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A tool for supporting the design of BRT and LRT services

Schlickmann, MP; Martinez, LM; de Sousa, JP;


When public authorities face the need to improve a transportation system, they normally have to make a difficult choice among a set of technological and operational alternatives. To help the correct evaluation of each alternative and its impacts, costs and benefits, it would be useful to have a decision support tool based on approaches such as Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and/or Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA). Among the many impacts caused by a public transportation system, typically those on the land use are not adequately considered in the decision-making processes, mainly because they are hard to monetize, they are often considered as value transfer instead of value creation, and they are too complex to be assessed by traditional transport modelling tools. To overcome these weaknesses, the objectives of this research are to identify and measure the impacts of transit systems on land use and accessibility, and to consider those impacts in decision-making processes, along with more traditional financial and transport related impacts. For this purpose, a decision support tool, combining a land use and transport model with a MCDA model, was developed and assessed in a small case study. In future work, sensitivity and risk analysis will be incorporated, to more accurately and realistically reflect uncertainties and exogenous conditions that may significantly affect the costs and the benefits of a project. Finally, this decision support tool will be fully assessed in a study of the Green Line extension project in Boston, USA. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Improving Convolutional Neural Network Design via Variable Neighborhood Search

Araujo, T; Aresta, G; Almada Lobo, B; Mendonca, AM; Campilho, A;


An unsupervised method for convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture design is proposed. The method relies on a variable neighborhood search-based approach for finding CNN architectures and hyperparameter values that improve classification performance. For this purpose, t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) is applied to effectively represent the solution space in 2D. Then, k-Means clustering divides this representation space having in account the relative distance between neighbors. The algorithm is tested in the CIFAR-10 image dataset. The obtained solution improves the CNN validation loss by over 15% and the respective accuracy by 5%. Moreover, the network shows higher predictive power and robustness, validating our method for the optimization of CNN design.


An optimization-simulation approach to the network redesign problem of pharmaceutical wholesalers

Martins, S; Amorim, P; Figueira, G; Almada Lobo, B;


The pharmaceutical industry operates in a very competitive and regulated market The increased pressure of pharmacies to order fewer products and to receive them more frequently is overcharging the pharmaceutical's distribution network Furthermore, the tight margins and the continuous growth of generic drugs consumption are pressing wholesalers to optimize their supply chains. In order to survive, wholesalers are rethinking their strategies to increase competitiveness. This paper proposes an optimization-simulation approach to address the wholesalers network redesign problem, trading off the operational costs and customer service level. Firstly, at a strategic-tactical level, the supply chain network redesign decisions are optimized via a mixed integer programming model. Here, the number, location, function and capacity of the warehouses, the allocation of customers to the warehouses and the capacity and function of the distribution channels are defined. Secondly, at an operation level, the solution found is evaluated by means of a discrete event simulation model to assess the impact of the redesign in the wholesaler's daily activities. Computational results on a pharmaceutical wholesaler case-study are discussed and the benefits of this solution approach exposed.


A General Morphological Analysis to Support Strategic Management Decisions in Public Transport Companies

De Fátima Teles, M; De Sousa, JF;

Transportation Research Procedia

This paper presents a General Morphological Analysis (GMA) meta-model aiming to help decision-makers wishing to integrate sustainability concerns into the company strategy. This is made by joining Operational Research (OR) analysts, decision-makers and stakeholders as participants in the problem structuring and formulation process. This is particularly relevant in societal issues, where public transport companies are particularly important. Indeed, public transport companies play a quite visible role in the dimensions of corporate social responsibility, namely because of four reasons: (i) they provide daily services crucial to mass customers' mobility; (ii) their investments are usually of high value and rather sensitive to technological development; (iii) they play a crucial role in the energy sector and (iv) are strongly dependent upon macro-policies. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Expanded eco-efficiency assessment of large mining firms

Oliveira, R; Camanho, AS; Zanella, A;


Assessing eco-efficiency of companies is important to ensure the creation of wealth without compromising the needs of future generations. This work aims to extend the eco-efficiency concept by including in the assessment new features related to environmental benefits and environmental burdens. This concept is implemented using an innovative Directional Distance Function model, which searches for improvements in the magnitude of the indicators and in the composition of the resources consumed. This framework can help firms to become more sustainable by replacing non-renewable inputs with "greener" alternatives. We present an empirical application to large mining companies. Different scenarios regarding managerial priorities for adjustments to firms' economic and environmental indicators are explored. The results obtained and their managerial implications are discussed in the context of mining firms activity.


Exploring the Relationship Between Corruption and Health Care Services, Education Services and Standard of Living

Morais, P; Migueis, VL; Camanho, A;


Understanding the impact of corruption in modern societies, namely in standard of living, health and education services, is an issue that has attracted increased attention in recent years. This paper examines the relationship between the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) provided by Transparency International and the Human Development Index (HDI) of the United Nations Development Program and its components. The analysis is done for clusters of countries with similar levels of development. For the countries with high levels of development, it was found a negative relationship between corruption and human development. Moreover, for these countries, higher corruption levels are related to poor health care services, poor education services and low standard of living. For the other clusters of countries, these relationships were not statistically significant. The results obtained reinforce the importance of efforts by international politicians and organizations in fighting corruption, particularly in highly developed countries, to promote development.

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