educação: uma revisão sistemática da literatura

Lima, CCd; Schlemmer, E; Morgado, L;

Research, Society and Development

A Internet das Coisas (IoT ou Internet of Things) tem se revelado uma tecnologia potencialmente disruptiva em vários campos da atividade  humana, o que inclui os processos educacionais. O processamento de dados produzidos e armazenados por objetos cotidianos e sensores e processados na web pode potencializar a análise pedagógica do professor e conferir maior liberdade para intervir nos percursos formativos dos alunos. Contudo, as pesquisas relacionando IoT e educação são incipientes, não conferindo uma visão clara sobre como concretizar este potencial. Este artigo apresenta uma revisão sistemática da literatura para melhor evidenciar as possibilidades de conexão entre IoT e Educação, recolhendo produções e analisando o conteúdo das mesmas e agrupando-as por ano e país de publicação,  contexto e nível educacional, foco dos estudos, tecnologias adotadas, aspectos metodológicos, aspectos teóricos e desenvolvimento de competências proporcionado por tais tecnologias. Constatou-se que a  maioria das pesquisas foca em aspectos técnicos e utilitários da IoT, mas existem propostas com referencial teórico-metodológico de caráter pedagógico. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de aprofundamento da interligação entre Internet das Coisas e Educação, indicam possibilidades de pesquisas futuras e a quais áreas esse aprofundamento deve atender, possibilitando a utilização desse potencial tecnológico para a promoção de novas abordagens na área de ensino e aprendizagem.


Implementing RAMI4.0 in Production - A Multi-case Study

Hernández, E; Senna, P; Silva, D; Rebelo, R; Barros, AC; Toscano, C;

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

The Industry 4.0 (i4.0) paradigm was conceived bearing smart machines enabling capabilities, mostly through real-time communication both between smart equipment on a shop floor and decision-aiding software at the business level. This interoperability is achieved mostly through a reference architecture specifically designed for i4.0, which is aimed at devising the information architecture with real-time capabilities. From such architectures, the Reference Architectural Model for Industrie 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) is considered the preferred approach for implementation purposes, especially within Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Nevertheless, the implementation of RAMI 4.0 is surrounded with great challenges when considering the current industrial landscape, which requires retrofitting of existing equipment and the various communication needs. Through three different case studies conducted within footwear and cork industries, this research proposes a RAMI 4.0 SME implementation methodology that considers the initial stages of equipment preparation to enable smart communications and capabilities. The result is a methodological route aimed for SMEs’ implementation of smart machines, based on RAMI 4.0, which considers both the technological aspects as well as the business requirements. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


A robust optimization approach for the vehicle routing problem with selective backhauls

Santos, MJ; Curcio, E; Mulati, MH; Amorim, P; Miyazawa, FK;


The Vehicle Routing Problem with Selective Backhauls (VRPSB) aims to minimize the total routing costs minus the total revenue collected at backhaul customers. We explore a VRPSB under uncertain revenues. A deterministic VRPSB is formulated as a mixed-integer programming problem and two robust counterparts are derived. A novel method to estimate the probabilistic bounds of constraint violation is designed. A robust metaheuristic is developed, requiring little time to obtain feasible solutions with average gap of 1.40%. The robust approach studied demonstrates high potential to tackle the problem, requiring similar computing effort and maintaining the same tractability as the deterministic modeling.


Pneuma: Entrepreneurial science in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic - a tale of industrialisation and international cooperation

Mendonça J.M.; Cruz N.; Vasconcelos D.; Sá-Couto C.; Moreira A.P.; Costa P.; Mendonça H.; Pereira A.; Naimi Z.; Miranda V.;

Journal of Innovation Management

When the COVID-19 pandemic hits Portugal in early March 2020, medical doctors, engineers and researchers, with the encouragement of the Northern Region Health Administration, teamed up to develop and build, locally and in a short time, a ventilator that might eventually be used in extreme emergency situations in the hospitals of northern Portugal. This letter tells you the story of Pneuma, a low-cost emergency ventilator designed and built under harsh isolation constraints, that gave birth to derivative designs in Brazil and Morocco, has been industrialized with 200 units being produced, and is now looking forward to the certification as a medical device that will possibly support a go-tomarket launch. Open intellectual property (IP), multi disciplinarity teamwork, fast prototyping and product engineering have shortened to a few months an otherwise quite longer idea-to-product route, clearly demonstrating that when scientific and engineering knowledge hold hands great challenges can be successfully faced.

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