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Cargo dynamic stability in the container loading problem - a physics simulation tool approach

Ramos, AG; Neto Jacob, JTP; Justo, JF; Oliveira, JF; Rodrigues, R; Gomes, AM;

Int. J. Simul. Process. Model.

The container loading problem (CLP) is a real-world driven, combinatorial optimisation problem that addresses the maximisation of space usage in cargo transport units. The research conducted on this problem failed to fulfill the real needs of the transportation industry, owing to the inadequate representation of practical-relevant constraints. The dynamic stability of cargo is one of the most important practical constraints. It has been addressed in the literature in an over-simplified way which does not translate to real-world stability. This paper proposes a physics simulation tool based on a physics engine, which can be used to translate real-world stability into the CLP. To validate the tool, a set of benchmark tests is proposed and the results obtained with the physics simulation tool are compared to the state-of-the-art simulation engineering software Abaqus Unified FEA. Analytical calculations have been also conducted, and it was also possible to conclude that the tool proposed is a valid alternative. Copyright © 2017 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


Genetic algorithms approaches for the production planning in the glass container industry

Amorim, FMS; da Silva Arantes, M; Toledo, CFM; Frisch, PE; da Silva Arantes, J; Almada-Lobo, B;

Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion on - GECCO '17



Balancing a Mixed-Model Assembly System in the Footwear Industry

Sadeghi, P; Rebelo, RD; Soeiro Ferreira, J;

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

Portuguese footwear industry has improved dramatically to become one of the main world players. This work is part of a project in cooperation with a large footwear company, operating a new automated assembly equipment, integrating various lines. Balancing such lines implies going from an almost manual preparation executed by experienced operators, to a planning supported by optimisation systems. These complex mixed-model lines have distinctive characteristics, which make balancing a unique problem. The paper proposes the ASBsm – Assembly System Balancing Solution Method, a new method that integrates a constructive heuristic and an improvement heuristic, which takes inspiration from Tabu Search. The solutions obtained, based on real instances, are quite encouraging when compared with other effected factory solutions. Consequently, the balances obtained by ASBsm are now being implemented and articulated with sequencing methods. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2017.


A dynamic multi-objective approach for the reconfigurable multi-facility layout problem

Azevedo, MM; Crispim, JA; de Sousa, JP;


The multi-facility layout problem involves the physical organization of departments inside several facilities, to allow flexible and efficient operations. This work studies the facility layout problem in a new perspective, considering a group of facilities, and two different concerns: the location of departments within a group of facilities, and the location of departments inside each facility itself. The problem is formulated as a Quadratic Programming Problem with multiple objectives and unequal areas, allowing layout reconfigurations in each planning period. The objectives of the model are: the minimization of costs (material handling inside facilities and between facilities, and re-layout); the maximization of adjacency between departments; and the minimization of the "unsuitability" of department positions and locations. This unsuitability measure is a new objective proposed in this work, to combine the characteristics of existing locations with the requirements of departments. The model was tested with data from the literature as well as with a problem inspired in a first tier supplier in the automotive industry. Preliminary results show that this work can be viewed as an innovative and promising integrated approach for tackling real, complex facility layout problems.


Predicting direct marketing response in banking: comparison of class imbalance methods

Migueis, VL; Camanho, AS; Borges, J;


Customers' response is an important topic in direct marketing. This study proposes a data mining response model supported by random forests to support the definition of target customers for banking campaigns. Class imbalance is a typical problem in telemarketing that can affect the performance of the data mining techniques. This study also contributes to the literature by exploring the use of class imbalance methods in the banking context. The performance of an undersampling method (the EasyEnsemble algorithm) is compared with that of an oversampling method (the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique) in order to determine the most appropriate specification. The importance of the attribute features included in the response model is also explored. In particular, discriminative performance was enhanced by the inclusion of demographic information, contact details and socio-economic features. Random forests, supported by an undersampling algorithm, presented very high prediction performance, outperforming the other techniques explored.


A data mining based system for credit-card fraud detection in e-tail

Carneiroa, N; Figueira, G; Costa, M;


Credit-card fraud leads to billions of dollars in losses for online merchants. With the development of machine learning algorithms, researchers have been finding increasingly sophisticated ways to detect fraud, but practical implementations are rarely reported. We describe the development and deployment of a fraud detection system in a large e-tail merchant. The paper explores the combination of manual and automatic classification, gives insights into the complete development process and compares different machine learning methods. The paper can thus help researchers and practitioners to design and implement data mining based systems for fraud detection or similar problems. This project has contributed not only with an automatic system, but also with insights to the fraud analysts for improving their manual revision process, which resulted in an overall superior performance.

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