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Evaluating the Forecasting Accuracy of Pure Time Series Models on Retail Data

Ramos, P; Oliveira, JM; Rebelo, R;


Forecasting future sales is one of the most important issues that is beyond all strategic and planning decisions in effective operations of retail supply chains. For profitable retail businesses, accurate sales forecasting is crucial in organizing and planning purchasing, production, transportation and labor force. Retail sales series belong to a special type of time series that typically contain strong trend and seasonal patterns, presenting challenges in developing effective forecasting models. This paper compares the forecasting performance of state space models and ARIMA models. The forecasting performance is demonstrated through a case study of retail sales of five different categories of women footwear: Boots, Booties, Flats, Sandals and Shoes. An approach based on cross-validation is used to identify automatically appropriate state space and ARIMA models. The forecasting performance of these models is also compared by examining the out-of-sample forecasts. The results indicate that the overall out-of-sample forecasting performance of ARIMA models evaluated via RMSE, MAE and MAPE is better than state space models. The performance of both forecasting methodologies in producing forecast intervals was also evaluated and the results indicate that ARIMA produces slightly better coverage probabilities than state space models for the nominal 95% forecast intervals. For the nominal 80% forecast intervals the performance of state space models is slightly better.


The influence of supply chain on the innovation process: a systematic literature review

Zimmermann, R; Ferreira, LMDF; Moreira, AC;


Purpose - The importance of innovation as a generator of competitive advantage and the collaborative nature of this process are recurring themes in the literature. This paper aims to contribute to the improvement of knowledge about the relationship between supply chains and the innovation process by means of a systematic literature review. Methodology/approach - The method used consists of the identification, selection, analysis and synthesis of existing research on the subject and aims to ensure that the review is transparent, auditable and replicable. This paper presents the analysis of 94 papers from 37 journals and the major contributions are explored. Findings - The identification and analysis of relevant articles showed the complexity, timeliness and the wide-ranging character of the theme. The analysis of articles allowed the identification of facilitators of the innovation process, as well as five approaches applicable to supply chains to drive the innovation process. From these analyses, a model synthesising the main practices identified for improving innovation performance is presented. Research limitations/implications - When carrying out literature reviews, the selection of articles might be considered subjective. To circumvent this limitation, the papers have been assessed by three researchers. Practical implications - The results presented can be applied in the decision-making process by managers in the areas of innovation and supply chain. Originality/value - This paper synthesises knowledge involving the relationships between supply chains and the innovation process. The analysis is based on quantitative and qualitative criteria.


Information, knowledge and collaboration management in the internationalisation of SMEs: A systematic literature review

Costa, E; Soares, AL; de Sousa, JP;


Information and knowledge can be seen as key resources for improving the internationalisation processes of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Collaboration has also been considered as an important facilitator of these processes, particularly by nurturing information and knowledge sharing. However, the current literature is unclear about the way SMEs can access information and assimilate knowledge in a collaborative network context, to support decision-making. This paper systematically reviews the literature, examining the role of information, knowledge and collaboration in internationalisation decisions of SMEs. To this end, 38 relevant journal articles were analysed, with the identification of some important issues, as well as gaps in the existing empirical knowledge. This analysis provided valuable input for the development of research suggestions and directions for future work in this area.


Maximising expectation of the number of transplants in kidney exchange programmes

Klimentova, X; Pedroso, JP; Viana, A;


This paper addresses the problem of maximising the expected number of transplants in kidney exchange programmes. New schemes for matching rearrangement in case of failure are presented, along with a new tree search algorithm used for the computation of optimal expected values. Extensive computational experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm and reveal a clear superiority of a newly proposed scheme, subset-recourse, as compared to previously known approaches.


Hybrid Process Management: A Collaborative Approach Applied to Automotive Industry

Ferreira, F; Marques, AL; Faria, J; Azevedo, A;


Today, manufacturing is moving towards customer-driven and knowledge-based proactive production. Shorter product life cycles lead to increased complexity in areas such as product and process design, factory deployment and production operations. To handle this complexity, new knowledge-based methods and technologies are needed to model, simulate, optimize and monitor manufacturing systems. Existing large Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) impose structured and predictable workflow, while processes "on the ground" are often unpredictable and involve a large number of human based decisions and collaboration. This is leading to a major shift on EIS paradigm and leading to development of a set of specialized small applications, each one with fewer features, but highly specialized, flexible, cross linked and easy to use. This paper presents a hybrid management solution intended to support collaboration and decision in the scope of automotive engineering and planning. The solution, labelled as HPM - Hybrid Process Manager, encompasses a set of tools for work, information and communication management fully integrated with knowledge based engineering processes. Its overall aim is to ease the flow of information between all the partners, making it more reliable and actual, allowing a closer control and faster reaction to upcoming events. The adoption of HPM approach proves to be quite effective and efficient, leading to significant results in terms of cost and time saving. When using the solution, managers no longer need to constantly ask for reporting, leading to a significant reduction on email and paperwork. It is relevant to underline that the proposed approach allowed planners to concentrate in important issues improving the product and avoid non-value added efforts and time on collateral activities. Another main advantage stays on the experience retrieval module built in top of the solution, allowing easy access to expertise, knowledge and best practices generated by previous projects, so that they can be readily incorporated in the design of new processes as a factor of knowledge sustainability. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.


ICT-based solution approach for collaborative delivery of customised products

Shamsuzzoha, A; Toscano, C; Carneiro, LM; Kumar, V; Helo, P;


Growing interest on business collaboration motivates today's industries, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to establish and manage dynamic and non-hierarchical business networks to respond to market opportunities with added business benefits. This business environment requires concurrent work and real-time information sharing between key business partners in order to design and develop customised products. The use of traditional communication media such as e-mail, phone and fax is not satisfactory to get real-time information and is time-consuming and most often ineffective. In such environments, an Information and Communication Technology (ICT)/Web-based technology supports real-time information sharing among networked SMEs for the collaborative design and manufacturing of customised products. This study proposes an innovative ICT platform supporting SMEs collaboration, through Web and the Internet of Things technologies, which follows the Net-Challenge conceptual approach and methodological guidelines for SMEs to form and operate virtual organisations for the collaborative development and delivery of customised products. The ICT Platform was assessed in three different industry domains, namely the textile and apparel, the footwear and the machine tools, respectively. This ICT solution promotes collaboration, with substantial advantages for SMEs including the reduction of costs and delivery time and improvement of the innovation potential.

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