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The implementation of digital technologies for operations management: a case study for manufacturing apps

Zangiacomi, A; Oesterle, J; Fornasiero, R; Sacco, M; Azevedo, A;


Manufacturing applications address business to business (B2B) with highly customised applications developed for specific requirements, offering highly specialised solution-oriented and service-based software components, systems, and digital tools that aim at a fast and accurate decision-making support system. The purpose of this paper is to describe the implementation of digital technologies for operations management using manufacturing or engineering apps (eApps), for product design and manufacturing processes. In particular, starting from the specific needs of two companies from mature European industries as automotive and food, this work depicts how this kind of solutions can support companies and improve their operations. In particular, related benefits and challenges faced for the full implementation of the developed tools are highlighted. Moreover a business model to exploit the manufacturing apps is also proposed. The business model proposed for the exploitation of the eApps supports the commercialisation of all the revenue streams offered by this rapidly growing sector taking into account the specific needs of the concerned stakeholders through a diversified value proposition.


Alternative Mathematical Models and Solution Approaches for Lot-Sizing and Scheduling Problems in the Brewery Industry: Analyzing Two Different Situations

Baldo, TA; Morabito, R; Santos, MO; Guimaraes, L;


This research proposes new approaches to deal with the production planning and scheduling problem in brewery facilities. Two real situations found in factories are addressed, which differ by considering (or not) the setup operations in tanks that provide liquid for bottling lines. Depending on the technology involved in the production process, the number of tank swaps is relevant (Case A) or it can be neglected (Case B). For both scenarios, new MIP (Mixed Integer Programming) formulations and heuristic solution methods based on these formulations are proposed. In order to evaluate the approach for Case A, we compare the results of a previous study with the results obtained in this paper. For the solution methods and the result analysis of Case B, we propose adaptations of Case A approaches yielding an alternative MIP formulation to represent it. Therefore, the main contributions of this article are twofold: (i) to propose alternative MIP models and solution methods for the problem in Case A, providing better results than previously reported, and (ii) to propose new MIP models and solution methods for Case B, analyzing and comparing the results and benefits for Case B considering the technology investment required.


Optimization of integrated scheduling of handling and storage operations at automated container terminals

Homayouni, SM; Tang, SH;


Increasing demand for containerization compels container terminals to improve their performance. Uncoordinated scheduling of operations is one of the main factors accounting for poor performance at automated container terminals (ACTs). To increase land utilization efficiency and lower operational times, a new storage system called the split-platform automated storage/retrieval system (SP-AS/RS) has been introduced for temporary storage of containers. This paper describes a multi-objective mixed-integer programming (MIP) model that is based on a combination of multiple interacting sub-tasks. It is aimed at optimizing the integrated scheduling of handling and storage operations in ACTs. The MIP model objective function is to minimize delays in the loading/unloading tasks of the cranes and the travel time of vehicles and platforms in the SP-AS/RS. At the same time, a simulated annealing algorithm (SAA) that provides near-optimal solutions for the problem in a reasonable computation time is appraised. The results of this study show that the objective function of the MIP model is, on average, 58 % lower than that of the non-integrated scheduling method. On the other hand, the best objective function values obtained by the SAA indicate only a 3.7 % disadvantage in comparison with optimal values determined by the MIP model, demonstrating that the SAA is able to provide near-optimal solutions for the integrated scheduling of handling and storage operations. © 2015, World Maritime University.


Empirical assessment of route choice impact on emissions over different road types, traffic demands, and driving scenarios

Bandeira, JM; Carvalho, DO; Khattak, AJ; Rouphail, NM; Fontes, T; Fernandes, P; Pereira, SR; Coelho, MC;


Eco-routing has been shown as a promising strategy to reduce emissions. However, during peak periods, with limited additional capacity, the eco-friendliness of various routes may change. We have explored this issue empirically by covering about 13,300 km, in three different areas, using GPS-equipped vehicles to record second-by-second vehicle dynamics. This study has confirmed the importance of the eco-routing concept given that the selection of eco-friendly routes can lead to significant emissions savings. Furthermore, these savings are expected to be practically unchanged during the peak period. However, some potential negative externalities may arise from purely dedicated eco-friendly navigation systems.


A container loading algorithm with static mechanical equilibrium stability constraints

Galrao Ramos, AG; Oliveira, JF; Goncalves, JF; Lopes, MP;


The Container Loading Problem (CLP) literature has traditionally guaranteed cargo static stability by imposing the full support constraint for the base of the box. Used as a proxy for real-world static stability, this constraint excessively restricts the container space utilization and has conditioned the algorithms developed for this problem. In this paper we propose a container loading algorithm with static stability constraints based on the static mechanical equilibrium conditions applied to rigid bodies, which derive from Newton's laws of motion. The algorithm is a multi-population biased random-key genetic algorithm, with a new placement procedure that uses the maximal-spaces representation to manage empty spaces, and a layer building strategy to fill the maximal-spaces. The new static stability criterion is embedded in the placement procedure and in the evaluation function of the algorithm. The new algorithm is extensively tested on well-known literature benchmark instances using three variants: no stability constraint, the classical full base support constraint and with the new static stability constraint a comparison is then made with the state-of-the-art algorithms for the CLP. The computational experiments show that by using the new stability criterion it is always possible to achieve a higher percentage of space utilization than with the classical full base support constraint, for all classes of problems, while still guaranteeing static stability. Moreover, for highly heterogeneous cargo the new algorithm with full base support constraint outperforms the other literature approaches, improving the best solutions known for these classes of problems.


A multi-perspective performance approach for complex manufacturing environments

Almeida A.; Azevedo A.;

Journal of Innovation Management

Complexity in manufacturing systems appears under a variety of aspects, namely product, processes and operations and systems. Considering that the manufacturing environment is rapidly and constantly changing, with higher levels of customization and complexity, there is higher demand for flexibility and adaptability from companies. In this context, it seems essential to explore new approaches that can support decision-makers to take better decisions concerning the action plans that they need to launch to achieve the expected strategic and operational performance and alignment goals. Companies should become able to analyse their performance drivers, understand their meaning and the feedback loops that affect them. Therefore, decision makers can look into the future, and act even before these causes affect the transformation systems efficiency and effectiveness. This paper presents an approach oriented to multi-performance measurement in complex manufacturing environments. With this approach it is expected to overcome the gap between the operational and strategic layers of a manufacturing system, in order to reduce time when measuring performance and reacting to unexpected behaviours, as well as reduce errors when taking decisions. Moreover, it is expected to decrease the time necessary to calculate an indicator or to introduce a new one into performance management process, reducing the operational costs.

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