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Undesirable outputs and weighting schemes in composite indicators based on data envelopment analysis

Zanella, A; Camanho, AS; Dias, TG;


This paper discusses different models that can be used to construct composite indicators with both desirable and undesirable output indicators. Two approaches are considered. The first is an indirect approach, based on a traditional Data Envelopment Analysis model, requiring a prior transformation in the measurement scale of the undesirable outputs. The second is a direct approach, based on a directional distance function model. The use of a directional distance function allows for the accommodation of undesirable indicators in their original form. The main limitations of these approaches are discussed related to the data transformation in the case of the indirect approach and the possibility to obtain negative margin rates of substitution between the desirable and undesirable outputs in the case of the direct approach. These issues lead to the proposal of a new composite indicator model based on a directional distance function that overcomes the limitations associated with the existing approaches. The incorporation of information on the relative importance of individual indicators using weight restrictions is discussed. Proposed here is an enhanced formulation of weight restrictions, in the form of assurance regions type I, that reflects the relative importance of the indicators in percentage terms. The models are illustrated in the assessment of Brazilian hydropower plants and are suitable for any assessment involving the aggregation of key performance indicators whenever undesirable outputs are present.


The multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem

Coelho, J; Vanhoucke, M;

Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling Vol. 1

This chapter reports on a new solution approach for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP, MPS|jprec|Cmax). This problem type aims at the selection of a single activity mode from a set of available modes in order to construct a precedence and a (renewable and nonrenewable) resource-feasible project schedule with a minimal makespan. The problem type is known to be N P-hard and has been solved using various exact as well as (meta-)heuristic procedures. The new algorithm splits the problem type into a mode assignment and a single mode project scheduling step. The mode assignment step is solved by a satisfiability (SAT) problem solver and returns a feasible mode selection to the project scheduling step. The project scheduling step is solved using an efficient meta-heuristic procedure from literature to solve the resourceconstrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). However, unlike many traditional meta-heuristic methods in literature to solve the MRCPSP, the new approach executes these two steps in one run, relying on a single priority list. Straightforward adaptations to the pure SAT solver by using pseudo boolean nonrenewable resourceconstraints has led to a high quality solution approach in a reasonable computational time. Computational results show that the procedure can report similar or sometimes even better solutions than found by other procedures in literature, although it often requires a higher CPU time. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.


Reliability metrics for the evaluation of the schedule plan in public transportation

Sousa, JFd; Mendes-Moreira, J; Moreira-Matias, L; Gama, J;

Assessment methodologies: energy, mobility and other real world application



Pricing for Internet Sales Channels in Car Rentals

Oliveira, BB; Carravilla, MA; Oliveira, JF; Raicar, P; Acácio, D; Ferreira, J; Araújo, P;

Studies in Big Data

Internet sales channels, especially e-brokers that compare prices in the market, have a major impact on car rentals. As costs are heavily correlated with unoccupied fleet, occupation considerations should be integrated with swift responses to the market prices. This work was developed alongside Guerin, a Portuguese car rental, to build a tool that quickly updates prices on e-brokers websites to increase total value. This paper describes the specificities of the problem and their implication on the solution, and presents an adaptative heuristic to update prices and the system’s architecture. © 2015, Springer International Publishing Switzerland.


Benchmarking clinical practice in surgery: looking beyond traditional mortality rates

Castro, RAS; Oliveira, PN; Portela, CS; Camanho, AS; Melo, JQE;


This paper proposes two new measures to assess performance of surgical practice based on observed mortality: reliability, measured as the area under the ROC curve and a living score, the sum of individual risk among surviving patients, divided by the total number of patients. A Monte Carlo simulation of surgeons' practice was used for conceptual validation and an analysis of a real-world hospital department was used for managerial validation. We modelled surgical practice as a bivariate distribution function of risk and final state. We sampled 250 distributions, varying the maximum risk each surgeon faced, the distribution of risk among dead patients, the mortality rate and the number of surgeries performed yearly. We applied the measures developed to a Portuguese cardiothoracic department. We found that the joint use of the reliability and living score measures overcomes the limitations of risk adjustedmortality rates, as it enables a different valuation of deaths, according to their risk levels. Reliability favours surgeons with casualties, predominantly, in high values of risk and penalizes surgeons with deaths in relatively low levels of risk. The living score is positively influenced by the maximum risk for which a surgeon yields surviving patients. These measures enable a deeper understanding of surgical practice and, as risk adjusted mortality rates, they rely only on mortality and risk scores data. The case study revealed that the performance of the department analysed could be improved with enhanced policies of risk management, involving the assignment of surgeries based on surgeon's reliability and living score.


Lead time considerations for the multi-level capacitated lot-sizing problem

Almeder, C; Klabjan, D; Traxler, R; Almada Lobo, B;


The classical multi-level capacitated lot-sizing problem formulation is often not suitable to correctly capture resource requirements and precedence relations. Depending on lead time assumptions, either the model provides infeasible production plans or plans with costly needless inventory. We tackle this issue by explicitly modeling these two aspects and the synchronization of batches of products in the multi-level lot-sizing and scheduling formulation. Two models are presented; one considering batch production and the other one allowing lot-streaming. Comparisons with traditional models demonstrate the capability of the new approach in delivering more realistic results. The generated production plans are always feasible and cost savings of 30-40 percent compared to classical models are observed.

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