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Publicações por SEM


Hybrid simulation-optimization methods: A taxonomy and discussion

Figueira, G; Almada Lobo, B;


The possibilities of combining simulation and optimization are vast and the appropriate design highly depends on the problem characteristics. Therefore, it is very important to have a good overview of the different approaches. The taxonomies and classifications proposed in the literature do not cover the complete range of methods and overlook some important criteria. We provide a taxonomy that aims at giving an overview of the full spectrum of current simulation-optimization approaches. Our study may guide researchers who want to use one of the existing methods, give insights into the cross-fertilization of the ideas applied in those methods and create a standard for a better communication in the scientific community. Future reviews can use the taxonomy here described to classify both general approaches and methods for specific application fields.



Sousa, JFd; Sousa, JPd; Farias, T; Costa,; Melo, S;

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences



A physics simulation tool for the container loading problem

Ramos, AG; Jacob, J; Justo, J; Oliveira, JF; Rodrigues, R; Gomes, AM;

26th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2014

In the Container Loading Problem literature, the cargo dynamic stability constraint has been evaluated by the percentage of boxes with insufficient lateral support. This metric has been used as a proxy for the real-world dynamic stability constraint and has conditioned the algorithms developed for this problem. It has the advantage of not being expensive from a computation perspective. However, guaranteeing that at least three sides of a box are in contact with another box or with the container wall does not necessarily ensure stability during transportation. In this paper we propose a physics simulation tool based on a physics engine that will be used in the evaluation of the dynamic stability constraint. We compare the results of our physics simulation tool with the state-of-the-art simulation engineering software Abaqus Unified FEA, and conclude that our tool is a promising alternative.


Evaluating changes in the operational planning of public transportation

Mendes Moreira, J; De Freire Sousa, J;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Operational planning at public transport companies is a complex process that usually comprises several phases. In the planning phase, schedules are constructed considering that buses arrive and depart as scheduled. Obviously, several disruptions frequently occur, but their impact on the operating conditions is not easy to estimate. This difficulty arises mostly due to the impossibility of testing different solutions under the same conditions. Indeed, typically, the available data are a result of the current plan, while new proposed solutions have not produced real data yet. Along this chapter we discuss the assessment of the impact of changes in the operational planning on the real operating conditions, before their occurrence. We present a framework for such assessment, which includes two components: the impact on costs, and the impact on revenues. We believe that this framework will be useful in future works on operational planning of public transport companies. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.


HOPS - Hamming-Oriented Partition Search production planning in the spinning industry

Camargo, VCB; Toledo, FMB; Almada Lobo, B;


In this paper, we investigate a two-stage lot-sizing and scheduling problem in a spinning industry. A new hybrid method called HOPS (Hamming-Oriented Partition Search), which is a branch-and-bound based procedure that incorporates a fix-and-optimize improvement method is proposed to solve the problem. An innovative partition choice for the fix-and-optimize is developed. The computational tests with generated instances based on real data show that HOPS is a good alternative for solving mixed integer problems with recognized partitions such as the lot-sizing and scheduling problem.


Bonding Technologies in Manufacturing Engineering

Homayouni, SM; Vasili, MR; Hong, TS;

Comprehensive Materials Processing

Bonding is an important process used in all fields of industry, where the tight joining of two materials is required. It includes a wide variety of processing technologies that can be placed in a framework of chemistry, physics, and materials science. Although most of these bonding processes have only recently appeared in textbooks, the basic phenomena have been known and used for many centuries. Choosing an appropriate bonding process may result in the improved end-use performance, increased efficiency, and greater design flexibility. Through various bonding techniques, this study aims at investigating the following ones: direct bonding, thermocompression bonding, surface activated bonding, eutectic bonding, adhesive bonding, and glass frit bonding. The characteristic features of these techniques with respect to their many-sided aspects and a review of the current state of the art of each technique are briefly outlined in this chapter.

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