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Publicações por SEM


Implementation of customisation strategies in collaborative networks through an innovative Reference Framework

Fornasiero, R; Zangiacomi, A; Franchini, V; Bastos, J; Azevedo, A; Vinelli, A;


Consumer needs and expectations of specific target groups - such as elderly, obese, disabled or diabetic persons - are arising as challenging opportunities for European companies which are asked to supply innovative customised goods of high quality at affordable price. This is particularly true in the fashion as well as in the orthopaedic sector where there are many different competences to conjugate to offer dedicated products to the mentioned target groups. This paper aims at proposing a reference model to support companies in defining collaborative supply networks for customised production. In particular, this work describes the implementation of the developed model in a real case highlighting the changes implied at network level to address the need for fashionable and healthy products.


A MIP model for production planning in the roasting coffee industry

Ospina, DY; Carravilla, MA; Oliveira, JF;

Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems



Sustainability assessment framework for proactive supply chain management

Almeida, A; Bastos, J; Francisco, RDP; Azevedo, A; Ávila, P;

International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Nowadays, it has been observed an increasing awareness and understanding on the subject of sustainable companies and business models, addressing multi-disciplinary approaches that cover not only economical problems, but also social and environmental challenges. Supply chains and especially collaborative networks managers are increasingly aware of these sustainability issues, continuously seeking to meet current human needs while preserving environmental safety. Only this way, focusing on its sustainable growing, it is possible to preserve companies' steadiness. In order to achieve this goal, sustainable networks must ensure that each partner is fully aligned and committed with economic, environmental and social axes that rule the network operational behaviour. Nevertheless, in order to achieve this level of maturity within such complex and turbulent environments, organisations need to improve the quality of their performance assessment approaches, integrating the different sustainability perspectives. To accomplish this, it is critical to establish specific indicators responsible to formalise and evaluate partners' behaviour, according to well-identified objectives, as well as fuse this information in a comprehensive and user-friendly way. This paper presents a new approach, based on a fuzzy logic-based algorithm, for sustainable network performance and risk assessment. © 2016 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


The Assessment of Municipal Services: Environmental Efficiency of Buildings Construction

Horta, IM; Camanho, AS; Dias, TG; Niza, S;


This paper develops an innovative methodology to assess municipal performance concerning the environmental efficiency of new buildings construction, focusing on the consumption of different types of materials. This study aims to support local governments in the definition of policies for improvements in service provision based on the results of a benchmarking study. The methodology developed includes two stages. The first step concerns the evaluation of municipal environmental efficiency using Data Envelopment Analysis and the identification of factors that may explain different levels of performance. The second step enables the classification of municipalities in terms of the efforts required to achieve environmental efficiency. For this purpose, we used clustering analysis, namely the k-means algorithm. To illustrate the methodology developed, we analyzed the data of the major materials used in the construction of new buildings (metals, non-metallic minerals, fossil fuels, and biomass) in the municipalities of Lisbon metropolitan area between 2003 and 2009. The study revealed that the environmental efficiency of new buildings construction varies considerably among municipalities, suggesting a high potential for performance improvement.


Multiple robot operations for maritime search and rescue in euRathlon 2015 competition

Matos, A; Martins, A; Dias, A; Ferreira, B; Almeida, JM; Ferreira, H; Amaral, G; Figueiredo, A; Almeida, R; Silva, F;


This paper presents results of the INESC TEC participation in the maritime environment (both at surface and underwater) integrated in the ICARUS team in the euRathlon 2015 robotics search and rescue competition. These relate to the marine robots from INESC TEC, surface (ROAZ USV) and underwater (MARES AUV) autonomous vehicles participation in multiple tasks such as situation assessment, underwater mapping, leak detection or victim localization. This participation was integrated in the ICARUS Team resulting of the EU funded project aimed to develop robotic tools for large scale disasters. The coordinated search and rescue missions were performed with an initial surface survey providing data for AUV mission planning and execution. A situation assessment bathymetry map, sidescan sonar imaging and location of structures, underwater leaks and victims were achieved, with the global ICARUS team (involving sea, air and land coordinated robots) participating in the final grand Challenge and achieving the second place.


Forest-based supply chain modelling using the SimPy simulation framework

Pinho, TM; Coelho, JP; Boaventura Cunha, J;


Proper management of supply chains is fundamental in the overall system performance of forest based activities. Usually, efficient, management techniques a decision support, software, which needs to be able to generate fast and effective outputs from the set of possibilities. In order to do this, it is necessary to provide accurate models representative of the dynamic interactions of systems. Due to forest-based supply chains' nature, event-based models are more suited to describe their behaviours. This work proposes the modelling and simulation of a forest based supply chain, in particular the biomass supply chain, through the SimPy framework. This Python based tool allows the modelling of discrete-event, systems using operations such as events, processes Mid resources. The developed model was used to access the impact of changes in the daily working plan in three situations. First, as a control case, the deterministic behaviour was simulated. As a second approach, a machine delay was introduced and its implications in the plan accomplishment were analysed. Finally, to better address real operating conditions, stochastic; behaviours of processing and driving times were simulated. The obtained results validate the SirriPy simulation environment as a framework for modelling supply chains in general and for the biomass problem in particular.

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