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Publicações por SEM


Towards the Integration of Electric Buses in Conventional Bus Fleets

Santos, D; Kokkinogenis, Z; de Sousa, JF; Perrotta, D; Rossetti, RJF;


Private individual transportation is becoming cumbersome and expensive, as urban traffic turns more chaotic, fuel prices increase and the effects of pollutant emissions become evident. Public buses are an attractive approach to reducing the cars in use, as they mostly depend on preexistent infrastructure. Making these buses electric would mean even less tailpipe emissions and cheaper consumption costs, when compared to conventional vehicle fleets. However, fully electric bus fleets can prove disadvantageous. We can tackle this with a more conservative approach - using mixed bus fleets, comprised by both electric and conventional buses. This work intends on studying how to obtain a good balance of the different vehicle typologies in the fleet. To fulfill these goals, real data of a bus network in Porto, Portugal, is studied and an evolutionary algorithm devises mixed fleet arrangements, with a brief sensitivity analysis giving us an overview of how to improve our results. As a means of decision support, this work contributes not only with an approach to configure optimized mixed bus fleets, but also with general considerations for managing public transit with electric vehicle fleets.


An agent-based approach to schedule crane operations in rail-rail transshipment terminals

Heshmati, S; Kokkinogenis, Z; Rossetti, RJF; Carravilla, MA; Oliveira, JF;

Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems



Improving the Service Level of Bus Transportation Systems: Evaluation and Optimization of Bus Schedules' Robustness

Hora, J; Dias, TG; Camanho, A;


This study proposes an optimization model to improve the robustness of an existing bus schedule. Robustness represents the ability of schedules to absorb deviations from the timetable and to prevent their propagation through the daily operations. The model developed proposes an optimal assignment of arrival times and distribution of slacks among Time Control Points of a bus line, in order to minimize delays and anticipations from schedule. This required the use of data collected through GPS devices installed in buses, informing the location of buses during their daily operation. The robustness of bus schedules was evaluated through the quantification of delays and anticipations of real observations of bus shifts by comparison with the timetable. The performance measures used to evaluate robustness are the average delay (or anticipation) of buses by comparison with the timetable, and the probability that a passenger that arrives on time according to the timetable will miss the bus or have to wait more than a specified threshold at a Time Control Point. We also compared the improvement of the schedule proposed by the optimization model with the original schedule. The results obtained in a real-world case study, corresponding to a bus line operating in Porto, showed that the model could return an improved schedule for all performance measures considered when compared with the original schedule.


The pallet loading problem: a review of solution methods and computational experiments

Silva, E; Oliveira, JF; Waescher, G;


The manufacturer's pallet loading problem (MPLP) has been widely studied during the past 50 years. It consists of placing a maximum number of identical rectangular boxes onto a single rectangular pallet. In this paper, we have reviewed the methods that have been proposed for the solution of this problem. Furthermore, the various problem instances and data sets are analyzed that have been used in computational experiments for the evaluation of these methods. The most challenging and yet unsolved methods are identified. By doing so, areas of future research concerning the MPLP can be highlighted.


A surveyonheuristics for the two-dimensional rectangular strip packing problem

Oliveira, JF; Neuenfeldt, A; Silva, E; Carravilla, MA;

Pesquisa Operacional

Two-dimensional rectangular strip packing problems belong to the broader class of Cutting and Packing (C&P) problems, in which small items are required to be cut from or packed on a larger object, so that the waste (unused regions of the large object) is minimized. C&P problems differ from other combinatorial optimization problems by the intrinsic geometric constraints: items may not overlap and have to be fully contained in the large object. This survey approaches the specific C&P problem in which all items are rectangles, therefore fully characterized by a width and a height, and the large object is a strip, i.e. a rectangle with a fixed width but an infinite height, being the problem’s goal to place all rectangles on the strip so that the height is minimized. These problems have been intensively and extensively tackled in the literature and this paper will focus on heuristic resolution methods. Both the seminal and the most recent approaches (from the last decade) will be reviewed, in a rather tutorial flavor, and classified according to their type: constructive heuristics, improvement heuristics with search over sequences and improvement heuristics with search over layouts. Building on this review, research gaps are identified and the most interesting research directions pointed out. © 2016 Brazilian Operations Research Society.


An overview of project data for integrated project management and control

Vanhoucke, M; Coelho, J; Batselier, J;

Journal of Modern Project Management

In this paper, an overview is given of the project data instances available in the literature to carry out academic research in the field of integrated project management and control. This research field aims at integrating static planning methods and risk analyses with dynamic project control methodologies using the state-of-the-art knowledge from literature and the best practices from the professional project management discipline. Various subtopics of this challenging discipline have been investigated from different angles, each time using project data available in literature, obtained from project data generators or based on a sample of empirical case studies. This paper gives an overall overview of the wide variety of project data that are available and are used in various research publications. It will be shown how the combination of artificial data and empirical data leads to improved knowledge on and deeper insights into the structure and characteristics of projects useful for academic research and professional use. While the artificial data can be best used to test novel ideas under a strict design in a controlled academic environment, empirical data can serve as the necessary validation step to translate the academic research results into practical ideas, aiming at narrowing the bridge between the theoretical knowledge and practical relevance. A summary of the available project data discussed in this paper can be downloaded from

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