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Publicações por SEM


Robust mixed-integer linear programming models for the irregular strip packing problem

Cherri, LH; Mundim, LR; Andretta, M; Toledo, FMB; Oliveira, JF; Carravilla, MA;


Two-dimensional irregular strip packing problems are cutting and packing problems where small pieces have to be cut from a larger object, involving a non-trivial handling of geometry. Increasingly sophisticated and complex heuristic approaches have been developed to address these problems but, despite the apparently good quality of the solutions, there is no guarantee of optimality. Therefore, mixed-integer linear programming (MIP) models started to be developed. However, these models are heavily limited by the complexity of the geometry handling algorithms needed for the piece non-overlapping constraints. This led to pieces simplifications to specialize the developed mathematical models. In this paper, to overcome these limitations, two robust MIP models are proposed. In the first model (DTM) the non-overlapping constraints are stated based on direct trigonometry, while in the second model (NFP - CM) pieces are first decomposed into convex parts and then the non-overlapping constraints are written based on nofit polygons of the convex parts. Both approaches are robust in terms of the type of geometries they can address, considering any kind of non-convex polygon with or without holes. They are also simpler to implement than previous models. This simplicity allowed to consider, for the first time, a variant of the models that deals with piece rotations. Computational experiments with benchmark instances show that NFP CM outperforms both DTM and the best exact model published in the literature. New real-world based instances with more complex geometries are proposed and used to verify the robustness of the new models.


A long-haul freight transportation problem: Synchronizing resources to deliver requests passing through multiple transshipment locations

Neves Moreira, F; Amorim, P; Guimaraes, L; Almada Lobo, B;


This research aims at tackling a real-world long-haul freight transportation problem where tractors are allowed to exchange semi-trailers through several transshipment points until a request reaches its destiny. The unique characteristics of the considered logistics network allow for providing long-haul services by means of short-haul jobs, drastically reducing empty truck journeys. A greater flexibility is achieved with faster responses. Furthermore, the planning goals as well as the nature of the considered trips led to the definition of a new problem, the long-haul freight transportation problem with multiple transshipment locations. A novel mathematical formulation is developed to ensure resource synchronization while including realistic features, which are commonly found separately in the literature. Considering the complexity and dimension of this routing and scheduling problem, a mathematical programming heuristic (matheuristic) is developed with the objective of obtaining good quality solutions in a reasonable amount of time, considering the logistics business context. We provide a comparison between the results obtained for 79 real-world instances. The developed solution method is now the basis of a decision support system of a Portuguese logistics operator (LO).


Mathematical programming-based approaches for multi-facility glass container production planning

Motta Toledo, CFM; Arantes, MD; Bressan Hossomi, MYB; Almada Lobo, B;


This paper introduces a mathematical model (together with a relaxed version) and solution approaches for the multi-facility glass container production planning (MF-GCPP) problem. The glass container industry covers the production of glass packaging (bottle and jars), where a glass paste is continuously distributed to a set of parallel molding machines that shape the finished products. Each facility has a set of furnaces where the glass paste is produced in order to meet the demand. Furthermore, final product transfers between facilities are allowed to face demand. The objectives include meeting demand, minimizing inventory investment and transportation costs, as well as maximizing the utilization of the production facilities. A novel mixed integer programming formulation is introduced for MF-GCPP and solution approaches applying heuristics and meta-heuristics based on mathematical programming are developed. A multi-population genetic algorithm defines for each individual the partitions of the search space to be optimized by the MIP solver. A variant of the fix-and-optimize improvement heuristic is also introduced. The computational tests are carried on instances generated from real-world data provided by a glass container company. The results show that the proposed methods return competitive results for smaller instances, comparing to an exact solver method. In larger instances, the proposed methods are able to return high quality solutions.


Using Analytics to Enhance a Food Retailer's Shelf-Space Management

Bianchi Aguiar, T; Silva, E; Guimaraes, L; Carravilla, MA; Oliveira, JF; Amaral, JG; Liz, J; Lapela, S;


This paper describes the results of our collaboration with the leading Portuguese food retailer to address the shelf-space planning problem of allocating products to shop-floor shelves. Our challenge was to introduce analytical methods into the shelf-space planning process to improve the return on space and automate a process heavily dependent on the experience of the retailer's space managers. This led to the creation of GAP, a decision support system that the company's space-management team uses daily. We developed a modular operations research approach that systematically applies mathematical programming models and heuristics to determine the best layout of products on the shelves. GAP combines its analytical strength with an ability to incorporate different types of merchandising rules to balance the tradeoff between optimization and customization.


Defining the Best distribution Network for Grocery Retail Stores

Amorim, P; Martins, S; Curcio, E; Almada Lobo, B;


Large food retailers have to deal with a complex distribution network with multiple distribution centres, different temperature requirements, and a vast range of store formats. This project used an optimization-simulation approach to help food retailer Sonae MC make the best decisions regarding product-warehouse-outlet assignment, product delivery modes planning and fleet sizing.


A Bot Spooler Architecture to Integrate Virtual Worlds with E-learning Management Systems for Corporate Training

Morgado, L; Paredes, H; Fonseca, B; Martins, P; Almeida, A; Vilela, A; Peixinho, F; Santos, A;


Joining efforts of academic and corporate teams, we developed an integration architecture - MULTIS - that enables corporate e-learning managers to use a Learning Management System (LMS) for management of educational activities in virtual worlds. This architecture was then implemented for the Formare LMS. In this paper we present this architecture and concretizations of its implementation for the Second Life Grid/OpenSimulator virtual world platforms. Current systems are focused on activities managed by individual trainers, rather than groups of trainers and large numbers of trainees: they focus on providing the LMS with information about educational activities taking place in a virtual world and/or being able to access within the virtual world some of the information stored in the LMS, and disregard the streamlining of activity setup and data collection in multi-trainer contexts, among other administrative issues. This architecture aims to overcome the limitations of existing systems for organizational management of corporate e-learning activities.

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