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The Dial-a-Ride Problem with Split Requests and Profits

Parragh, SN; de Sousa, JP; Almada Lobo, B;


In this paper we introduce the dial-a-ride problem with split requests and profits (DARPSRP). Users place transportation requests, specifying a pickup location, a delivery location, and a time window for either of the two. Based on maximum user ride time considerations, the second time window is generated. A given fleet of vehicles, each with a certain capacity, is available to serve these requests, and maximum route duration constraints have to be respected. Each request is associated with a revenue and the objective is to maximize the total profit, that is, the total revenue minus the total costs. Transportation requests involving several persons may be split if it is beneficial to do so. We formulate the DARPSRP as a mixed-integer program using position variables and in terms of a path-based formulation. For the solution of the latter, we design a branch-and-price algorithm. The largest instance solved to optimality, when applied to available instances from the literature, has 40 requests; when applied to newly generated instances, the largest instance solved to optimality consists of 24 requests. To solve larger instances a variable neighborhood search algorithm is developed. We investigate the impact of request splitting under different geographical settings, assuming favorable settings for request splitting in terms of the number of people per request. The largest benefits from request splitting are obtained for problem settings exhibiting clustered customer locations.


An adaptive large neighbourhood search for the operational integrated production and distribution problem of perishable products

Belo Filho, MAF; Amorim, P; Almada Lobo, B;


Production and distribution problems with perishable goods are common in many industries. For the sake of the competitiveness of the companies, the supply chain planning of products with restricted lifespan should be addressed with an integrated approach. Particularly, at the operational level, the sizing and scheduling of production lots have to be decided together with vehicle routing decisions to satisfy the customers. However, such joint decisions make the problems hard to solve for industries with a large product portfolio. This paper proposes an adaptive large neighbourhood search (ALNS) framework to tackle the problem. This metaheuristic is well known to be effective for vehicle routing problems. The proposed approach relies on mixed-integer linear programming models and tools. The ALNS outperforms traditional procedures of the literature, namely, exact methods and fix-and-optimize, in terms of quality of the solution and computational time of the algorithms. Nine in ten runs of ALNS yielded better solutions than traditional procedures, outperforming on average 12.7% over the best solutions provided by the latter methods.


Eco-efficiency assessment at firm level: An application to the mining sector

Oliveira, R; Camanho, A; Zanella, A;

Operations Research and Big Data: IO2015-XVII Congress of Portuguese Association of Operational Research (APDIO)

Assessing firms' Eco-efficiency is important to ensure they succeed in creating wealth without compromising the needs of future generations. This work aims to extend the Eco-efficiency concept by including in the assessment new features related to environmental benefits. Eco-efficiency is evaluated using a DEA model specified with a Directional Distance Function. The new methodology proposed in this paper is illustrated with an application to world-class mining companies, whose results and managerial implications are discussed.


A compact formulation for maximizing the expected number of transplants in kidney exchange programs

Alvelos, F; Klimentova, X; Rais, A; Viana, A;


Kidney exchange programs (KEPs) allow the exchange of kidneys between incompatible donor-recipient pairs. Optimization approaches can help KEPs in defining which transplants should be made among all incompatible pairs according to some objective. The most common objective is to maximize the number of transplants. In this paper, we propose an integer programming model which addresses the objective of maximizing the expected number of transplants, given that there are equal probabilities of failure associated with vertices and arcs. The model is compact, i.e. has a polynomial number of decision variables and constraints, and therefore can be solved directly by a general purpose integer programming solver (e.g. Cplex).


The phycotoxins' impact on the revenue of the Portuguese artisanal dredge fleet

Oliveira, MM; Camanho, AS; Gaspar, MB;


The bivalve dredge fleet, considered as one of the most important artisanal fleets due to the high value of the catches, is by far the most extensively studied among the Portuguese artisanal segment. Acknowledging the growing presence of marine phycotoxins in the waters, the present study explores their impact on the revenue of the fleet that operates along the coast of mainland Portugal. The results obtained using stochastic frontier analysis models enlighten the harmful impact of algae blooms on the activity of the artisanal dredge fleets. In particular, it was observed that in the Algarve region, where the frequency and the intensity of these episodes is higher, the sustainability of the dredge fishing activity is seriously compromised by the phycotoxins.


Sectors and Routes in Solid Waste Collection

Rodrigues, AM; Ferreira, JS;


Collecting and transporting solid waste is a constant problem for municipalities and populations in general. Waste management should take into account the preservation of the environment and the reduction of costs. The goal with this paper is to address a real-life solid waste problem. The case reveals some general and specific characteristics which are not rare, but are not widely addressed in the literature. Furthermore, new methods and models to deal with sectorization and routing are introduced, which can be extended to other applications. Sectorization and routing are tackled following a two-phase approach. In the first phase, a new method is described for sectorization based on electromagnetism and Coulomb's Law. The second phase addresses the routing problems in each sector. The paper addresses not only territorial division, but also the frequency with which waste is collected, which is a critical issue in these types of applications. Special characteristics related to the number and type of deposition points were also a motivation for this work. A new model for a Mixed Capacitated Arc Routing Problem with Limited Multi-Landfills is proposed and tested in real instances. The computational results achieved confirm the effectiveness of the entire approach.

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