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Publicações por SEM


Assessing Technical and Economic Efficiency of the Artisanal Dredge Fleet in the Portuguese West Coast

Oliveira, MM; Camanho, AS; Gaspar, MB;


The bivalve dredge fleet is by far the most extensively studied fleet among the Portuguese artisanal segment. It is considered one of the most important artisanal fisheries, essentially due to the number of fishermen and vessels involved and to the high volume and value of the catches. The present study aimed to explore the efficiency of the dredge fleets that operated in the west coast of Portugal between 2006 and 2012. The methodology was based on the use of data envelopment analysis to assess vessels' efficiency. The inputs considered included the number of days at sea, a biomass stock indicator, and the characteristics of the vessels (power, length and tonnage). The annual fishing quota per vessel was also included in the model as a contextual factor. In the technical efficiency analysis, the outputs were defined by the weight of captures for three different bivalve species. Using data on the prices of each species in the wholesale market, revenue efficiency was also estimated to complement the technical efficiency analysis. The results allowed to gain insights concerning the performance of both Northwest and Southwest fleets, considering both technical and economic aspects of the fishery. It was also possible to identify the benchmark vessels, whose practices should be followed by the other vessels of the fleet.


Unequal individual genetic algorithm with intelligent diversification for the lot-scheduling problem in integrated mills using multiple-paper machines

Furlan, M; Almada Lobo, B; Santos, M; Morabito, R;


This paper addresses the lot-sizing and scheduling problem of pulp and paper mills involving multiple paper machines. The underlying multi-stage integrated production process considers the following critical units: continuous digester, intermediate stocks of pulp and liquor, multiple paper machines and a recovery line to treat by-products. This work presents a mixed integer programming (MIP) model to represent the problem, as well as a solution approach based on a customized genetic algorithm (GA) with an embedded residual linear programming model. Some GA tools are explored, including literature and new operators, a novel diversification process and other features. In particular, the diversification process uses a new allele frequency measure to change between diversification and intensification procedures. Computational results show the effectiveness of the method to solve relatively large instances of the single paper machine problem when compared to other single paper machine solution methods found in the literature. For multiple paper machine settings, in most runs the GA solutions are better than those obtained for the MIP model using an optimization software.


A Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for Scheduling of Handling/Storage Equipment in Automated Container Terminals

Mahdi Homayouni, S; Hong Tang, S;

International Journal of Engineering and Technology



Urban Logistics Integrated in a Multimodal Mobility System

de Sousa, JF; Mendes Moreira, J;


In this paper we briefly present our feelings about urban logistic and its role in urban mobility. In some way, we can say that this is a position paper based on an extensive review of all known related published material. We support the development of new approaches for the management of passenger and freight transport together as a single logistics system; based on the access to more and more sophisticated flows of data and better communication means, we envisage the dissemination of sufficient information for the correct decision of every citizens between several mobility options in real time (especially with the support of mobile technology); and we sustain that new tools are needed to help the design of innovative business models and policies, and the change of habits and behaviors. We visualize urban logistics as a multi-stakeholder, multi-criteria and multimodal mobility dynamic system.


A system dynamics model to support the management of artisanal dredge fisheries in the south coast of Portugal

Martins, J; Camanho, A; Oliveira, M; Gaspar, M;


This paper presents a management model developed to promote the sustainability of artisanal fisheries, considering socioeconomic and environmental dimensions. The management of artisanal fisheries faces many challenges, including the lack of appropriate tools to support policy makers and stakeholders in the decision-making process. The model presented in this study is based on system dynamics and allows the simulation of the behavior of the artisanal dredge fishery on the south coast of Portugal, including four main species and two fleets. Two scenarios were simulated to assess the impact of regulatory measures on the system sustainability: scenario 1 simulated a permanent reduction of fishing effort, returning an improvement of biologic and economic sustainability; scenario 2 simulated the closure of one species for a period of one year to allow its recovery. It was found that although the revenue of fisheries decreases in that year, the system is able to return to the average levels of revenue three years after the closure. The study aimed to guide decision makers in the selection of the most appropriate measures toward the preservation of marine ecosystems and socioeconomic stability of fishing communities. The developed system dynamics model, combining available data with knowledge of fisheries experts, proved to be a useful scientific tool to identify management policies and organizational structures leading to greater success. This technique can be applied to the study of other fishery systems worldwide.


Improving the Robustness of Bus Schedules Using an Optimization Model

Hora, J; Dias, TG; Camanho, A;

Studies in Big Data

This study pursues the operational improvement of urban transportation services. Non-foreseen events lead to the occurrence of delays, which are further propagated during the daily operations of bus services. This paper applies an optimization model to obtain robust schedules of bus lines. The model builds a new schedule which minimizes delays and anticipations from a set of observations. The decision variables are the slack time to be allocated at each segment of two subsequent stops. The solutions obtained are assessed with two robustness measures: price of robustness (i.e. the deviations from schedule) and the percentage of absorbed delays. The results obtained in a real-world case study (a bus line operating in Porto) are promising. © 2015, Springer International Publishing Switzerland.

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